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Don't mean to drop dimes, but... (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2005
I'm not going to throw any names out there, but there is a bard on a certain server, whose initials are G.T. and has a red BP, gloves and boots and black everything else, epic in primary and soulpiercer in secondary who is not smart at all.

He's standing right in front of the damn gnoll in SK, and all he ever says to the gnoll is "venture". What this means, is he is quite obviously using MQ2Mission (since he's not saying "brave" to open the mission box) and he's using the SKMM macro, because he zones in the very second his lockout timer is up.

I'm not a flamer or a ranter... But oh my sweet God people, don't be stupid.

He obviously doesn't care about the account, or the MQ2 community.

Say, are people still getting banned? Or is it safe to start the AFK FH macros again?
Yeah and is not alone on my server I can at least see 6 different MQ2 user in front of the Gnoll and some are warping from Succor point back to taskmaster every 2-3 sec and say brave until they get mission... that's stupid and specially for a warrior who can't succor...
What I found funny is almost all Bard I was seeing warping all over FH/Nedaria are now warping in South Karana doing this mission...

At least in Nedaria I was able to train them ;)
You know what the funniest thing is? Every second character mqcroing that mission on my server is an officer or a leader of some guild. It's pretty freaky.
I wonder if anyone actually thinks it's not blatantly obvious? Lol... I do it by hand, just for the loots. I still macro in instances with no problems, but I don't warp or anything.

I have been using a modified version of Galuvwen's original Farsoth mac for a week now. I increased the time spent inside (Maybe lose 1-2 aa's a day) just to increase the chance that nobody will see me trying to get in more than once per cycle. I am only in SK for about a minute in the middle of about 40 other toons, so hopefully they won't pick me out of the pack...

I also randomly bring my druid into SK from the GH to see if the pack is thinning out. If the herd scatters a predator must be nearby!!! I then will send a tell to my AFK toons to camp/exit.

Which makes me think of an idea. Is there a way to count the number of PC's in a zone? That would be great to be see the herd thinning with another toon and send the warning out automatically.
I try it by hand and wasnt able so need to rely on warp, but that's around 100 warp per day a bit too much I think... I dont really care about this account, but dont want that those who are getting PL get suspended ;)

At least I dont warp in front of people, I walk and warp only in instance, so I should not get petitioned...
IamBigDaddy said:
Which makes me think of an idea. Is there a way to count the number of PC's in a zone? That would be great to be see the herd thinning with another toon and send the warning out automatically.

You can do it with /if (${Spawn[PC].ID}<=#youwant) {
Heh, I've gone 18 hours straight without a single tell, but as was suggested, I upped the time waiting inside so I'm rarely outside in SK for more than a minute or two.

One warning though, if people see you equipping the wand from this MM, you'll get a lot of tells asking for a link (in my case, I had the Xephyrus wand from Xegony in PoAir equipped and got a lot of tells (same graphic)). Getting a clue, I bagged it and since then haven't gotten a single tell in days of doing this mission. I finally actually got the mission wand itself today for the first time. It is hella rare.
I saw one today at the zealot, bragging to everyone around him that he was doing this mission in 3 minutes. I was | | this close to to just telling him how big a moron he was. Oh well, no need to expose myself to morons so I didnt :)
It is hella rare

Actually I get it almost every other time I run the mission. Have it on every toon I've ran the mission on.

On a side note, there are usually like 2-8 people in SK on my server too. Wish there were a ton so I would blend in more when I zone out :p

PS, I got the lower version on 2 level 60 toons. I'm assuming, like the ornate sword, I can get both the lower and higher level version, anyone know?
I don't even know what to say.....this world amazes me...but people want to brag they can do a mission in 3 minutes??? Wish I was a GM...I would only ban those people who showed off/brag.....
No GM here :( ....is that like a full time job anyways? ...you just log on 8 hours a day and settle arguments....warp people from under the zone...stuff like that?....(anyone who is a GM can answer this)...
here is s adifferent dime.. to drop

last night we were in PoFire.. and this other guild was going after FR....

we decided fine let them have him.. we farm him regularly anyways...

SO we get done with all the other named in fire.. and the raid disbands..

I pop open the map and watch the other guild.. they still had yet to engage FR..

as i am wathcing.. the elite gaurds would die in place.. then the corpse would pop .. in the raid like a min later..

WOW i thought.. seemed like they DT the mob then summoned his corpse..

then they did the same thing to the last named before FR.. and to FR..

I was amazed..

I woulda tossed it up to lag. but the rest of the zone looked fine..

i thought it very very odd
It may have just been the server update effect. If you're a long way from the spawn you are watching, the server doesn't always get your client updated immediately. As you get closer to a spawn, the updates get more accurate as that is what you are more likely to encounter.

Then again, you often can see "odd" things on the map that make you go hmm.
Err, I can solo (or could, since today's patch nerfed it) the SK MM in 2 minutes without MQ2.. Did it for 2 days after the most recent patch before today. Just get full run speed, full defensive, Full Attack speed, and when you get to farsoth use Mighty Strike Disc followed by whirlwind, he should die in a couple seconds. Can even say leave to the Gnome occasionally.
ss44 said:
i hope to God you are kidding Code :p

Nope, dead serious. ;) Got my account for free for the entire 4 years I was in the guide program. When I joined the military, I didn't have time anymore so I had to drop out. Cool thing is, they forgot to start charging me for my account again. :p

then again, i was talking to a elder guide about it and they said back in the day guides accounts were indefinite, they just changed it a couple years ago, to when the last year that they are a guide runs out, then they are forced to resubscribe, if they do choose to do so.
Well, I'm getting ready to leave for Iraq again... I guess my account will be un-guided when I get back since I will be gone for a year... *sigh*

How many guides have a guide account with his guide on server A, then another non-guide account with a toon also on server A, and, welll, helps the toon once in a while? :p
Its rare that you get your home server.......But I've had guides help me all the time in the past...not so much recently. Hell, I flirted with the one and she just gave me the 100% CSR Rezz....Have been LoH'd by another stuff like that <shrugs>
What is really funny is when you are a guide and they move you from your original guide server to a server that you have your other five accounts ...
Don't mean to drop dimes, but...

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