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Discussion - DP Hiring.....ad within game (look) (1 Viewer)

Nov 29, 2017
So....kinda cool that they are looking for more people. Means expansion right? More workers, by normal standards means better product, more zones in next expansion, etc. Looking for people WITHIN the game itself...hmm. I get some players went on to work there, and for some its a fulfillment of a dream, being an actual part of EQ. Engineers and artists can be cheap and good when you recruit at technical colleges. Thoughts?
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that's kinda cool, alot of eq people come from a background of playing EQ --- kinda need that passion/love for it with what im told the pay is
If I wear a wig , can I get Jchan's job? Imagine a RedGuider over there with some actual power to make decisions...Oh to dream !!! what EQ could be!

I dunno.. she seems like she could hold her own in a scrap... You may want to choose a lesser position (for your own safety!)
On one side, you are part of gaming history... EverQuest! I mean seriously cool. On the other side, here learn spaghetti code for weeks on end to see if you can extract it and remake it with newer code to insert it...and for that monumental task... a little over McDonalds pay..
partially real, partially funny sarcasm, you choose.
On one side, you are part of gaming history... EverQuest! I mean seriously cool. On the other side, here learn spaghetti code for weeks on end to see if you can extract it and remake it with newer code to insert it...and for that monumental task... a little over McDonalds pay..
partially real, partially funny sarcasm, you choose.

You probably aren't going to be dealing much with spaghetti code as a new EQ dev. They probably have you scripting out events/missions through trial and error, partisan/merc quests, dealing with one-off random bugs. The reason is exactly because that type of coding won't require much knowledge of their spaghetti codebase. To be honest, half the people reading this post could probably script half-decent missions for new xpacs w/out much trouble. I'm having a flashback to bloodfalls mission boss red emote %ERROR% or targetting npcs with it!

The game is almost 25 years old and on life support - they aren't training/hiring hot new devs to replace the old guard, they just need nurses for hospice care, and the pay reflects that. They know the devs they will hire will jump ship for greener pastures sooner or later, because they can't financially compete with other companies, but it's ok, because they can still churn out half decent content and keep the player base satiated.
npcs with it!
The game is almost 25 years old and on life support - they aren't training/hiring hot new devs to replace the old guard, they just need nurses for hospice care, and the pay reflects that.
As a hospice caregiver to see this reference hurts, it's a reminder although we give some of the utmost of personal and intimate care in the customer service industry, these days even McDonald's employees make better than us. And although to be there on the better days it's extremely rewarding to see those smiles even through all of the pain.

It should be noted this is more of a PSA to bring more eyes to the plight within a sexy that it generally could not be worked in, without seeking bitchy!
Cmon folks, we need an INSIDE (WO)MAN!
@LorDeth should be our inside (Wo)Man!...

I'd apply but i'm allergic to normal eq now. If I log in without MQNext and plug-ins I have a panic attack and pass out

@an_image logging in to play EQ without MQNext and plug-ins in a picture for ya...

Fail Old Man GIF
LOL I can sympathize with you. I just dont do EQ without MQ...

I'm definitely not the man for the job either haha, I left my coding skills back when I finished college many decades ago... I'm not sure what assembly language skills would even do for things .. THOUGH... EQ is about that old HAHA
Too bad it looks to be all inhouse type of jobs. I would be interested in something remotely WFH type of do QC/QA type of work, review code, convert code, data QA/New EXP work but i am nowhere near Texas or CA lol
LOL I can sympathize with you. I just dont do EQ without MQ...

I'm definitely not the man for the job either haha, I left my coding skills back when I finished college many decades ago... I'm not sure what assembly language skills would even do for things .. THOUGH... EQ is about that old HAHA
@LorDeth special job skills:
- make a mean cup o’ joe
- gossip
- fortran!
- 10 key like a boss
- multi-tasking, can listen to NPR and eq like a boss
@LorDeth special job skills:
- make a mean cup o’ joe
- gossip
- fortran!
- 10 key like a boss
- multi-tasking, can listen to NPR and eq like a boss
oh crap, I've got some serious competition!

Ok time for me to brush up on my coffee-skills!! I drink it like a boss, but mine always tastes like bitter a$$ lol
They would pay the going rate for where your location is, minus 50%. It is what all of the Tech companies do nowadays, so you will make even less money.
@Shadow true dat. Ran and currently facilitate a ton of engagements with IT...unless you're a Lead in something...it sucks to be in IT

PM power baby!

PM Joke...how can we make it go faster? Agile...lots of little waterfall that reduce scope...

PM Joke two...increase daily standups, planning and documentation...reduce scope...AGILE!
View attachment 46423
So....kinda cool that they are looking for more people. Means expansion right? More workers, by normal standards means better product, more zones in next expansion, etc. Looking for people WITHIN the game itself...hmm. I get some players went on to work there, and for some its a fulfillment of a dream, being an actual part of EQ. Engineers and artists can be cheap and good when you recruit at technical colleges. Thoughts?
Mixed feelings. I like that they're looking for people with experience playing the game and not just randoms. They seem to be targeting entry level talent for EQ which doesn't feel great. It would have to be a pretty special hire that could come in with an AS degree and 2 years of coding experience that could contribute substantially to the game. That person is probably not the magic bullet to fix server performance, long standing client bugs, or major contributions to either code base. They should really reach out to MQ devs and figure out how to get their expertise. They obviously can't afford them with what they're willing to pay based on the postings on their site, but maybe consulting stints or something. Those people actually understand how the game works at a low level and could contribute substantially more than a fresh developer going into their first real job.
Mixed feelings. I like that they're looking for people with experience playing the game and not just randoms. They seem to be targeting entry level talent for EQ which doesn't feel great. It would have to be a pretty special hire that could come in with an AS degree and 2 years of coding experience that could contribute substantially to the game. That person is probably not the magic bullet to fix server performance, long standing client bugs, or major contributions to either code base. They should really reach out to MQ devs and figure out how to get their expertise. They obviously can't afford them with what they're willing to pay based on the postings on their site, but maybe consulting stints or something. Those people actually understand how the game works at a low level and could contribute substantially more than a fresh developer going into their first real job.

and what newer coder into their career has played EQ or wants to play EQ! Lets face it, this is a game most of us cut our teeth on back in either '99 or the years following that..

This doesnt have the dazzle and sparkle of the newer games.. we all like it for our reasons, and nostalgia is a real strong emotion that's hard to break..

So get that, combined with sufficient coding skills to be useful as a staffer there, AND willingness to make a low enough salary..

good luck with that! My crap coffee-making skills sounding better all the time!
and what newer coder into their career has played EQ or wants to play EQ! Lets face it, this is a game most of us cut our teeth on back in either '99 or the years following that..

This doesnt have the dazzle and sparkle of the newer games.. we all like it for our reasons, and nostalgia is a real strong emotion that's hard to break..

So get that, combined with sufficient coding skills to be useful as a staffer there, AND willingness to make a low enough salary..

good luck with that! My crap coffee-making skills sounding better all the time!
@LorDeth coffee shop...get yo 'a bucket 'o joe for $2.99

Germany Monday GIF by Dritan Alsela Coffee
The other night, before the motd, they spent 10-15 min spamming the entire game via <serverwide message> or whatever like it was a GM event, but I knew it wasn't. Then they were a guild in Cali lfm, then they finally said they were hiring and to apply at the WRONG url, then put the correct url later. Someone said they were paying 15-19/hr...in Cali...to "engineer" and create art for a multimilliondollar game. minimum wage here is $15/hr and Cali has a higher cost of living. Wtf they think they're doing? I mean if they're trying to get ppl with any skill to apply that ain't gonna cut it.
The other night, before the motd, they spent 10-15 min spamming the entire game via <serverwide message> or whatever like it was a GM event, but I knew it wasn't. Then they were a guild in Cali lfm, then they finally said they were hiring and to apply at the WRONG url, then put the correct url later. Someone said they were paying 15-19/hr...in Cali...to "engineer" and create art for a multimilliondollar game. minimum wage here is $15/hr and Cali has a higher cost of living. Wtf they think they're doing? I mean if they're trying to get ppl with any skill to apply that ain't gonna cut it.

Yeah, I caught it also, here is the original post if anyone is interested... Looks like an accidental post at 6:56pm, then started blasting again at 8:43pm


I suppose this is Lore building up to the Message of the Day...

Discussion - DP Hiring.....ad within game (look)

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