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IRL - Does anyone recommend EQ to new or younger players? (1 Viewer)

Aug 27, 2020
It occurs to me, especially with the recent suspension debacle, that I, though playing EQ since release no longer refer others to play EverQuest - especially if they haven't played before. I don't because the learning curve and basic UI is not user friendly to those that never saw it before. It comes off as clunky to most younger people. The younger people also mention the graphics. A lot of the player base here is aging and use MQ as an aide to keep up. Hand and eye coordination slow and they do not use it to cheat but to assist. I call EQ the "Old people game." Is it just me, or how many current players refer EQ to new people? If so, why, if not why not?
I was casually watching some twitch streams and based on some of the games being played I'd say that maybe the graphics argument isn't that relevant these days. I'm thinking things like Bean Battle and Among Us

The UI can be an issue of course but that can be dealt with I think
I do not recommend people play EQ. Its not that the game is super hard or anything, however in comparison to any other games I have played, it has one hell of a learning curve. I haven't seen anyone actually new to the game really enjoy it in a long time. Anytime a buddy of mine talks someone new into playing, it results in the new person being power leveled, or leveling with my buddy, and then the new player leaving within a month or two of max level. There are a lot of clunky aspects to the game, after 22 years they've done just about everything a few different ways.

I can totally see viewing MQ as an aid to play. For me it adds a fun aspect of making macros and modifying other macros and I am enjoying the learning myself.

like InvisigothMT mentioned, graphics aren't really a big deal. People will play games with the worst graphics if they enjoy the game. Personally, I even prefer the original EQ graphics over the new models.
I was casually watching some twitch streams and based on some of the games being played I'd say that maybe the graphics argument isn't that relevant these days. I'm thinking things like Bean Battle and Among Us

The UI can be an issue of course but that can be dealt with I think
Yes to some degree the UI can be dealt with. It seems to me the older players are willing to deal with and work around it, but less so the younger crowd. Do you actually recommend EQ to new players? Minecraft was not awesome graphics, still people enjoyed it. I agree graphics isn't the be all and end all of games, but I have heard the younger crowd refer to the graphics in a negative way so I mentioned it.
in my opinion EQ 20 years ago was ahead of the curve for games. At least for me. It was the first online game I played. The graphics were good. The game was hard at a time when I had time to play and put hours in. I thought that was what made the game great. I feel like there are so many online options now that it would be hard to compete with younger players.
most "gamers" i know that arent from eq, dont usually play games that dont have an ending. to me thats the biggest difference. Some people like games that have finite beginnings and endings, and then replay with different choices or characters or just move on to new games altogether. I think thats a complete waste of time and money. they spend more for those finite games theyre done with multiple times and bored of within a month or 2 than eq costs for 4 months.

others do play ongoing games but theyre entirely different types. i mean what do world of tanks and call of duty and mine craft have in common with eq? what about phone games? non-gamers usually get hooked on phone games and THOSE are endless and much much more expensive if willing to spend at all it's a steep downhill. I can't get my hubby to play, though he tried on eqemu several years back when i set up a server, but the entire household was playing pretty much but it was only for a day or 2. Then I got sidetracked playing with the coding for rebuilding the game (i wanted the RoF2 to actually be playable so that meant starting at TSS or before and making quests and populating/balancing all the mobs) my sister in law however kept playing. She bitched quited a few times over the next few years after a power outtage eventually turned off the laptop that server was run of and i never turned it back on. Now we have real internet she's playing daily (but on another server thank god, I hate that bitch lol, luckily despite her obsession for me she didnt ask which server and toonname i was) Of course she also sucks pretty damned bad. She was talking about how much progress shed made, during bonus xp, when she finally hit level 6. Of course i had double xp set up on the home server but still, this was days after she restarted on Live.

Her 2 brothers, 1 being hubby with his love for fallout (hes spent more on collectibles than i have on all my eq accounts in history though, and yet only played fallout 4 for a month or 2, never fallout76, and never seen him touch the priors in 6 years) and he played some spiderman game on ps4 for a couple weeks. The rest i cant even remember it heyre so sporadic and shortlived. Not a gamer. Oh god of war he played for a couple weeks too. I know he used to play skyrim as he had tons of mod crap on his computer, but i never saw him touch it. His brother, who's only 25, he is a consummate gamer. He would probably like EQ if he could get his OTHER gamer buddies from other games to play it with him, but its doubtful. Theyve played Arma for over a decade together, he plays numerous other military based games, also did fallout4 and whatnot (he more race-to-the-ended it while hubby fully explored every room etc) but I never heard about anything remotely like eq. ongoing sandbox fantasy etc, until this Valhalla-something game i forgot the name of yet again. And that's supposed ot be pretty lax on graphics and everything else and very sandboxy ongoing etc. He is willing to try anything though, or was before the FiOS finally came. The Dont Starve sidekick Oxygen not included he really dug into after myself and my kid who could both spend hours on dont starve days in a row...we said fuckit pretty quickly on that one. He didnt.

The newest player is the 9yrold daughter of the broad thats playing extremely slowly and badly lol. Theyre on bristlebane thank god and i won't have to see or hear anything about it except in the smokeroom lol, but without being a good player or a minmaxer or anything like that, i do think those are at least going to be pretty longterm time investments there. The games she(the mother) had played prior were longterm silly phone games like merge dragons, or much older less involved fantasy games like daoc (i think) or castleage type stuff. It takes a type, and that type is usually formed by the market available to them when they start getting interested in games. Graphics arent necessarily an issue, i.e. Dont's Starve and Minecraft, and honestly i find dont's strave, both for pc and ps4, to have much worse UI and controls than eq, since i have to hit this or htat button 6 times ot get to 1 thing that on eq id just have 1 key for or button to click, and the combat is horrible. It's entirely possible that with yet another new tutorial, based on an entirely new set of starting zones (all the way up to 75+ where it could meet up with SoF or SoDish) along WITH an actual advertising campaign, that new players would play just as happily as 20yrs ago. In order for games to spread word of mouth, they have to be widely enough known to be in existence that multiple people are playing to GIVE word of mouth. Who wants to play an mmo that none of their friends even knew didnt die while their parents were still in high school? No, there needs a presence on the shelves or in magazines and online ads or tv etc. Advertise the game as if it were a new game. Advertising costs NOTHING compared to development. Want new generation of eq fans, they need a new generation of advertising for the game that already exists.
It occurs to me, especially with the recent suspension debacle, that I, though playing EQ since release no longer refer others to play EverQuest - especially if they haven't played before. I don't because the learning curve and basic UI is not user friendly to those that never saw it before. It comes off as clunky to most younger people. The younger people also mention the graphics. A lot of the player base here is aging and use MQ as an aide to keep up. Hand and eye coordination slow and they do not use it to cheat but to assist. I call EQ the "Old people game." Is it just me, or how many current players refer EQ to new people? If so, why, if not why not?
I mean if you really don't like the youngin's....definetely recommend them. You can enjoy the corpse floor decorations all over and bursts of rage quitting in General
I share stories of my EQ experience, but I honestly can't say that I recommend it to anyone. I don't think EQ has a good start, path, or ramp up to the game for new players. The quest system and recommendation system is very fragmented (I'm talking about POK / Hotzones). Maps are not well drawn. Gear is fragmented and located all over. Expansion after expansion....zones are all over the place. There are so many different paths - and unfortunately that is a bit much for new players. This is just my opinion. Hotkeys are very text based. Everything is detail-oriented in EQ. Few things are polished. I can't, in good faith, recommend this as a game when there are so many better MMO alternatives that offer guided paths, better user interfaces, consistent content, better maps, etc.

If I recommended it to anyone I would only do so if I planned on having them tag along with me until new / current content. Otherwise I'd be doing them a disservice.
Think about all the customization you've done to your UI and your main characters. Most of us have pages and pages of custom buttons before we ever even think about MQ2. Most of us know over 100 slash commands without even thinking about them. We know zone connections without having to resort to maps. We know a thousand and one little factoids about how the game works. We know when to left click, when to right click, when to click and hold, and it's all muscle memory. And the game's biggest consistency is it's total lack of the same!

Learning this game as a noob would have to be frustrating in the extreme.
I would never recommend EQ to someone who has never played it before until I had a sit down conversation with them and went over just how clunky, frustrating and casual unfriendly this game is. If they could make it through that conversation and still say "yeah, sound cool" then sure, jump on in and try it, but don't say I didn't warn you. For those who played in the past and are thinking of making a comeback, "yes" absolutely I'd recommend they come back and play live EQ, as there are many QoL features that have gone in over the years. They'd also know exactly the type of gameplay to expect.
I have tried to recommend EQ to two people. Neither were able to get into it very much at all. They played WoW / EQ2 first and were unable to adjust to that EQ lifestyle.

I will never recommend it again unless its a returning playing looking for some nostalgia.
Apparently middle-aged nongamer women obsessed with dragons and druidry are easy converts. And kids that don't regularly play modern consoles and computer games so they haven't yet been spoiled(or they just want to play a game WITH mom or grandma that isn't a board game or whatnot) I suppose middle aged and older men, if they have patience etc, and aren't heat famers huge gamers (wtf phone)now, could also since back in their gaming prime, EQ was top notch quality etc, and now they have a longer attention span, if less time.

To all you guys currently playing, make sure if you want your kids to play that you indoctrinate them before the age of 10, or before other major gaming, that way they won't be spoiled first. That's likely the only way a real new generation of players will ever exist, and most the younger current(low 30s and under) started the same way: with or watching their parents.
I mean if you really don't like the youngin's....definetely recommend them. You can enjoy the corpse floor decorations all over and bursts of rage quitting in General
I love the thought but likely they would only think they were in general. The chat system alone in EQ is enough to make people bang a keyboard out of frustration.
My 6 year old twins play EQ but mostly they play hide and seek in PoK or sometime I catch them doing trades with poor folk that are AFK .
Someone fully buffed them couple weeks ago and was talking to them.
One or them said to me the other day who made this game coz its amazing lol
i mean im like 18 but ive been playing and in love with this game for years.
I reccomend it to people round my age. but people younger then me, naw.
Dont want thier toxicity
thankfully fortnite ( as bad of a game is) keeps kiddos off of game adults like playing and sharing a postive community
cause like these youngsters can be super toxic
i mean im like 18 but ive been playing and in love with this game for years.
I reccomend it to people round my age. but people younger then me, naw.
Dont want thier toxicity
thankfully fortnite ( as bad of a game is) keeps kiddos off of game adults like playing and sharing a postive community
cause like these youngsters can be super toxic

just curious, but how did you get into EQ? Your parents play it and expose you to it at a young age?

I have a friend who's exactly like that.. Their parents both played EQ when they were pre-teen, and they got interested.. and now have been playing for many years..

But as for recommending this to someone totally new to it? Hell no.. I get annoyed enough DAILY with the bad UI.. you cant even copy text from the damn chat window! Like CMON!

Graphics i don't care either.. they are what they are.. its the lore that I enjoy.. alot of depth and breadth.. now if only DBG would get in their head that some people like to play a party instead of just solo, then they'd see where MQ really shines.. I love party-based single player rpg's, and the amount of lore that EQ brings , coupled with MQ, success! take MQ away? so long and thanks for all the fish!
I don't recommend the game for anyone of the ages 2 thru 28. Those seem to be the years that people expect easy roads, participation awards, immediate gratification and therapy braxi. I would hate for any of them to get some sort of adverse mental condition from the strenuous requirements of the game.:rolleyes:

However if anyone in that range or even outside of that range can think for themselves, figure out problems, use google and other resources, put time and effort into something, not be in a rush to make the top level, ask for help and not go storming off when they don't get that immediate gratification then this is the game for them.

They must also like house cleaning sprees once a month while the game is patching.
NO. Most of us have used Everquest as an escape of some sorts from reality. If I could go back 20 year I would have never started playing Everquest. Young people should be focused more on natural activities and survival skills in the real world.
NO. Most of us have used Everquest as an escape of some sorts from reality. If I could go back 20 year I would have never started playing Everquest. Young people should be focused more on natural activities and survival skills in the real world.

Cursive writing and tying your shoes!! LOST SKILLS!
Unfortunately, no. I would not recommend the game to anyone who didn't already have some previous connection or attachment to it.

NO. Most of us have used Everquest as an escape of some sorts from reality.

So, a personal story.

Last year my brother and sister-in-law sold their business in May. It was something they'd been debating pre-COVID, but the pandemic certainly played a role in finalizing the decision. They had invested a lot of themselves in it over a ten year period - emotionally, physically, financially. They had been attempting to have a child for years, and in late 2019, they had a beautiful, healthy daughter. Fast forward to May 2020, they now had financial security and free time for the first time in many years. My brother and I are close, and always have been. He's three years younger than me. I started EQ in March '99 - I was thirteen years old. We only had one PC, but my brother sat on a stool next to me and experienced a whole lot of early EQ. He had alts on my account that were his, but he only played when I was not playing.. and I played all the time. 😋 So he grew to love the game mostly through watching me play.

Now, I would have loved to have a chance to go back and play with him after all these years. He, like me, isn't much of a gamer. We played NES/SNES growing up some, but I haven't really played any video games other than Everquest since 1999. He asked me if he should jump back in. It sucked, but I actually had to tell him that I wouldn't if I were him. Due to lockdowns, he had time to appreciate his wife and his daughter, and we both agreed that that was more rewarding than pretty much any time he'd spend with me in Norrath. He has access to all my accounts - he knows he can log in any time. I taught him a few basic things about using my 115 Bard to kinda just explore the world for old times sake, and I think he's done that a few times. He logged in and checked out PoK during Frostfell. He went to Old Sebilis because he'd always wanted to know how to get to Trakanon's Lair [and asked if he would be fine solo.. at 115, lol] - but that's a fun, healthy way to enjoy the game. The idea of him going through everything it takes to get back 'into' EQ likely is not.

So, what the hell am I saying? I guess, this: I wouldn't even recommend Everquest to my own brother, who HAS loved the game. So, back to the original question. No, I wouldn't recommend the game to new players, nor to those I care about. I realize you don't have to fall all the way down the hole in order to have fun playing, but I'd just say if you aren't already in the hole, don't jump in.
Unfortunately, no. I would not recommend the game to anyone who didn't already have some previous connection or attachment to it.

So, a personal story.

Last year my brother and sister-in-law sold their business in May. It was something they'd been debating pre-COVID, but the pandemic certainly played a role in finalizing the decision. They had invested a lot of themselves in it over a ten year period - emotionally, physically, financially. They had been attempting to have a child for years, and in late 2019, they had a beautiful, healthy daughter. Fast forward to May 2020, they now had financial security and free time for the first time in many years. My brother and I are close, and always have been. He's three years younger than me. I started EQ in March '99 - I was thirteen years old. We only had one PC, but my brother sat on a stool next to me and experienced a whole lot of early EQ. He had alts on my account that were his, but he only played when I was not playing.. and I played all the time. 😋 So he grew to love the game mostly through watching me play.

Now, I would have loved to have a chance to go back and play with him after all these years. He, like me, isn't much of a gamer. We played NES/SNES growing up some, but I haven't really played any video games other than Everquest since 1999. He asked me if he should jump back in. It sucked, but I actually had to tell him that I wouldn't if I were him. Due to lockdowns, he had time to appreciate his wife and his daughter, and we both agreed that that was more rewarding than pretty much any time he'd spend with me in Norrath. He has access to all my accounts - he knows he can log in any time. I taught him a few basic things about using my 115 Bard to kinda just explore the world for old times sake, and I think he's done that a few times. He logged in and checked out PoK during Frostfell. He went to Old Sebilis because he'd always wanted to know how to get to Trakanon's Lair [and asked if he would be fine solo.. at 115, lol] - but that's a fun, healthy way to enjoy the game. The idea of him going through everything it takes to get back 'into' EQ likely is not.

So, what the hell am I saying? I guess, this: I wouldn't even recommend Everquest to my own brother, who HAS loved the game. So, back to the original question. No, I wouldn't recommend the game to new players, nor to those I care about. I realize you don't have to fall all the way down the hole in order to have fun playing, but I'd just say if you aren't already in the hole, don't jump in.

Congrats on the niece! I had a family owned business at one time and that can be a 24/7 thing. Was it exciting? Yea, did it mean I was working on ideals or finances while off work officially, yep. It can be an all consuming thing. Similar to EQ. I do see EQ as lost time with family as well, It is kind of you that you told your brother what you did. The fact is, your advise tells me you truly care about your family.

In my specific case, I play on Test, I don't have enough money to pay a monthly fee come at this point but I did think it was fair to purchase some cash items, the expacs and a few things - including the Artisan's plugin. I have nothing but praise for that! It is weird, those of us that are loyalists, even with years off from time to time acknowledge the appeal EQ has is not entirely healthy as the time dedicated can leave other important things behind.
I wouldn't recommend it. I haven't actually played for a long while now (year....two?), but my warrior, ranger and shaman account are still all-access paid. About graphics, I bought an Xbox series S and pay for the Ultimate Game pass that allows you to download a bunch of games for when my sister and nieces visit, which is @every other day. Both my nieces just plays Minecraft. I down loaded a bunch of newer really good graphics games and nope....they just play Minecraft.
NO. Most of us have used Everquest as an escape of some sorts from reality. If I could go back 20 year I would have never started playing Everquest. Young people should be focused more on natural activities and survival skills in the real world.
is that code for trying to get laid and survive barfights?
Congrats on the niece! I had a family owned business at one time and that can be a 24/7 thing. Was it exciting? Yea, did it mean I was working on ideals or finances while off work officially, yep. It can be an all consuming thing. Similar to EQ. I do see EQ as lost time with family as well, It is kind of you that you told your brother what you did. The fact is, your advise tells me you truly care about your family.

In my specific case, I play on Test, I don't have enough money to pay a monthly fee come at this point but I did think it was fair to purchase some cash items, the expacs and a few things - including the Artisan's plugin. I have nothing but praise for that! It is weird, those of us that are loyalists, even with years off from time to time acknowledge the appeal EQ has is not entirely healthy as the time dedicated can leave other important things behind.
lol the funny thing is i see time spent catering to other people in the house i.e. "family"(im only related to 1 of them) as lost time on eq- i also get sidetracked with other projects but they too dont get finished bc of "family" distracting me lol, so while ive had traders up and stopped in here and there or even been online nonstop on some toons, i havent really PLAYED since february patch. but right now i have 24hrs and 45minutes before the patch and i havent once done this stupid unity mission looking for augs (i GOT the mission just before the last (emergency?) patch since i thought it was going away for some reason, and my buddy had already given me all the stuff to handin for the clickie for all my toons.

There was some other time a few weeks back but before my druid died (her hdd lol) that i went and killed for like an hour and ive dabbled in some tradeskills off and on, but that's it in the last2 months and i am nowhere near caught up so its not boredom or burnout loll people! people suck all the fun out of life lmao. ok some definitely do but the rest just tend to suck time out of your day. i really really wish there were 36hr days but we still only needed to sleep 7-8 of them- i know i could do it, best and most productive ive been in months was a week or 2 ago when i stayed up for 44hrs straight lol. it was the morning after i'd initially woken up that began this whole productive thing and it was awesome, but it wasnt on eq. i swear i sleep at night because my eyes are tired or dry- and then only barely sleep but lay there forever, moreso dawn to noon lol- body and mind arent tired at all, i have things i want to do and thus still think about them while im supposed tobe sleeping because...they say so? people and sleep, major wastes of time lol

in that regard, eq has saved me a little of the time those people suck away, since one of those timehoovers started playing and bought her kid(9yrold adhd daughter) a computer (which of course *I* have to set up, as i note above: quasi-luddite this woman is and the entire house thinks i'm their personal IT service) so that they can play together. in their rooms. and i play in mine, on a different server. YAY but therere still 3 more people to suck time away literally 24hrs a day because the work schedules of all cycle that way. Moral of this is- if you can get them involved, get them involved in another room so you can go play by yourself lol
lol the funny thing is i see time spent catering to other people in the house i.e. "family"(im only related to 1 of them) as lost time on eq- i also get sidetracked with other projects but they too dont get finished bc of "family" distracting me lol, so while ive had traders up and stopped in here and there or even been online nonstop on some toons, i havent really PLAYED since february patch. but right now i have 24hrs and 45minutes before the patch and i havent once done this stupid unity mission looking for augs (i GOT the mission just before the last (emergency?) patch since i thought it was going away for some reason, and my buddy had already given me all the stuff to handin for the clickie for all my toons.

There was some other time a few weeks back but before my druid died (her hdd lol) that i went and killed for like an hour and ive dabbled in some tradeskills off and on, but that's it in the last2 months and i am nowhere near caught up so its not boredom or burnout loll people! people suck all the fun out of life lmao. ok some definitely do but the rest just tend to suck time out of your day. i really really wish there were 36hr days but we still only needed to sleep 7-8 of them- i know i could do it, best and most productive ive been in months was a week or 2 ago when i stayed up for 44hrs straight lol. it was the morning after i'd initially woken up that began this whole productive thing and it was awesome, but it wasnt on eq. i swear i sleep at night because my eyes are tired or dry- and then only barely sleep but lay there forever, moreso dawn to noon lol- body and mind arent tired at all, i have things i want to do and thus still think about them while im supposed tobe sleeping because...they say so? people and sleep, major wastes of time lol

in that regard, eq has saved me a little of the time those people suck away, since one of those timehoovers started playing and bought her kid(9yrold adhd daughter) a computer (which of course *I* have to set up, as i note above: quasi-luddite this woman is and the entire house thinks i'm their personal IT service) so that they can play together. in their rooms. and i play in mine, on a different server. YAY but therere still 3 more people to suck time away literally 24hrs a day because the work schedules of all cycle that way. Moral of this is- if you can get them involved, get them involved in another room so you can go play by yourself lol
"Moral of this is:" You need a lot of help.
You sound a little on the resentful side of everything. You sound more than a little insulting of the people you live with. "timehoovers" is a new word for me, but it seems rather insulting to refer to people as a time vacuum. The fact you set up a computer for a 9 year old and you seem either to resent the fact a 9 year old couldn't set up her own computer or think you are worthy of praise for setting up a computer for a 9 year old is concerning. You stated you use EQ to escape from them because "people suck all the fun out of life lmao?" Not a nice way to describe people. Perhaps part of your issue is lack of sleep.
Staying up 44 hours straight could indicate a few things.
1) You are blind. Blind people do not always run on the circadian rhythm sighted people do. That seems unlikely as you are playing EQ.
2) Sleep issues come from a number of sources, narcolepsy, mania, a number of physical or mental disorders, as well as being idiopathic. Even drugs taken for, ironically, anti-anxiety or sleep disorders can have the reverse effect. No matter the cause not sleeping for 44 hours is not healthy. This why it is termed torture when forced on people.
Whatever the issue is you are experiencing, what is clear is you need help. Go to a Dr. You use the word "family" within quotes which indicates scorn for them. It makes me concerned for the people living with you. You should go a Dr.
If that is something you refuse to do perhaps look into moving if you are capable of living on your own.
No one gets to do 100 percent of their plans in life. Life is what happens after you make plans.
I wouldn't recommend it. I haven't actually played for a long while now (year....two?), but my warrior, ranger and shaman account are still all-access paid. About graphics, I bought an Xbox series S and pay for the Ultimate Game pass that allows you to download a bunch of games for when my sister and nieces visit, which is @every other day. Both my nieces just plays Minecraft. I down loaded a bunch of newer really good graphics games and nope....they just play Minecraft.
Kids DO love Minecraft. I love it too, for them. Not me personally.
While certainly unique perspectives, ToeJamSammy doesn't appear to need any more help than the rest of the players here stuck playing a 22+ year old game.
While certainly unique perspectives, ToeJamSammy doesn't appear to need any more help than the rest of the players here stuck playing a 22+ year old game.
I would only recommend TJS go a Dr. if I thought a Dr. could offer some assistance and make life better for TJS and by extension others in the household. On the other hand, I am not a physician and you could be 100% correct.
I do believe a Dr. should be the one to make that call.
"Moral of this is:" You need a lot of help.
You sound a little on the resentful side of everything. You sound more than a little insulting of the people you live with. "timehoovers" is a new word for me, but it seems rather insulting to refer to people as a time vacuum. The fact you set up a computer for a 9 year old and you seem either to resent the fact a 9 year old couldn't set up her own computer or think you are worthy of praise for setting up a computer for a 9 year old is concerning. You stated you use EQ to escape from them because "people suck all the fun out of life lmao?" Not a nice way to describe people. Perhaps part of your issue is lack of sleep.
Staying up 44 hours straight could indicate a few things.
1) You are blind. Blind people do not always run on the circadian rhythm sighted people do. That seems unlikely as you are playing EQ.
2) Sleep issues come from a number of sources, narcolepsy, mania, a number of physical or mental disorders, as well as being idiopathic. Even drugs taken for, ironically, anti-anxiety or sleep disorders can have the reverse effect. No matter the cause not sleeping for 44 hours is not healthy. This why it is termed torture when forced on people.
Whatever the issue is you are experiencing, what is clear is you need help. Go to a Dr. You use the word "family" within quotes which indicates scorn for them. It makes me concerned for the people living with you. You should go a Dr.
If that is something you refuse to do perhaps look into moving if you are capable of living on your own.
No one gets to do 100 percent of their plans in life. Life is what happens after you make plans.
lol i am not resentful of them, i hate them :) but i have no say in who lives here with us, hubby only half owner, his sister owns the other half and its her and their brother i want gone really. when there are 4 adults in a house (and 2 kids, one nearly an adult) all the cooking cleaning tech support, medical/health queries, haircuts, etc shouldnt fall on ONE because the other 3 are too busy(hubby works 6 days and only home half of the 7th) lazy: his 25yrold brother who has NEVER lived on his own, and refuses to lift a finger but creates plenty of mess and certainly eats and uses more than his share of whatever, or lazy and stupid: their sister who is incapable of even washing dishes right. when 1/3 to 1/2 of the dishes go back in the supboards with large obvious chunks of food on them, and that goes for everything else too, and sometimes stuff comes out dirtier than it went IN the sink...and this is one of the best (and only) things she does. Yeah i fucking hate them. and im just waiting til my kid moves out(so is she lol) as she'll be 18 very soon and is eager.

ok the rest of hte post lol: no i resent the fact the 9yrolds 39 year old MOTHER who is majoring in business in college right now, is incapable of setting up the computer for her own kid OR herself (the 1 computer isnt the issue, it's that EVERYONE is fucking helpless when they shouldnt be, including the knowitall 25year old gamer who always wants me to fix it when something goes wrong- everyone is jsut as capable of google as i am, jsut maybe not as good as filtering the results lol idk.

The sleep thing was a one-off. i spend anywhere from 6-10, usually 7-8 hrs in bed every day, but sleeping when im not actually tired just wastes time. when i'm tired, thats when i should sleep but im living on everyone ELSEs schedule not my own.
1: i am mostly blind actually lol, but some peoples circadian rhythms are just plain different too. mine have always been. plus i'm as yet still untreated(correctly) adult adhd which makes all the interruptions and intrusions by all these people i wish would go away, that much worse. (being up once, for 44hours straight, voluntarily NOT by force, isnt torture, it was actually QUITE refreshing because i regained the time i wouldve been sleeping, and was able TO sleep (and not oversleep) when it was done. if this was an ongoing thing itd certainly be a problem physiologically, but its really no different than intermittent fasting: skipping a day of eating once a week or whatever so i skipped a day of sleeping once in......idk how many years lol. when theres somethign wrong with the current cycle of something, disrupting that cycle can be very beneficial. and i was great for several days after the marathon of productivity,

Y'all can think me cold- and hell im a would-be serial killer if they'd only legalize it LOL- but yes, most of the people around me serve NO benefit because i neither like them as people whatsoever, nor do they perform any function thats not done by or doable by the two of us. we only have them here because we didnt wait 1 more month, 6 years ago as their father was deteriorating from cancer, to buy this house to all move in so he could relax (and he was gone less than a year later- the reason i was ever here to begin with, was a very good friend of mine for over a decade) and when it's MY doing, i can be extremely nurturing and yadda yadda, but as soon as it starts being required/assumed/voluntold the willingness to do anything for anyone that simply expects it...gone forever so sorry. Obviously before i lived with them all, this stuff either got done or they went without, now theyve either forgotten how or have come to depend on stuff being available and are too lazy or stupid to go find out for themselves how to do it all.

Anyway, hubby and his sister co-own the house on paper because his VA checks werent coming in yet and she had a 10yr work record at the same place...however he had immaculate credit and hers is horrid, and he not only paid the first 25grand in cash from his savings accounts, but paid untold thousands for the move of what in the end was 5 different households of stuff (a lot was in storage) as well as buying new things like chest freezer, dryer, dishwasher etc. On top of all that he also pays about 200 extra a month direct to the principal, so all in all by contribution, he has put3x as much in via the monthly payments, PLUS originally paid off 25% of the market value off the top, and ive paid thousands directly into the principal as well out of insurance their father left ME when he passed (i also bought a new enormous fridge, built an entire gym, paid to neuter at least 4 animals and god knows what else i forget now) SO: we deserve to have the house to ourselves once my daughter moves out in a year or so (no im not pushing her out right at 18 lol but i know shell be heading that way quickly)

The two of us have acquired and/or fixed 90% of the furniture and appliances in this place(it came fully furnished too, along with dishes and some appliances but it was furnished 50 yrs ago) and we still pay more than our share of the expenses0 especially since neither of the other 2 give a check for their share every month, but sometimes go 2 or 3 between as if thats useful. not to mention the sister- coowner- is at least 4 months behind perpetually, and ya cant evict a coowner and ya cant stop paying the mortgage because you get screwed too. There is jsut so much to it that yes im entitled to hate these people and wish they would just go away, and their own brother is damned close to the same hes so tired of their shit, but being related hes not at the "hate" point- and as they say, never deal with anything monetary with family members. sharing rent or utilities is bad enough but a mortgage and house deed?? Gonna have to sue his own sister, or pay her over 20grand to buy out "her half of the equity" that she only paid in about 1/12th of, just to get out of it since she will NEVER buy him out or leave, thats kinda a nonstarter. The only way out is for us to go buy ANOTHER house and tell them either they leave or we will, and if we do the house'll go into foreclosure in 3 months flat, the animals will starve to death and all the utilities will be shut off. If you have another idea, let me know. But paying for 3/4 of the monthly expenses(utilities and food combined plus extra on the mortgage) and over 45% of the principal on the house to her 3-4%, and the only option to get away from these guys, since they BOTH own it and arent married so no divorce court lol, is to pay even more to get a new place. (and buying a house is way cheaper than renting anything here, monthly rents are 3-5x the mortgage payments on most places)

anyway, lol, i cant even see what im typing. 90% of my problem are the 3 people that shouldnt even be living with us at this point in our lives. we're not a buncha 20yrolds, and the other 10% is the bullshit bureaucracy in the medical world(they HATE prescribing the right meds to an adult despite knowing the ones they insist on trying first(uncontrolled) take longest to work, work the least often, and have the most prescription interactions to worry about(and mine doesnt care about that either so long as she doesnt prescribe a controlled substance to an adult who thinks drinking alcohol is a waste of time so i must be high risk lol- but they hand amphetamines out to 6yrolds like fucking candy. not because its the best thing to do at that age or because its safer for them than adults, but because theyre less likely to sell them on the street lol, only because at 6 theyre not likely to be allowed on the street alone but by teen years(when they continue to prescribe no problem, its college age they stop) theres even more chance of distribution or abuse than in a goddamned 40yrold. ok nuff venting. That sums up my last 25years or more medically except the 5yr stretch to get diagnosed with something else thats congenital and ALSO untreated(it has no standard treatment though) . When i am alone(ish) and in my OWN house (its not technically mine either, on paper) i can be extremely productive, but distractions are a brick wall i run into constantly, i even forget i got up to pee the second i stand up to head to the bathroom, until 10minutes later im sifting through a chest freezer planning meals and am like DAMMIT better not be anyone in the bathroom lol.

But adding the distractions of not just 3 people who dont NEED to be sharing the same household as us, but 3 very NEEDY and either helpless or lazy (or still a child, though shes very immature for her age too)people, who are also extremely annoying- ugh. When the sister was working 50hrs a week over the summer(she doesnt work except a few hours a week otherwise, and i have to babysit on whatever schedule SHE decides to work) but when shes gone all that time, literally more time than shes here with her kid awake in a week, and both of the brothers are gone(one doesnt intrude or annoy the other does, but it doesnt matter who: people are a distraction or time hiccup, especially those 2 since one or the other is in the bathroom for 20-45minutes at a time at least every hour and thus i have to go upstairs through the kid's bedroom which is probably a mess, to get to the upstairs bathroom so i can spend less time peeing than i spent getting detoured lol)

I hate being forced to babysit, but thats another discussion, however despite that i certainly WELCOME the time with everyone gone or asleep at the same time and its DAYLIGHT. I cant do anything away from the house unless i wanna deal with someone else's kid, and i dont, and i cant do anything time consuming unless its in the common areas of the house so i can observe/listen and be available etc, but unless that kid wants something there are no distractions. my kid stays in her room on the computer or takes her cat out on a leash(lol) The summer when i bitch and moan about being forced to babysit so many hours(and i get paid $2 an hour lol) is still great otherwise. Fall, winter and spring there are literally at LEAST 2 people awake and moving around etc 24hrs a day. Summer, they all work pretty much the same shifts all summer long , it just happens. I do great, maybe not what i set out to do but i do SOMEthing on my list(and make more things to do) i check off 30-50things before freaking noon. As soon as they start coming home from work around 3-4, my day turns to mush, but at least i got to spend the first 8+ hrs of it without the constant intrusion. so yeah, its at least 90% the people and at worst 10% lack of meds.

The other 3 seasons of the year, the only peace i get is from 9-10pm til midnight, and 3-4am til 6-7. There are no other blocks of time. That adds to either the nightowl sleep schedule OR the loss of sleep OR the inability to spend any time with hubby (which 5 days a week happens to be those 3 hrs in between, and theres really not much to do at midnight lol. Places of business are only open certain hours lol, i have to do this or that for this person or that and this time or that time on this day and that day all afternoon and evening, so the only answer IS to go to bed at like 4 and get up like noon, but then im immediately trying to get stuff ready for hubby for work that i dont do before bed because bleh. On Sundays, i literally wake up and am on babysitting duty within 15minutes, until after dinner. Monday isnt so bad, its only 5 hours, but afternoons particularly on those 2 days, are supposed to be MY time because the way hubbys schedule works that im not explaining. But no, that intrusive demanding selfserving bitch cant find herself a babysitter ELSEwhere because she cant afford it and wont even look, and she has her CHOICE or days and time periods to do her work(workstudy school b.s. that costs as much as it pays, but required for edu grants) but she chooses the 2 afternoons and evenings that are the worst to take away. She even asked first and i TOLD her sunday and monday are the WORST days...and she took them over all the rest anyway. Theres a lot more to her...story...but im not getting into it because that would be a 100k word book. that woman is a fucking stalker lol, seriously, my own personal live-in stalker lol.

time to go try to get things done before i have to be on her schedule yet again. if i can remember what things they were specifically not a giant vague list(ive been repairing a few computers and cloning some hdds to ssds while ive been sitting here typing) and no diea where to start. i have lists, lists or lists lol, but not a prioritized one for right now because i wasnt expecting to be up right now (and i was GOING to play EQ since ...3am..to try to get those augs yet before the request timer starts.
ouch that was long, but i think i was typing off and on for like 2 hrs lol

They're just black holes of food, money, time, energy, electricity, electronics, drinks, and even cars. Just finished taking back returnables- 7bags, 2 were leftover from last time because I couldn't fit 13 in my car after it finally thawed out of the ice- 2 of the remainder were just beer bottles and only one person consumes alcohol, the rest had them scattered throughout along with beer cans, bit bottles are heavy. Took me 2 hrs to gather, stuffed in the car, and get them counted. If I didn't do it, they'd put in trash(and one still did til those past year after I finally convinced him to stop filling the dumpster with returnables- and recyclables so we can fit TRASH in it.

In the last 6 years, seven cars have been totalled. Six of them from just those two and the guy did t even HAVE. a car for half of it. Oh, and Everytime a car blows up or gets smashed, it's my car that has to be "borrowed".

They turn every light and appliance on everywhere they go but never turn any of them off. Open food and doors everywhere but never close either completely. Leave the toilet running when you just have to LOOK at the handle before leaving the room.

The sister has destroyed and had to replace 2 of the 3 new phones we've gotten, as well as 5 computers I either refurbed for her or she bought. My daughter in all this is just an electronics black holes lol. Expensive but comparatively not as bad...every month at least once needs a new phone charger, has destroyed the screens on 3 DSs 4 tablets and fried a computer.

The guy is home 2 days a week and drinks 4 cases of beer in that time, inhales all the food in the house including 3-4servings of each leftover in ONE sitting, and somehow only has 5 grand in the bank when he should have 3grand every month after expenses- idk where it all goes, I hope it's not ALL beer.
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I apologize for the post getting away from the original intent and going off topic. The question remains. DO longtime players recommend EQ, why or why not?
I apologize for the post getting away from the original intent and going off topic. The question remains. DO longtime players recommend EQ, why or why not?
While I still love the game I think it takes having played long ago to enjoy it. I have tried to get my two kids to play through the years and they only seem to be interested in running around having fun in like POK. I dont think its a game that holds the younger generations interest and its very involved. I think they are more into Minecraft and things.
I apologize for the post getting away from the original intent and going off topic. The question remains. DO longtime players recommend EQ, why or why not?
I do not.

it doesn't have just about ANY of the modern QOL features that you would want/expect from a game. simple shit:
- in WoW when you're crafting it will auto use items from inventory or YOUR BANK
-- this means you don't have to run to your bank to pull out 1 water flask.
- EQ2 has guild repositories in the guild hall
-- like collectible repository
--- you can go to the box, open it, sort by missing, grab the collectibles you need and then "deposit all"
- WoW's server phasing and cross-server play makes it so you never feel like the game is dead
-- some like that certain eq servers and certain zones are dead - but in wow you almost always run into other players
-- you have cross server "LFR" which is like raids for dummys - the events are toned down, with lower hps, and can be smooth-brained to death.
--- this is an easy way for people to experience content without dedicated to the harder side of the game (Mythic).
--- inb4 people say wow is easy - go join a mythic guild and go for cutting edge.
- Player base
-- EQ has done an absolute piss poor job of getting any "new" customers, they kinda stopped after eq2's commercials that happened for a short period of time.
--- eq relies on nostalgia and long time players, but there isn't the same "new-person" "hai guys i just moved to college so i want to no-life eq for a while" that you see in other "modernized" mmos.

If i hadn't of played this game 100 years ago, then i wouldn't be playing it today - for the exact reason i don't play Runescape --- i never played that, so absolutely zero change i'm going to play it today.
If I talk to other humans at all, I probably would. But I'm not a "people" person. The people I do associate myself with already playing EQ. So while I could recommend it to them, I think it would be a moot point.
IRL - Does anyone recommend EQ to new or younger players?

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