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Request - Basic Mq2ADVPath Guide? (1 Viewer)

Jul 17, 2013
Any chance someone can tell me how to use AdvPath with KISS? :)

Been playing with it for a while but can't seem to really figure it out... :"/
You can have both loaded and working but they do not work toether as of yet. It was on the table to add functionality for 9.0 but not sure that will happen or not. It's definitely on the to do list though. :)
Add a new sub to the mainloop call it CustomPullFunc or something
Include a new .inc at the top of kiss call it advpaths.inc or whatever
optional: if you want to get fancy add a ini variable call it CustomPull so you can decide when CustomPullFunc should be called...

from that point on those are the only 2(3) modifications needed to kiss.

In your advpaths.inc you add the sub CustomPullFunc

Inside it you can check where your char is at, which zone he is in, is he the group main assist? Should he be walking a path? and so on, so... you can play paths... and while doing so check if you are under attack in which case you return...
And when you return... Kiss will take over again and also notice you are under attack and so it will do its thing...

I can include an example later but I'm not at the computer at the moment maybe someone here beats me to it, it's not that complicated.

- - - Updated - - -

ok so here is an example inc file:
Rich (BB code):
Sub InitCustomPaths
	/declare bCustomInitdone int outer 1
	| X is just an example, change to zone ID of zone you want to play paths in.
	/declare myzone int outer X
	/declare myoldyloc int outer
	/declare myoldxloc int outer

Sub CustomPullFunc
	/if (${Select[${Role},tank]} && ${CustomPull}==1 && ${Zone.ID}==${myzone} && ${Me.Dead}==FALSE && ${Me.XTarget}==0) {
		/if (${Defined[bCustomInitdone]}==FALSE) {
			/call InitCustomPaths
		|rez the merc if its dead:
		/if (${Window[MMGW_ManageWnd].Child[MMGW_SuspendButton].Enabled} && ${Mercenary.State.Equal[DEAD]}) {
			/notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_SuspendButton LeftMouseUp
			/delay 1s
		|THE FOLLOWING ARE EXAMPLES:, You can decide to play a path based on for example
		|if a mob is at a specific location:
		/if (${Bool[${Spawn[bigbadmob npc radius 30 loc -123 -456].ID}]}==TRUE) {
			/echo spawn detected in location one
			/call PullOne
		|or maybe play a path based on where you are?
		/if (${SpawnCount[id ${Me.ID} radius 30 loc -123 -456]}>1) {
			/echo im within 30 feet of loc -123 -456 im playing PullTwo
			/call PullTwo
		|play a path based on some other condition
		/if (${conditionmet}==TRUE) {
			/echo conditionmet playing 
			/call PullThree

Sub PullOne
	/play pullone Normal Smart Fast Eval
	/delay 10s ${AdvPath.Waypoints} < 1
	/delay 3s ${Me.XTarget} >= 1
	/play pullone Reverse Smart Fast Eval
	/delay 10s ${AdvPath.Waypoints} < 1
	/if (${Bool[${Me.XTarget[1].ID}]}==TRUE) {
		/face id ${Me.XTarget[1].ID}
	} else {
		/face heading 65
	/delay 1s

Sub PullTwo
	/play pulltwo Normal Smart Fast Eval
	/delay 10s ${AdvPath.Waypoints} < 1
	/delay 3s ${Me.XTarget} >= 1
	/play pulltwo Reverse Smart Fast Eval
	/delay 10s ${AdvPath.Waypoints} < 1
	/if (${Bool[${Me.XTarget[1].ID}]}==TRUE) {
		/face id ${Me.XTarget[1].ID}
	} else {
		/face heading 65
	/delay 1s

Sub PullThree
	/play pullthree Normal Smart Fast Eval
	/delay 10s ${AdvPath.Waypoints} < 1
	/delay 3s ${Me.XTarget} >= 1
	/play pullthree Reverse Smart Fast Eval
	/delay 10s ${AdvPath.Waypoints} < 1
	/if (${Bool[${Me.XTarget[1].ID}]}==TRUE) {
		/face id ${Me.XTarget[1].ID}
	} else {
		/face heading 65
	/delay 1s
SHEESH Meistro!!!!

Add a new sub....

Add - apply an item or concept with something else
a - article, as in "a, an, and the"
new - opposite of old
sub - sandwich, I like mine with chipotle.... yummmm

Any questions?

Request - Basic Mq2ADVPath Guide?

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