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Class Action Law Suit???

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New member
Jan 11, 2006
With all these suspensions..... I wonder...... Is SONY still charging people for there account during this time that you cannot access to play???? --- If you cant use your account and they have been charging everyone like the account is active --- Class Action Law Suit?? mmmm... Not sure........... Did not really look into it.......... Food for thought --- Anyone know?
If they ban you they cancel your CC. If you're suspended then you agreed to pay for the account while it was suspended as per the EULA. If you bought a full years worth and then got suspended/banned ... well ... you broke the EULA and violated your contract.
A law suit would cost you 10x the amount you'd recover for any damages, which would most likely not happen regardless, their EULA is pretty iron clad.
Class action lawsuits work because they bring together many people similarly affected in order to collective sue a company or governing body. Therefore... it likely wouldn't cost you 10x as much as you'd get back... and actually, it would likely cost you nothing.
You'd have to prove that Sony was promoting long term subscriptions and then banning/suspending people as part of their business strategy... Kind of a stretch there...

Best (if you can call it that)case scenario would be: your class action lawyers get a 10 million settlement and out of that settlement you'd get a 20 dollars off coupon towards next Sony product.
Sum1 said:
Class action lawsuits work because they bring together many people similarly affected in order to collective sue a company or governing body. Therefore... it likely wouldn't cost you 10x as much as you'd get back... and actually, it would likely cost you nothing.

Actually not really. With a class action lawsuit, in order to start the suit - there needs to be a filer who incurs all fees including court costs, filing fees, initial attorney's fees, etc. Fees are then charged to each filer on top of the initial filing fees. When the suit is then decided, that person recoups his fees before the remaining awarded amount dispersed. Class action suits are extremely expensive because the majority of people think it's cheaper if a ton of people get together, and it's not - there are so many individual filing fees and penalties, that it ultimately costs those filing more money than they're ever awarded; especially in a situation where a few dozen people are suing Sony for their 2x $14.95 a month.

-I'm not flaming so don't edit me!
You'd lose because of what they put in their EULA. Sony has some very smart lawyers who write those things up. You'll never win and you'll go broke trying.
Read the EULA, you don't have a fighting chance. They have you by the balls no matter what your argument. If you tried to sue, the first thing the judge would ask you is what were you suspended for?

Well, I was hacking of course........

Hmmm, were you aware that was against Sony's rules in which you accepted when you clicked on "Accept" ?

Sony has the right to ban or suspend your account for any reason they choose. Hell, for no reason at all if they choose. You do not own your characters, they are not yours. You are simply leasing them from Sony for your own enjoyment. They can take it all back whenever and for whatever they see fit.

It sux yes, but that is basically how it works.

Have you ever read alot of EULA's? Microsoft even had to go so far as to claim they are not responsible for death or injury from the use of any of their software ROFL.
Class Action Law Suit???
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