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Request - Bazaar Forum Filter Request --- Is it possible?? (1 Viewer)


Warriors are inferior (read: crybaby) tanks
Jul 30, 2006
Hey all,

I wanted to see if it was possible to incorporate a filter on the bazaar forums to see all threads EXCEPT ones marked with a certain prefix. Specifically, I play on live and hate scrolling through 234234324 phinny threads to see a live thread. I'd like to be able to filter out all TLP (Phinny, Rage, LJ) and just see the remaining threads.

Is that possible to implement? Obviously, I don't want to create a huge burden if its difficult or if I'm the only one who is annoyed by this issue.

this already exists...there is a filter you can set to live servers that filters out all TLPs and vis versa. It's at the top in between subforums and bazaar threads.

I don't want to filter the krono threads and others. Just the TLPs.
Well, my demand is registered. We'll see if anyone else wants it.

I don't mind going in and using the modified search stuff, but with how often I am refreshing the page it would eventually get tiring.

I understand there is probably more important stuff for the devs to deal with... *shrug* Just thought I'd ask.
Here's a Tampermonkey script that I threw together which does what you're looking for.
Rich (BB code):
// ==UserScript==
// @name         TLP Blocker
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  Blocks TLP threads on the Bazaar forum
// @author       Drognir
// @match        http://www.redguides.com/community/forumdisplay.php/82-The-Bazaar*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

function checkThread(thread) { 
    var blockedPrefixes = ['PHINIGEL', 'RAGEFIRE','LOCKJAW']; //add prefixes to filter out in CAPS
    for (var i = 0; i < blockedPrefixes.length; i++) { //iterate blocked prefixes
        if (thread.toUpperCase().indexOf("TITLE=\"" + blockedPrefixes) > -1) {//check thread (<li> containing thread info) to see if it contains a blocked prefix
            return true;
    return false; //thread prefix is not in blockedPrefix list, return false

var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('li'); //thread titles and prefixes are contained in <li> tags, let's check those out
for (var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {//iterate all <li> elements
    if(checkThread(elements.outerHTML) === true) {//found a thread whose prefix is on the blockedPrefixes list
        elements.style.display = 'none';//let's make it disappear!

Last edited:
I'd like to see 2 things with the bazaar forums if its possible and if there is general consensus for it,

1) I'd like to see threads get canned to a Trash Can type forum, there are way to many threads that haven't been bumped in over 2 weeks, and when people PM those people and don't receive responses for days its considerably frustrating and annoying.

2) Some type of Sub forums for
- Services (i.e PL and Character) -
- Items (ingame items)
- Currency (Kronos, Plat, and Raid/Group alternate currency)

Having those 3 sub-forums would filter out a lot of noise and should cover 99% of bazaar threads. Especially with Items, as people are creating multiple threads with one item for sale then creating another thread for another item, in some cases people have 7-10 threads active just for items and constantly keep bumping those, or forget to bump them as well, which creates problems both ways for people buying or selling.

Another option would be just to have a rule on how you create Item threads, since this is the most noise in the Bazaar section. But this would create overhead for the Moderators, which doesn't seem like the best alternative as people not following the rules would have to get their thread removed etc.
Request - Bazaar Forum Filter Request --- Is it possible??

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