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Strategy - Comprehensive Rogue Guide


Jul 14, 2008
This guide is to help out those who are thinking of diving into the rogue class. Rogues, in mine and most peoples opinion are the highest DPS class in the game if you just put a little time and effort into them. In this guide you will see how to build yourself a rogue from start to finish.

--Character Creation--

Now that your ready to dive on in, let's start by chosing our race. Wood elfs, Dark Elfs, Gnomes, Halflings, Vah Shirs, Dwarfs, and Barbarians are the races that you may choose from. In my opinion, I would go either gnome or halfling. That reasons being that:

1. They look so adorable and you get punted all day long.
2. They have an xp modifier that helps you level up a tid bit quicker.
3. Everyone else is doing it....

But hey, pick what you like, they all hit the same. Now that you have your race, let's put our points into our stats. Now if your planning to just PL the crap out of a rogue, throw everything you can into stamina for more hp, and put the rest into agility (for more AC). Chose your name and log on in.

Gearing Up

Now this guide isn't going to have the whole farming bone chips and selling them to merchants to buy some rusty armor and fine steel. This guide is assuming that you have an alt with a few pp on him already to help the leveling move along quickly. Head to the bazaar. Now the single most important thing for a rogue especially at lower levels is weapons. Rogues rely on piercing through out the game being as you need it to use backstab once you hit 30. Backstab is one of the many things that make rogues god like. They way I would usually work it at level 1 with a couple PP to spend is buy buying myself a pair of blood points:


Pick up a pair since you get the ability to duel wield at level 10. These are probably the best bang for your buck since they go for about 500pp nowadays. After you pick them up lets get some gear. Pretty much the big stats you want to worry about are strength, stamina, agility, and dexterity. Of course they arent really that important at lower levels being as you can just get a couple buffs and most of your stats will be 255, if not very close. You can pick and choose your gear as you please, but just remember to get those stats and try to look for some hp since it's a bit easier to level with a little extra hp. You really want your level 1 rogue to be at around 1k hp to make things smooth. Ok now that we have some gear, lets get onto the hunt!

Levels 1-20

Now if you have a main 50+ these levels are a BREEZE for any class you choose. Find Dimwicket Middifoodle in the Southern Desert of Ro at location +2483, -2661. Say to him "I will help you clear the beach". This will get you a task to kill 15 caymans along the shore. Get your main in your group and just go slaughter. Would normally take me about 3 minutes or so to clear the beach. Rinse and repeat. Will take you maybe 30-45 mins to hit 20, if not quicker since you can just do this over and over. Could probably get 25 or so but xp starts to go down at around 20.

Levels 20-30

Now I know the game no longer really has lower level grouping which really sucks imo, but you will just have to do without. Head to the overthere and hopefully you have some kind of healer tagging along with you. Now your weapon skills are going to suck being as you really didn't kill anything from 1-20, but your going to have a few training points to put into some stuff which will help out a little bit. The great thing about the overthere is that the mobs are plentiful. And they also have a little bit of hp but hit for around 60s so you can get your weapon/offense/defense skills up without worrying about dying. By the time you hit 30 in this zone, all of your skills should be close to/if not maxed.

Levels 30-40

Let's go on ahead and head over to Dulak. The mobs here start to get a little tougher but never-the-less really not that hard at all and again, they are plentiful. If your lucky enough to have a druid here, DS works well with these mobs since they have pretty low hp. And if you happen to have a cleric, just use reverse DS tactic, since the mobs in here hit fast enough where they will die rather quickly from reverse DS.

Levels 40-50
Leveling does start to get a little tougher around here, but hey...that's how getting up there works. What I would do here is just head to the dreadlands and slaughter the sandy area around the entrance to Karnor's Castle. The mobs are still plentiful and with a healer, there is almost no down time and just constant xp. Again, just use DS/Reverse DS methods if you can, if not by this level you can buy some decent heal potions and DS potions and with the out of combat regen, you still shouldn't really have any downtime.

Levels 50-60
At this point, it would be your best bet to head to the bazaar and buy some new weapons. Now if your not exactly Richie Rich, there are some decent weapons out there that won't kill your bank account. Here is what I used for a little bit during those levels:



Now I know what your saying "Hey, this game has changed there is much better out there!". Sure there are, but im going by people who are penny savers. These weapons might cost you at most 2k a piece, and their ratios are $$ for this level. Now another option for your main hand could be Epic 1.0.
Epic 1.0 at level 51 is still pretty tight. Top backstab for it was 656 and thats pretty sweet imo. You can find this quest on allakhazam. Now let's go ahead and head to Nadox. The great thing about nadox is that people still actually go there to xp. And also, there is usually a guy bored down there pling his alt and he wouldn't mind you tagging along (rare, but happens). The xp flys by in nadox. And whats great is, once you hit 54 you can start grouping your level 80 with your lower level alt. You can use my melee PLing tactic if you should choose and you can hit 60 in about an hour and a half easy. If not just group and grind. Shouldn't take too long if you have some decent guys in your group.

Levels 60-70

No better place than The Bastion Of Thunder. Seriously, this IS the place for these levels. And while your in there, you can pick up some decent items that still sell for a decent price I.E Orante legs. The xp here is pretty quick and again...this is a very lively zone for xping still. And is also a Hot Zone so that xp modifier is $$. And hopefully by this time you've picked up a few of your new disciplines and you can get to really test them out. One of my favorites (Duelist) is great to play with. 4x damage is just awesome. Hopefully by the time you get out of this zone at 70, your gonna have an extra 30-40k to spend on some new gear!

Im 70 now YAY! Time to gear on up

Now that your 70, you can now buy some very nice attunable stuff in the bazaar for extremely cheap. These items have been so plentiful that they have hit rock bottom in prices. Pretty much just go through each slot in the bazaar and pick and choose what ya want. The new elaborate defiant armor is $$ at these levels. They are along the lines of EP gear. Pretty much for around the 40k you should have made in your leveling up thus far, you should be able to gear yourself to about 7 - 8k hp. And weapons....we definitly need better weapons. What I would go with is either a Fearpoint or a Bejeweled Parrypoint (Sorry i couldn't find any pictures for these) for your primary. You can choose what kind of offhand you want, there are some floating around pretty cheap. Especially the elaborate defiant stuff, goes for as low as 100pp.

Back to the grind. Level 70-80

What I would do here is head to the Ruins of Illsalin. This is the hot zone for 70+ now. The mobs are still pretty plentiful and people still group here. The xp is pretty decent, but slower than your others because hey, your almost 80! Just keep on the grind and you'll get it. Soon as you ding I would say go grab all of your new disciplines since your going to need them to be proficient at what you do...and thats killing.

That is about it for the part about leveling. These places are just recommendations, you can chose to switch it up I.E hit up PoFire at 65 or so and what not. Now we go into the next portion!

Rogue Alternate Advancement Abilities

You can start building these up at level 51, but I wouldn't really bother until you hit at least 70, because just getting up to 80 is the hard part. AA's start to flow pretty nicely once your a bit higher. Now there is a lot of controversy about which aa's do you want first and what are the best. Lot's would say wtfz0rz your a rogue get all of your dmg aa's done first...eff defensive. That's a big negative ghost rider. You really should switch it up. Since rogues have a tendancy to just kill the crap out of anything that moves...we can generate alot of unwanted aggro. So we need our avoidance/mitigation aa's to make sure we don't get dead if the mob decides to try to hurt us. They way I did my aa's when I was just starting on them was I first put 3 into Innate Runspeed and 3 into Innate regeneration just to get to the Arch Type. Once I did those 6, I would put 1 into combat stability, 1 into combat fury, then 1 into combat agility. Rinse and repeat until you get them maxed out being as once your get them all done, you'll be putting out a bit more damage due to crits and you won't being getting hit as much/for as much as you used to. After these were all finish, I would do Natural Durability up to max because hey, the more HP the better right? Now that those basic ones are all done, now we move onto our shear DPS abilities. You can chose which to do first but here is how I would do them. Triple backstab, Precise Strikes, Precision, Ambidexterity, Sinister Strikes, Burst of Power, Chaotic Stab, Ferocity, Weapon Affinity, Slippery Attacks. These are a good portion of the aa's that make a rogue a dps machine. It might take awhile being as your looking at about 400 or 500 aas to max them, but trust me...its much needed.

When your done with the essentials, then you can start to mix up what you buy. Rogues fury imo would the first one. It's a damage discipline that you can mix with a regular disc. This gives us our best combo ever...Rogues fury and Frenzied stabbing discipline. You can crank out SO much damage that you'll just be like "holy shit". At this point, you should know how to play your rogue and you should know what aa's will be beneficial to you and you can really just go from there.

Raiding as a rogue

Rogues need a good group make up in a raid in order to maximize DPS. The best layout for a rogue is:

Shaman: Used for champion (atk buff $$) and for their epic 1.5/2.0 click which greatly increases damage. With this, if you have some good weapons you can easily hit for over 10k on a backstab.

Bard: Everyone loves an overhaste and more atk. Bard attack songs are wonderful as is the overhaste and make us crank out even more!

Berzerker: With their group enhancement, they can lead us to more crits and higher at that which makes for what? Yes...more dps

Now you can fill in the other two slots with what you like. Usually its a ranger for auspice. And don't forget to shoot a tell to your friendly beastlord for that super duper ferocity. And with this group make up you just can't go wrong and you'll be a fine tuned machine and a force to be reckoned with.

Mods you really really really want

Once you get into some higher end raiding, there are a few type 2 mods that you need. Cleave and Ferocity are some big ones. They come on some of the higher end items and also some of the attunable stuff you can buy in the bazaar. Cleave increases your Crit chance and Fero increases your double attack. There are two more no rogue can go without...that would be accuracy and backstab damage mods. Accuracy is currently capped at 150 and you want to get as close as possible to this. Some of the attunable stuff in the bazaar may have a +3 or +4 mod on it, but you really need to get in on some raids to get the +15/ +20. You really want to max it out because you will see a significant jump in your dps. And there are two types of backstab mods you want. On most higher end piercers you will see a +12% or +15% mod on pokers. This incereases the raw skill of your backstab skill. Then there is backstab damage. You will see +25, +15 etc backstab damage. This will increase your minimum backstab damage and in turn, will increase your top backstab damage and crits from it. You can find these only in raid zones. Some including Necklace of Stability from ture, Anguish Gauntlets, Shadowmane Cloak from Demiplane. You really should aim for at least +75.

Thats about all I have for how to make a rogue from top to bottom. Hopefully this guide will help you out if your thinking of venturing into the greatest DPS class around. I will add more if I think of anything but this should get your started. Have fun killing!
Just a correction:

What I would go with is either a Fearpoint or a Bejeweled Parrypoint (Sorry i couldn't find any pictures for these) for your primary.

Bejeweled Parrypoint
Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 21
DMG: 24 Dmg Bonus: 20 AC: 4
STR: +13 DEX: +21 STA: +13 CHA: +13 WIS: +7 INT: +3 AGI: +17 HP: +240 MANA: +235 ENDUR: +240
Spell Shield: +1% Avoidance: +2 Accuracy: +3 Stun Resist: +1% Strikethrough: +1% DoT Shielding: +1% HP Regen +2 Mana Regeneration: +4
Recommended level of 75. Required level of 65.
Effect: Ethereal Strike (Combat, Casting Time: Instant)
WT: 3.6 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL except ERU HIE
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)

Nice guide, though I disagree with some points. Like, I'd do run3/metabolism3 to start with since even with MQ2FeedMe and such, it's never a bad thing to reduce your base consumption (less crap food you have to forcefeed, for one thing). Also, reducing the rate at which you consume food is a lot more valuable, in my view, than 3 points of regen. With the +hp regen mods on damn near everything nowadays, that's just one thing I'd leave to gear.
Strategy - Comprehensive Rogue Guide

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