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Dranik Loyalists faction....


Jul 8, 2006
does anyone know a quick way to get faction for "Dranik Loyalists faction" ?

i have a couple pieces to do the shorvock armor quest, but am threatining to shorvock. i have been killing the shit out of stuff to raise it, but from what i have been reading, it takes a shit load of killing to get faction up.

anyone know any big mobs or quick ways to get this up?

thanks in advance. red cents to anyone who can help me get it up quick.
I don't think higher lvl mobs will give you a better faction hit. Best 2 ways I can only tell ya from my experience is going on a rampage in Dranik's Scar, and spending alot of time in COA.
After maxing 5 toons with faction I'm positive that the level of mob has no change on the faction hit size. So for me the fastest way was to slaughter instances in Draniks. Get a low level (I used a a 46 druid) toon and a group of 3 to get an instance. Keep requesting instances until you get the "Fire pit" (it had the most faction mobs). The mobs will be 3 levels lower than the person getting the quest. It does not go off of group level. Once you get the low level instance you can take in whatever toons and kill fast for faction. I would train the zone in 4 pulls and ae them down. You get about 42 faction hits a clearing. By the time you get the last mobs dead the first group should be spawning.

I cannot confirm at what the lowest level you can be and get faction mobs is, I tried to get the instance with a 41 necro and only would recieve the "murkglider hive" which had next to no faction mobs or none, I can't really recall as it has been a year or more since I did this.

It's a 15 minute respawn so fairly fast. Although if you have the toons at your disposal you could drop the instance and get another fresh one if you mauled through them that fast.

This guy Grand Historian Gersh gives the instances.
I used to sit at the camp in RCoD in the room with "Filligno the Slayer" and kill mobs. There are 2 named mobs in the area that are easy to pull with any character with pacify. The XP is better than WoS and almost as good as MPG (like 1% less AAXP per kill). It takes a LONG time to get faction up by this method, however. The plus side is that you will make some nice money by using this method.

The other spot I used to go is the Neuromancer Vionne/Sentinel Siofet camp in MPG. They drop runes up to and including Glowing Muramite runes as well as some decent gear that sells well in the bazaar. Soifet definately has the better gear. I could always get his gear to sell for 15k and up. This location is a very nice money spot too. Quite a few gems, smashed and gashed items from 3 lightning diodites in the area. The only problem with this camp is that there are only 2 mobs in the camp that are on the dranik loyalist faction.
my next question .......

if you GK a mob and it says you recieved the faction hit. does that actually count towards the faction hits? or is it just giving the message cuase you did the last hit? cuase i made a macro last night and ran it in ********* (zone left unnamed for my security) for at LEAST 20 hours killing mobs....(in ghostkill mode mind you) and it was still going when i got home just 20 mins ago. i shut down and when to DS to check faction and i'm STILL !!!! threatening.

granted....... it kils about 4 mobs in a 10-15 min period. so i'm figuring either

1. its gonna take awhile
2. i'm not actually getting the hits for faction
3. i should just say screw the armor quest, and just kill "uber mob 2" for the loot.

if i can get my faction above <---- "threatening" by tomorrow after work with the macro i made, i will post my macro for those who want it, and have the balls to run it afk. (and have access to GK).

if you don't condone GK thats cool. pls don't flame me cuase i'm using it to raise faction. im not harming anyone or screwing anyone out of a camp. it is where no one travels to, and if they did... the mobs there aren't worth killing.

peace out,
It does take a crapload of time to raise DL faction... I'm thinking about trying to swarm kite in DS for a while until I can max it on my bard. I've been killing in various places that give that faction (WoS, RCoD, NC, CoA, MPG) for a while now, and I'm still apprehensive I think. I'd like to max it out so that I can actually make the CoA armor if I ever get one of the drops.
if yer on my server and need help, let me know lol.

i'll help ya get the faction if i can, and will also help ya get the stuff for the quest ;P

this sucks ass. has to be one of THE hardest factions ----> I HAVE <--- had to raise ever.

anyways. my main question in this post was to see if anyone had any secret tips to help me. if not, i can accept that. and will continue to make some macros to try to do it afk.

still. my next MAIN question is, if yer ghosting, do you actually get the faction hit? if so, i have a couple more ideas. (no bard/wiz to AE for faction.) just my lonely 4 rangers. and 1 mage. (which gets shrouded if the 4 rangers are killing :P )
What I did with a mage a long time ago was afk factioning, but it was suuuuuuuper slow and I'm not sure how effective it was...

... Anyway, in the one corner of the zone just up the hill and past the guy who gives out the 3 instances in DS is a single static noc. He's gimp, and hits like a little girl, so what I'd do was sit my semi-raid geared mage up there with an air pet up, and just go afk. The noc would spawn, agro me, pet would kick its ass, and I'd have 20 minutes to self-regen until the noc spawned again.

This was all pre-mq2 days for me, so what would eventually happen is I'd get pushed too far from the spawn for the noc to auto-agro. It was good for a few factions hits though.

Imo, with 4 rangers and a mage (depending on who you want to get the faction hits), you could probably write a macro to run in one of those DS instances that the guy up above was talking about. Find some little lvl 46 guy, or PL one really fast, and have him get the instances while the rest of your toons go in and slaughter the entire zone. With those 4 rangers nothing should stay alive long enough to do much damage to your toons, especially since you'd be killing level 43 mobs (if the guy you got the mission with was 46). If you really felt like it I'm sure you could add in a potions or even ranger heal section into the macro to cover any "oh shit" situations.

I'm not the best macro writer, so I'll leave the details up to you :P
thats an idea, but my question to you is, how long does the instances last?

i could write 2 macs easy that would do this. 1 for the main one i want faction for, the other to assist and stop hitting when mob hits 10% or so.

just wanted something i could run for 12 + hours while im working.
Instances were at least 4 hours, but probably not much longer. I used to run a puller/hunter mac in conjunction with healer mac, chanter mac and wizzy mac to afk exp for abit and the exp gain before it would boot me equaled out to around 4 hours.

I started logging kills on the last toon I did faction on. 4k hits went by before I could do turn ins and he may have had a very few faction hits from exping.

At 4 hours that is about 640 hits per instance which would come out to 6 1/4 instances. It usually took a weeks worth of exp nights to get a toon faction so I'd still say that is the fastest way.

If you had a nice chunk of dps you could clear an instance and zone out, clear dranik then zone back in and double your gains. Shakerpage works wonders too.

Last thing is if you are getting faction for a non ae ability class get a bracer of the hidden or some clicky like it and spam your puller/tank, way easier than playing the "tag what you can game".
Took me three days to get to indifferent and one day to get to warmly. 3 70 lvl toons boxed at the top section pulling 3-4 mobs at a time. Camped at the little hill near the stairway so I could get the augs for twinks while there. It seemed like a big difference between the first steps and the upper steps.

Pull, AOE slow, AOE snare, tuant, tuant, tuant, kill. Alot of gems, several slugworms, and a few augs.

On the other hand if you have Arcstone dont bother just kill there for that armor:P
COA is by far the fastest bump for DL faction. I went from Threatening to Apprehensive my first raid, Apprehensive to indifferent within 2 raids. Indifferent to Warmly within two more raids. Haven't been back since, but I would expect I'll be Ally within a couple more raids.
The only downside to faction for raids in COA is it really depends on your group placement. My guild pretty much plows thru COA and there are alot of times you have no chance to get off spells, etc. If that is the case, best thing you can do is keep main tank targeted and drop fast heals on him for no reason or just cast a fast debuff on mob after assist calls( if you are a healer or caster that is). At least then you still get the faction hit. That's why I usually just stick to Dranik's Scar and pull 10 or so at a time and kite them down quick. Lower lvls, less hp, faster kills, same faction hits.......
That's why I *heart* ae manasong :P

You get all the faction hits because technically you're "helping" everyone inside the ae radias.


Oh yea, I forgot about this one too... I actually went afk once faded with ae mana song going at a north wall group in WoS. I was invis and afk, but because mana song was still up I'd get all the faction hits from the group there killing named/trash. Kind of dangerous due to the possibility of wipes, but it worked for me for a few free faction bumps.
Pull, AOE slow, AOE snare, tuant, tuant, tuant, kill.

thats my problem, i have no access to any AE classes. yes i have a mage, but would take a bit to ae with it.

i'm still threatening after todays bout of 12+ hours of afk macroing on my .mac i made. i calculated AT LEAST 40 mobs per hour today at work when i did the math (which i suck at).

my my only means is to just "shoot then dead" with arrows.

thanx for all the advice. will try one more day yet to see if faction changes. if not. i know im not really gettting the hits.
I haven't looked at the first page of posts, but I can give ya my experience with DL faction. It takes forever. I used to afk a bard that was killing 1 mob every 2 minutes. It's been a while, but I remember it took at least a few weeks to get ally. I ran the macro every day for at least 16 hours.
Yea it was the hardest faction for me to bring up. I spent countless hours in “faction groups” If you are in one of these groups make sure to get at least one hit on each mob so you get credit. I used to make the groups myself. A lot of the time the other group members were lower just to get the numbers.

The sad thing is once I got ally, I started getting all kinds of tells for faction groups. …Figures.
please please move your afk ghostkilling to an instance man, I think I saw you doing this, and yes you are out of the way but still really easy to see you as another ghostkiller. There are alot of jerks out there that will petition you if they see you, just move it to an instance.
besides anguish kills. One way to get pile up lots of faction is if you ahve a clr. cast the ward that strikes creatures for 500 or so dmg. just start running at all the kyv and nocs, they will kill themselves while attacking you. Occassionally, you have to cast a HOT or something.. but rare.

I saw somewhere where they broke down the faction hits by level... amiable, warmly, etc and how many hits you needed to get before you got to the next tier, but I can't find that crap anywhere.

Any of you guys have a link or know where that is posted?

Much thanks.
COA is definitely the fastest way. Got to max faction within like 6 raids.

Again, that all depends on your class and roll in the raids. Tanks and pure dps toons will get best bet on faction hits. Healers will too for that matter depending on how many healers in the raid. I get tons of faction in COA when we single group thru there for augs, but on raids when you have 45-54 high end toons in there, at least a third of the raid force is just along for the ride until you get to each raid mob.

Worst part is, when we do a full raid through there, our puller usually brings back 5-6 at a time and the knights off tank/stun or chanters step in. They drop the mobs so fast that usually you dont get a chance to do much on each mob. If that is the case, do as I do.....If the knights or chanters have CC, then just drop a non aggro debuff while cycling thru each mob. That is the only way I get a chance for the faction hits lol.
Warmonger said:
I found it here... this is what I use any way.. this is the link..


about half way down the board

From Paladins of Norrath:

scowls -750 or lower
threat -500 -749
dubious -100 -499
apprehensive -1 -99
indifferent 0-99
amiable 100-499
kindly 500-749
warmly 750-1149
ally 1150+

Is that what you were asking about?

Is this true?
I don't really think so. That appears to be pulled from the CoV faction way back in velious. I'm finally up to warmly myself, but it's taken a long time... and a lot of full clears of all the faction mobs in DS. This is even after being on a few aug runs and at least 3 or 4 full clearings of CoA.
Working on making my 15th lvl 75 toon, across 8 accounts, I can say this faction is not that hard to max. Seems everyone's forgetting one simple zone: MPG. Mobs die easy as can be and they give great faction for the speed at which they die.

If you're into AFK factioning, DS is it. It's almost impossible to die unless you're trained or just silly (or a bad macro writer). Use a little common sense and you can raise this faction to cap in about 20 hours of play, I'd guess.

There's also some quests that reward faction better than many other things. It's been a while but I believe Kyv Hearts are good for that. Check quests in Dranik Scar. Can collect them while you faction for that added boost.
You actually don't even need to group with them if you are not an aoe caster. If you are a healer of some kind or a slower, you can just sit out of group if they allow and patch heal the tank or slow the mobs for the faction hits.
tombstonne said:
Last thing is if you are getting faction for a non ae ability class get a bracer of the hidden or some clicky like it and spam your puller/tank, way easier than playing the "tag what you can game".

does someone know other instant clickies that are clickable on others for that precise purpose : getting faction hits ?
bangle of disease warding. the camp is quite boring but once you finish with the larvae, this item will help speed up your DL faction PLing a bunch.
I use Crown of Hatred from Plane of Hate, got it by accident trying to farm a Shield of Immaculate. Came from an eerie chest and yes I know it's not listed on alla. All/All Instant click, cast on others.
Dranik Loyalists faction....

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