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check please (1 Viewer)

Rich (BB code):
#event attack "#*#inc#*#"

Sub Main

  /if (!${Me.PetBuff[Sha's Ferocity]}) /cast "Sha's Ferocity"
  /goto :loop

Sub Event_attack

  /assist player name
  /delay 1s
  /cast 3
  /delay 5s
  /pet attack
  /g my pet is attacking %T


If you're wanting to add to the macro some more you could make it set your main assist by using whoever you have targetted when you start the macro, also you could make a loop to continuously assist your main assist and send in the pet when a mob reaches 97% health or so, it would probably be more reliable unless you're specifically only wanting the pet to go in when you or someone else announces "inc"
where do i find all these string. like for petheatlth, main assist, group members, so can make bot to check there heeath and my pet health and and heal them.?
Do your research. Easiest way to learn is download other peeps macros from macroquest.com. I recommend for what your looking to do. Download BST macros. They show alot of example of proper use of petbuffs and health checks.
Also, What the **** is this line????
Rich (BB code):
/if (${Me.PetBuff[shas Ferocity}]=0){/cast6}

Should look like this:
Rich (BB code):
/if (${Me.PetBuff.Duration[Sha's Ferocity]}<5) /cast 6
| #### or if you perfer
/if (!${Me.PetBuff[Sha's Ferocity]}) /cast 6
or if you want to use timmys code.... look at my revision... I highly recommend including spell_routines.inc and dumping some of the other code.
Rich (BB code):
#chat group 
#chat tell 

#include Spell_Routines.inc

Sub Main

  /if (!${Me.PetBuff[Sha's Ferocity]}) /cast "Sha's Ferocity"
  /goto :loop

Sub Event_Chat(string ChatType,string ChatSender,string ChatText)

/if (!${ChatType.Equal[GROUP]} && !${ChatType.Equal[TELL]}) /return

/if (${ChatText.Equal[inc]}) {
  /target pc ${ChatSender}
  /delay 10                               | #### DON'T USE Seconds... Wastes time
  /delay 10                               | #### DON'T USE Seconds... Wastes time
  /cast 3
  /delay 5s                               | #### Ugly... but it works.
  /pet attack
  /g my pet is attacking %T

You'll need to /call the cast subroutine if you're wanting to use spell_routines.inc otherwise it still uses the built in MQ command.
The macro i gave you, about the bot bst SHOULD have all the stuff u asked for in this one, im not totally 100% sure but i know for a fact it rebuffs pet when the spells wore off. and i think it will heal group members 2, but not 100% sure on that.
jubie kid said:
where do i find all these string. like for petheatlth, main assist, group members, so can make bot to check there heeath and my pet health and and heal them.?

MQ2 Wiki is a valuable source of information. On the MQ2 Board, people post snippets of code all the time.

If you take a look here:

All of the TLOs, reference types etc are listed.

Here is the MQ2 official Wiki, which is a great learning tool as well.

Here is the thing about being a noob scripter, as i am....

It cool and all to study other people's work; however, there are some pretty bad coders putting out stuff that might work, but isn't always the best way to do something.
check please

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