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Question - Clr vs Shm solo healing (1 Viewer)


New member
Apr 22, 2020
Hi folks,

Just came back to the game from GoD timeframe and looking to get atleast a 3 box started (most likely grow to 6 quickly). Have a sk/pal,brd/clr and shm/mag/,bst and am trying to set myself up to progress with those 3 accounts but be prepared to add toons later.

Was hoping to do Pal,brd,shm to start but....

I noticed going through the forum that clr was the only healer recommended as a sole healer in 6boxes in ToV. Can a shm ini get the job done also? Does tank type matter? If pal/sk yes, war no or something?

Other than the extra group heal and overall strength of pure healing throughput is there anything specifically a clr can do that a shm cant that makes them the best healer for a 6box?

clr was the only healer recommended as a sole healer in 6boxes in ToV.

I can tell you that a shaman can absolutely solo heal any tank just fine in any group content. I used a shaman to main/solo heal all of TBL.

Other than the extra group heal and overall strength of pure healing throughput is there anything specifically a clr can do that a shm cant

Clerics have significantly more single target healing and mitigation (preventing damage in the first place) than a shaman. A cleric is constantly spamming heals, at a relatively low cost, to do the majority of healing. Shamans however, rely on "Wave" heals, Splashes, and their Reckless line to heal. They are fundamentally different in how they heal.

A key thing to remember is that while Shaman and Clerics are both "Priests", the Shaman is really more of a Hybrid class. They also bring a significant boost in your groups dps through Ancestral Aid, their Spire, and their Epic and their own dps through DoTs and Nukes. Both classes have strengths and weaknesses, and both are fine for group content. I can tell you with certainty that a Shaman can do "group healing" wayyyyyyyy better than a Cleric though, through twincasted splashes and their Recourse line.

i dont think shamans get battle rez which is very helpful
Shamans have Call of the Wild which returns you to your body (suffering from sickness), and also can get the Rez stick which allows for in combat 90% rez on a 0.5 second cast and 30s recast.
@potbellyrhino a SHM can definitely solo heal all of ToV. I used a SHM as a solo healer for the longest time and when I have him in his “healing” setup he will outparse my cleric often. Rigorous use of SHM swell/splash, as well as their group HoT (that procs synergy on heals) and you’re in a good spot.

I believe the SHM swell is a bit OP. It hits every 3 seconds, so about every mob round, and it parses for crazy amounts of healing. Also twincast-able with frozen gift line.

As someone else stated, you’re going to use your 115, 110, 105 Reckless heals because they’re fastest cast time and your most efficient MH setup. You also have 3 oh shit heals.. recourse, intervention, and an aa that does the same thing.

A cleric certainly has advantages. As a MH, a CLR has more “oh shit” buttons and has superior quick heals, mitigation buffs, and better tank buffs.
Not a fan of the solo healer shaman here. There is a noticeable difference in healing capabilities. My experiences in groups with shaman solo healers are always much dicier than with a cleric and much of the harder group zones and missions are extremely difficult with only a shaman. Maybe I just group with bad shaman but I would never give up my cleric for a shaman.
My shaman solo heals everything. He is max AA though, but has old type 5's, ToV T2 group gear, and almost 0 type 7/8 augs. My SK can pull 4 or 5 level 115 mobs in TOFS and he heals with no issue at all. It does help to have a geared tank and good dps, but shaman can certainly solo heal all of the ToV content and named.
Considering that this is a returning player that won't be max lvl and max aa solo healing with a shm when your toons are still leveling and aa would be a tall order. You could maybe do it but I foresee many corpse runs in that future.
Thanks everyone. Still not much closer on group comp =) Prob go cleric since bst does the rest of the shaman kit and seems to be safer while gearing/leveling up. Might have to start with 4 war/pal, bst, bard, cleric... boohoo =)
Pallys are fanfuckingtastic in tov because nearly everything is undead. Has nothing to do with extra healing. A friend of mine plays one and we often do the missions together. Velks mission on full burn and he'll do 1.2-1.4M dps, easy. Of course, come next year, when there are all of 3 undead mobs in the entire expansion, pallys will go back to sucking again.
Hi folks,

Just came back to the game from GoD timeframe and looking to get atleast a 3 box started (most likely grow to 6 quickly). Have a sk/pal,brd/clr and shm/mag/,bst and am trying to set myself up to progress with those 3 accounts but be prepared to add toons later.

Was hoping to do Pal,brd,shm to start but....

I noticed going through the forum that clr was the only healer recommended as a sole healer in 6boxes in ToV. Can a shm ini get the job done also? Does tank type matter? If pal/sk yes, war no or something?

Other than the extra group heal and overall strength of pure healing throughput is there anything specifically a clr can do that a shm cant that makes them the best healer for a 6box?


I love my shammie in group, since i have 2 melee dps plus tank, but as ppl pointed out, the recovery of rezz during battle, clr is clearly superb, shamans have a battle rezz with no xp recovery that has a long CD, their rezz with xp recovery is only available after like what, 20 seconds out of combat...thats a joke, really...

i was reading something about an item with rezz for shms/druids/clr that u can buy in the new overseer system, didnt see ppl commeting about it here but i guess it can be used in combat as well...
Pallys are fanfuckingtastic in tov because nearly everything is undead. Has nothing to do with extra healing. A friend of mine plays one and we often do the missions together. Velks mission on full burn and he'll do 1.2-1.4M dps, easy. Of course, come next year, when there are all of 3 undead mobs in the entire expansion, pallys will go back to sucking again.

Yeah thats why i was lookin into see if theres something more concrete about them, dont want a maintank that sucks in 90% of the xpacs =)
I was just getting into conversation about which is a better healer for sham and cleric with a friend. Some of his guildmates swear that SHM are the best healers and I was kind of curious as to why. Thanks v1ndi and wymr for more insight to their healing methods! Now I must ask what about druids for healing? I'm still learning more about shamans and druids for healing and wondering if y'all have some insight to their solo healing.
I run paladin with shaman.. u will have tons of healing I run shaman with paladin on raids and she can mh raids will pally off tanks raids
there is nothing a shaman cant handle in tov even as a silver toon, its not an opinion its a fact
I dont hate my cleric, shaman just heals AND brings adps to a good dps grp
Yup, I have both Cleric and Shaman at 115 with Max AA - the Cleric is gathering dust

Healing aside, if you run a Cleric you "need" another toon that can slow.... if you run a Shaman, that other slot can to a big dps class instead (mo dps, less healing needed).

Sadly a lot of Shaman are still living in the past with Mending, giving a poor representation of what they can do
Other than the extra group heal and overall strength of pure healing throughput is there anything specifically a clr can do that a shm cant that makes them the best healer for a 6box?

aa arb, shield arb, burst, and beacon for oh shit moments. if you want to say burst doesn't count for cle because of shm union, i'll begrudgingly grant that. cle have mitigation abilities w/ their aura, aegis, and vie spells. cle passive healing procs from aegis and retort will dwarf anything shm's get from lass line. and i count promised as a passive heal because you don't give a halfling's shit about the heal itself, but the interposition heals are straight cheating on big hitters. shm have nothing like the cle ward/anticpated spells, which are also cheating on big hitters. let's not forget about di, cause, you know, that's handy when you need it. cle word group heal also cures, so you two birds w/ one stone with that. cle sanctified aa also gives them, potentially, more healing on curing, which can come from word or renewals. and dissident is the best healing spell in the game. sure it's got a huge base value group heal firing off in less than a second. which is, you know, handy, but it also has a 20 percent max hp buff which is unparalleled. percentage based buffs never go out of style.

now, before anyone goes full furious caps lock on me, know that i love my shm. shm have a robust tool kit of their own. i was only answering that specific part of the OP's question. =p
Question - Clr vs Shm solo healing

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