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Funny - COVID is evil (1 Viewer)

Apr 3, 2020
So I was diagnosed with COVID and Influenza B 10 days ago. I thought I would get to catch up on some missed EQ time, but as luck would have it these viruses are kicking me in the butt.

If you guys have not had COVID yet I sure hope you never do because for me it really sucks. I have been having major breathing issues that landed me back in the ER today. They ended up giving me a steroid shot and that helped so much it is unreal. Which leads me to wonder why they didn't give me one 10 days ago.

Stay safe and COVID free guys, gals and rangers.
I was going to make a "can I have your stuff" post but that would be in bad taste.

Seriously hope you have a quick turn around and get back to Norrath to adventure! Wish you the best bud.
Now I am super mad they waited so long to give me steroids.
Which leads me to wonder why they didn't give me one 10 days ago.

I only know this answer because of being hospitalized and having it explained to me, so take it with a grain of salt: corticosteroids suppress your immune system so they’re only used when absolutely needed because they can introduce risk of further infections. They were probably waiting to let your immune system handle it and when your immune system overreacted that’s when they gave you the steroids.

But giving them too soon might have made things worse rather than better. That’s not treating your illness, it’s treating an overreaction of your immune system.
I only know this answer because of being hospitalized and having it explained to me, so take it with a grain of salt: corticosteroids suppress your immune system so they’re only used when absolutely needed because they can introduce risk of further infections. They were probably waiting to let your immune system handle it and when your immune system overreacted that’s when they gave you the steroids.

But giving them too soon might have made things worse rather than better. That’s not treating your illness, it’s treating an overreaction of your immune system.
Yes that's correct. The major systems I've seen have a good process for treatment now - they allow the patient (body) to fight COVID. They give dexamethasone not to treat COVID as a steroid but to tell your body to calm the fuck down before it storms (cytokine storm) or fights it too long / too hard and burns your organs up. They give remdesivir to shorten duration usually in conjuction. They also have emergency approval for regen-cov also now as a back-pocket option. They're a lot further along than we were this time last year with treatment options and SOPs.

We still have issues with diabetes patients because corticosteroids mess w/ glucose levels. It's not impossible to administer, but it adds complexity. If you're on the fence about the vaccine but also a diabetic you can save yourself a lot of trouble by getting the shot.

Rest up and feel better Turaj!
I only know this answer because of being hospitalized and having it explained to me, so take it with a grain of salt: corticosteroids suppress your immune system so they’re only used when absolutely needed because they can introduce risk of further infections. They were probably waiting to let your immune system handle it and when your immune system overreacted that’s when they gave you the steroids.

But giving them too soon might have made things worse rather than better. That’s not treating your illness, it’s treating an overreaction of your immune system.

Well I am glad to have the explanation from both of you guys. I still am having an overall positive day today. regressed slightly but overall my best day so far. I hope tomorrow gets better.

I spent nearly all day playing EQ.
Funny - COVID is evil

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