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Problem - Crash Problem (1 Viewer)

Apr 8, 2020
Heya, I just did a new Windows install and EQ load / plays fine. Redguide Launcher loads fine, but when I launch MQ it instantly crashes the EQ client. Any ideas?
No plugins loaded but whatever is the default install and no custom UI stuff.
Here is the crash message:


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Heya, I just did a new Windows install and EQ load / plays fine. Redguide Launcher loads fine, but when I launch MQ it instantly crashes the EQ client. Any ideas?
No plugins loaded but whatever is the default install and no custom UI stuff.
Here is the crash message:

View attachment 41005

Try and ensuring you have that.

Dumps are automatically sent to the mq devs, and cwtn, and myself and dx9 crashes are some of the more common and "eq not mq" kinds of crashes, but try that dx9 linkie and see if it helps.
I downloaded / installed from the link you posted Sic...rebooted...and same result. Crashed as soon as I launched MQ. You should have the dump from the attempt I just made? Thanks for the help!
I downloaded / installed from the link you posted Sic...rebooted...and same result. Crashed as soon as I launched MQ. You should have the dump from the attempt I just made? Thanks for the help!
it is very unlikely that a directx crash dmp will have anything that will be useful to anyone (especially outside of brain/knightly/dan)

will eq run fine without mq?

I would make sure that windows didn't add anything to your compat layers

Need to check if windows added something to your compat layer? Check these locations in your registry for anything eq/mq related and delete

in the mean time I would unload some plugins and just try and have *only* mq running


here is a list of the plugins you have loaded, you could try changing those to =0 in your macroquest.ini and see if you get anywhere
MQ launches fine without EQ running and EQ launches / plays fine without MQ started. Launcher works with EQ running, it crashes when the launch MQ button is hit even if just on the character select screen and not in game.

Checked out the two links registry entries you said to check...nothing EQ / MQ related there:

Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 4.01.31 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2022-07-25 at 4.02.53 PM.jpg

I will try disabling plugins next.
Unfortunately this is the entirety of your call stack - just the directX exploding



I'd check the compat layers, unload all plugins possible, and see if you can get in that way.
Never heard this before. Where’s your source?
Well first
Where Sic says "windows 10 comes with a poop version of dx9"

Then you can use google. This was a few years ago when we were all trying to troubleshoot the issue before we figured out DX12 was overriding 9C.

The link I posted is also mentions when MS took down the 9C link. I believe they altered 12 and it now works to allow 9C to function without overriding it. But some folks may have old or outdated files on their computer. And he is using Win 11 so it may be happening again.

A few days later, MS put the 9C link back up and that separate install is still fixing a lot of black screen, disconnects after patch install etc for EQ
To be clear, the dx 9 setup doesn't "replace" directx. Windows 10 doesn't come with a "poop version" of dx9.

The installer adds optional extension libraries that more recent (but less modern) games that are using dx9 tend to depend on. These are extensions which were deprecated by microsoft (they basically said, "don't use these, they're not very good. roll your own stuff") but people still tend to use them anyways.

Normally the game is expected to ship with these optional extension libraries. EQ doesn't seem to do that. So, if you are missing them, certain behaviors might not behave correctly.

The version of dx9 that windows 10 ships with is actually far superior to older windows, because its built on top of dx12.

All this to say, windows 10 doesn't "override" your what the installer puts on your pc. You don't have to install it more than once.
Clarification though, EQ does ship with them. It’s part of the installer when you launch, but the game will run without them so sometimes people end up without it (either through moving the folder around from computer to computer or just using launchpad to install).
Unloaded all plugins (through editing the ini file before launch...just changed all "1's" to "0's". Closed launcher and MQ, relaunched both and got the same result, as soon as I launch MQ there is an instant crash of the EQ session with the same crash message.
Pristine Windows installation or was it over top an existing 8, 10, or 11 system? Anything else wonky about the machine? Windows and all hardware drivers patched to latest? Changing shortcut properties to adjust compatibility for All Users to Run As Administrator? Done a chkdsk c: /f on your drive? Running in a "standard" 1080p resolution?

Obviously I'm just shotgunning here. We don't have a lot of information to go on.
Not launching with Steam, just normal install from from DB's site. It is a new install of 11, not upgraded from an earlier version. Windows 11 fully updated. Nothing else is installed other then EQ, RG and the DirectX install that Sic linked above.

This is on an M1 Mac under the latest version of Parallels. I have run it that way for a long time with no issues but I don't think I have tried it since DB switched to 64bit...could that have anything to do with it? Otherwise, both EQ and MQ run alone with no issues, it is when they are both running at the same time (doesn't matter what order I launch them in) that it is an instant crash. Even If I have EQ launched and on the character select screen, it still crashes the EQ session same as if I have a toon in world.

I did try launching EQ and the RG launcher with right clicking on each shortcut and selecting Run as Administrator and that didn't work.

How do I insure it is in standard 1080p?

I haven't tried adjusting compatibility for All Users or chkdsk. Will try both of those now.
You don’t have to change compatibility mode for running as admin, but you are correct that it’s probably related to parallels on an m1. Interesting problem.
Not launching with Steam, just normal install from from DB's site. It is a new install of 11, not upgraded from an earlier version. Windows 11 fully updated. Nothing else is installed other then EQ, RG and the DirectX install that Sic linked above.

This is on an M1 Mac under the latest version of Parallels. I have run it that way for a long time with no issues but I don't think I have tried it since DB switched to 64bit...could that have anything to do with it? Otherwise, both EQ and MQ run alone with no issues, it is when they are both running at the same time (doesn't matter what order I launch them in) that it is an instant crash. Even If I have EQ launched and on the character select screen, it still crashes the EQ session same as if I have a toon in world.

I did try launching EQ and the RG launcher with right clicking on each shortcut and selecting Run as Administrator and that didn't work.

How do I insure it is in standard 1080p?

I haven't tried adjusting compatibility for All Users or chkdsk. Will try both of those now.
I have had this issue back in 2020 doing exactly this with a similar sandbox solution on Linux. I gave up trying to make it work, and just resorted to playing on an actual PC. I attributed it to some virtualization issue that just didn't play nice for some reason. It really wasn't worth my time trying to troubleshoot it for long. I am sure you have your reasons for running this setup (only device possibly?). But honestly, it's not worth the headache. Just buy a cheap throwaway laptop from Amazon for a few hundred bucks and call it a day. You can literally get away with most anything to play EQ and even multi box. Just my 2 cents.
EQ loads just fine. Then I load MQ and get the above crash method.

If I try to load MQ first then EQ using the 'profiles' I get the following crash message

Running Win10. Two days ago, I boxed my group with zero issues.

I skipped playing yesterday. Got the patch update, updated MQ launcher, updated plugins (I use all cwtn)

No new programs added or subtracted.

Running latest ver of DirectX ( nothing changed)

Checked to make sure all drivers are Up To Date.

Again, EQ without MQ loads just fine. If I try to run Redguides, it crashes even if EQ already loaded (see first image for crash info)

Any ideas?
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I am having the same issues and error. I am running windows 11 though. Everything worked fine Tuesday evening then Wednesday after the patch I get the same crash error you gotten whenever I run EQ and MQ together.
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just as a general FYI, crash dmps are automatically submitted (unless you turned them off, which you'd know if you did), to the MQ devs (dannuic, brainiac, and knightly), cwtn, and myself
just as a general FYI, crash dmps are automatically submitted (unless you turned them off, which you'd know if you did), to the MQ devs (dannuic, brainiac, and knightly), cwtn, and myself
Then you got a few from me. I finally gave up. No idea why it is crashing. Can't find anything obvious to fix. Sorry for blowing up your inbox.
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too bad you never came to resolution. I guess I am going to try and modify the linux/Wine guide for Mac and see if that works because Parallels on M1 while the game runs fine, or MQ, they dont seem to work together and I dont have another alternate computer to try.
Problem - Crash Problem

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