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Could really use some help (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 19, 2007
I havent a clue on what i am doing i have tried to find a compiler and havent found one and i am completely lost this this whole progress. I have been also trying to find a already compiled MQ2 called ghostkiller if anyone can help me that would be great. Links would be great thanks
Then why be on a website that promotes hacking of games?? That doesnt make sense if you are going not going to cheat then why be on these boards/website to come up with / share cheats and hacks with one another. If you just wanted conversation then go to myspace. If you wanted to cheat then you come to a cheaters website
It's kind of the difference between playing basketball with peers and playing basketball with children. Imagine playing basketball with peers and having some really good shoes and tight clothes and some sweet moves to show off...imagine that equals playing eq with mq2. Now, imagine playing basketball with children and having some really good shoes and tight clothes and some sweet moves to show off....imagine that equals playing eq with mq2 and ghostkill.

Sure, it might be fun messing with the children in a bball game for a few minutes, but eventually, it gets old...there is no challenge.
I dont need to know that it is going to be easy and maybe that is what i want. If you think about with MQ2 and going afk and racking in AA's or exp without playing is nice and i am sure doesnt make the game easy at all
So then if i want to do afk kill stuff that is ok even though it is reaching the same goal in the end only difference is that i will be at the keyboard and will be saving alot of time. That makes no sense.
GK will make SOE look harder at mqers. The last time it got out it hurt MQ in a huge way. We like to stay under the radar. It took forever to get warp back. And even tho i have updated GK just to see if i could get it to work, i will never post it for fear of the hammer that will come down.

Now if you need help updating an AFK macro we can help. But please dont ask for GK in an open forum.
I would like to use it for Exp yes unless you have a better way of exping. Cause right now i am deployed and i dont have alot of time to play nor do i have a decend internet connection. I am just trying to keep pace with my guild / friends on the server by any means if you can help me PM me :(
Yes GK is fastest for XP, but do you really want to do it? As the following will apply

1) Higher risk of ban to your account
2) Having gimp gear for your levels
3) Your skills suck and you'll be no good to anyone

Personally, id rather xp myself/afk macro without GK and have a decent char at the end of it
Honestly i would do that trade off since i dont have time to do raids etc. to get the gear so yes the AA i would get and the levels would be most helpful for when i am back stateside again
As much help as i can get on this subject would be great i would like to know all i can about it so if you have any information that can help me please PM thanks
Could really use some help

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