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Ban Centeral x2 No hand in cookie jar anymore, Its the Finger prints (1 Viewer)


New member
Jan 20, 2007
EQ1 Players, Heads Up

First thing I'd like to say is that I probably haven't contributed to this website as much as I'd have liked to. I'm not sure this is even the place to post this but I'd like to warn all active EQ1 hackers to prevent them from having to go through my fate.
Hello NAME,

Customer Service has taken a very hard stance on the use of 3rd Party Software to gain unfair advantages in-game. Those who have used the software and those who have benefited from others using the software have had action taken against their accounts. We have logs that specifically show Hate Lists for high end mobs, the number of characters involved in the encounter, warp logs showing un-intended movement through out the zone, as well as loot logs that show us the items looted.

Those who were suspended recently were all involved in directly triggering hacker logs and cheat logs. If you are in a group with someone who is using this software, you too will be suspended or worse for your involvement. In the future, should you find that someone you are involved with is using this software; my suggestion is that you make it known to Customer Service immediately and leave the group or raid.



Now most people might think this not a big deal, but the fact that sony is actually checking logs could be fatal. For me I know multiple account suspensions is probably a light punishment for the amount of hacking I've been doing. I just figured I'd warn everyone to stay low for a while.
Customer Service has taken a very hard stance on the use of 3rd Party Software to gain unfair advantages in-game. Those who have used the software and those who have benefited from others using the software have had action taken against their accounts. We have logs that specifically show Hate Lists for high end mobs, the number of characters involved in the encounter, warp logs showing un-intended movement through out the zone, as well as loot logs that show us the items looted.

Those who were suspended recently were all involved in directly triggering hacker logs and cheat logs. If you are in a group with someone who is using this software, you too will be suspended or worse for your involvement. In the future, should you find that someone you are involved with is using this software; my suggestion is that you make it known to Customer Service immediately and leave the group or raid.



Mine plus 7 other non linked accounts of different people, everyone has been clean for 1 month prior
Re: EQ1 Players, Heads Up

Interesting, it's not very often that Customer Service gives out that kind of details, in fact my first assumption is that it's BS for that reason. But reguardless something is going down right now, I don't know what but it appears a lot of logs are being scrubbed.

Oh and putting this in the correct forum. No dead kitten.
Wait, i made this thread, and that was my fucking post please explain how you got on top of me since i made this topic, ii get too be first, 2nd of all , you just copyed and pasted my shit, please tell me how the fuck you got on top of me and what eth fuck is going on
I combined the threads, he posted that email first, it appears you both got the same email. Interesting.

Or are you both copy and pasting from another source?
No, its my email, tahts affter 4 phone calls and 6 emails , i callled and told them i wanted to talk to a higher up about my acc, cause all the said suspened for 10 days and tahts that, so he said i would get a email responds back and this is waht i got
Suspension question

Discussion Thread
Response (TSR Bill C.) 04/06/2007 05:27 PM
Hello ME,

Customer Service has taken a very hard stance on the use of 3rd Party Software to gain unfair advantages in-game. Those who have used the software and those who have benefited from others using the software have had action taken against their accounts. We have logs that specifically show Hate Lists for high end mobs, the number of characters involved in the encounter, warp logs showing un-intended movement through out the zone, as well as loot logs that show us the items looted.

Those who were suspended recently were all involved in directly triggering hacker logs and cheat logs. If you are in a group with someone who is using this software, you too will be suspended or worse for your involvement. In the future, should you find that someone you are involved with is using this software; my suggestion is that you make it known to Customer Service immediately and leave the group or raid.



Question Reference #070406-001120
Product Level 1: EverQuest
Category Level 1: Account / Billing
Category Level 2: Banning / Suspension
Category Level 3: Disciplinary Action/Account Status
Date Created: 04/06/2007 01:49 PM
Last Updated: 04/06/2007 05:27 PM
Status: Solved
First Name:
Last Name:
HAHAHA! This is what they are really saying -

"Rat your friends out and you MIGHT only get suspended while they get banned. Tell me your dirty little secrets and I will show you some...'mercy'...maybe."

They can suck my balls. Bros before hos!
Their verbage is really interesting:

"taken a very hard stance on the use of 3rd Party Software to gain unfair advantages in-game."

We have logs that
- show Hate Lists for high end mobs
- number of characters involved in the encounter
- warp logs showing un-intended movement through out the zone
- loot logs that show us the items looted

"Those who were suspended [triggered] hacker logs and cheat logs."

Hacker profiling!
I know QQ, hes on my server. And many others I know on the server all got banned within a few hours of each other -- Even though we never ghosted together. Actually it turns out most of the bans were from warp logs it seems. In a few more days we'll see if they take my items.
I use to check playerauctions.com more out of boredom than to really use it and at the same time of this GK banning the number of auctions per server seems to have lowered by more than 50%.

Am I the only one to notice that or is it just pure coincidence ?
Here is what is next:

Dear Bill,

It is our deepest regret to terminate your employment at Sony Online Entertainment. It seems that well over half of the Everquest accounts have been flagged for 3rd party software and because we banned them all, the Everquest sector is in the red. We need to merge all to 3 servers and hold on the best we can while we offer severance packages to the people that have kissed our asses the most during the tenure of employment. Thank you for your hard efforts.
Sony is full of it. They're counting on third-party software users for income. They can't afford to ban all MQers, although they could.
Sony can't afford....thats an interesting sentence.

Without even getting into the fact that sony is worth quite a bit, how can they afford not to do something? Dont get me wrong I use MQ and do my own little experiments, but their reputation is worth a lot to them. Its a selling point that your game is secure, basically they can't afford not to do something.

If people lay low and don't bring much attention to themselves, Sony might ignore it. But the more attention MQ gets the more Sony can't afford to ignore it. It will affect business.
They can't afford it because if they ban everyone who uses MQ2, and all their extra accounts, they've effectively lost a TON of future revenue. If you lose too much revenue in a game like EQ, it becomes too costly to continue to support it. Then they just can the game... get it?
This is the same conversation that happens over and over here. Sony will do their best to make an example of a chosen amount of people to please the masses that are complaining about this. The rest, they will let go until the next general uprising of everyone bitching about hacks. Then they do it again. It's happened more times than we can even remember. They will never ban on such a mass scale that it puts the game in jeopardy.
When certain mobs are required for progression (Lets take the Relic dragons and Porthio as an example) and are never available for guilds to kill because they've been soloed by hackers progression stops. Sure there are other targets the guild can raid for that night but those dragons are required for DK access. Without them the GK'ers just broke an entire expansion on that server. If SoE does nothing they kill a server. And face it, the GK'ers are only a small portion of the MQ community. Wiping them off the game will not affect Sony nearly as severely as losing the 'non hacking' player base on the server's affected by them.

Look at who's getting banned. Sony isn't targeting all MQ users. They're targeting the ones that are out of control. No one's gotten banned for using the passive features of MQ. For that matter no one's gotten banned for using the more subtle active hacks either. I sincerely doubt if Sony cares that you have Faerune all the time or if you have the ability to open a locked door.

Personally, I think the GK'ers have gone too far. GK'ing instances is one thing. But taking it to public (open) zone targets puts everyone in the spotlight. They've pushed SoE to a point that they are forced to take some action or face the death of their product. And in so doing are making it bad for the rest of the MQ users.
bad thing i agree with red... i am one of the Gk'ing peeps..but only thing i have done outside of instant is my epic..i get a laugh when i zone through devistation to hit up sullon instant for more augs..a couple of monks doing it there..same when checking raid target for the guild..and seeing monks in relic...demi killing vule...
How the heck do you kill vule??? Must have multiple monks and a click team. I say if you can kill Vule you deserve to kill him.

P.S. Still dont suport open zone killing.
P.S.S GK is still in the spotlight hard. more monks went down sat and sun :(
someoneorsomething said:
How the heck do you kill vule??? Must have multiple monks and a click team. I say if you can kill Vule you deserve to kill him.

P.S. Still dont suport open zone killing.
P.S.S GK is still in the spotlight hard. more monks went down sat and sun :(

only need one monk... no click team. and around 1-2mins.
Sum1 said:
They can't afford it because if they ban everyone who uses MQ2, and all their extra accounts, they've effectively lost a TON of future revenue. If you lose too much revenue in a game like EQ, it becomes too costly to continue to support it. Then they just can the game... get it?

I get it, but do not agree with the logic.

The question is do they lose more revenue by banning the people that are stupid and hacking in the open or do they lose more revenue by not doing anything about it and therefore losing everyone else and potential customers?

There are several avenues of income for SOE;
1. Current players that MQ
2. Current players that don't
3. Potential players that will MQ
4. Potential players that won't

Its an intangible unknown to know the negative effects or benefits of what you do or don't do in a situation like this. They may keep revenue, gain revenue, lose revenue and lose potential revenue if they do something or if they don't. To think they can't afford to do something I think is a false sense of security. Its possible they can't afford to, its also possible they can't afford not to. It really depends on what they want their game to be known as, one that overlooks hacks or one that doesn't. Both can draw and both can repell an unspecified number of people.

I think its impossible to know the comparative values.
The recent burst of bannings have been targeted to GK / Warp activities, stuff that gives an "unfair advantage" to the players using these plugins. I haven't heard anything that suggests peeps using Vanilla MQ are being detected / investigated at all.

It's pure speculation on my part, but I honestly would not be surprised if Sony developers actually subscribe to this and/or other sites, and use MQ for their own purposes (testing scripts, testing encounters, etc.).

SanityCheck -- you're insane!!! Why would they use MQ? Well, what's the likelihood that they have developed their own simulation tools? After seven years, they can't even make a decent UI, for gods sake!

Sony feels an obligation to go after the hardcore GK/Warp runners, and this last build seems to have been an attempt to add warp detection code (though it seems flawed, and we already have a way around it). Still, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Sony would continue to tolerate vanilla MQ (botting macros, auto-attack/forage/kick, tradeskill macros, etc). Not just because of the revenue that they know they are making from a player base that owns 3-6 accounts -- but also because a team of "developers" not on their payroll have put a ton of engineering time into a software tool that their own QA / engineering staff can now use.

Of course, the only flaw with my theory is it would mean Sony actually has a QA group that does testing of code before it is released ...
The quarter 4 final earnings for Sony in FY 2006:

$66.5 billion gross revenue
$1.5 billion net earnings
2.2% profit.

Everquest is a drop in the bucket, they could care less who they ban. If SOE is losing money, it might be more profitable to shut down servers, etc., or even the game itself. Time will tell I guess...The key isn't revenue, it's profitable revenue, and if they're losing money because they have to hire more game support staff, that takes from their profit. Banning people stops them from having to do that I guess. :(

Vanilla MQ, bot macros etc... can/do they even detect stuff like that? If they could really detect specifcs on client side there'd be little need to check logs, seems to me they could just check who is running specific types of plugins. Since they are going through logs though, looks more like if you're gonna get banned for Vanilla MQ it's because you've been extremely careless, and get crazy with 6-boxing skills in front of GMs or something..
I'm curious how this conversation started - as to why people think this thread is so interesting...
Honestly? Were you people not around a year + ago when Cronic's first GK plugin came out? They sent the same email then, with the same info, we know they know this info this is how they found that group of people who instakilled through all of Gates of Discord etc before anyone got past the first zone etc etc etc. Anyway - its a moot point if sony has enough money to support the game and let it be a cash sink, or if they want to keep us hackers around...its silly - lets drop it.
Not to troll or anything...

but it seems that if you're not interested in this thread... you could always just not look at it anymore.

Those who are interested will probably keep posting.

/troll off
Is there any way to check if a character has been banned/suspended if you aren't currently subscribed? Haven't been playing for several months now, but I'm curious to see how far back they checked.
I doubt inactive accounts are regularly banned. I also doubt any account is ever routinely 'checked.' It has been stated time and time again and no one has ever has reason to believe otherwise... the only way a GM ever checks your account and bans you is if someone explicitly rats on you for something. Every once in a while they incorporate something that is suppose to 'check' warping activity or something but RedGuides community is highly adamant about fixing the system to prevent these types of detection. I probably had a few thousand warps recorded in my main character's file but I was never suspended until one day me and a few other officers finally booted a conniving drama producing bitch from our guild, a bitch who MQed and was part of the central MQ2ing part of the guild for a long time. She sent emails and screen shots to Sony and there we have my only suspension on my main account ever.
GM Olihim just busted me. I was in Fire Pit and he jumped right into the zone. I have never killed a mob boss or exp'd in open zones...only done Fire Pit actually. I have only been GKing for about 10 days total to get some extra AAs. This goes to show that they can and will pop in on even the most casual user of this program.

Nobody is safe. it doesn't matter how big or small you are killing. I would just lay reeeeeeally low right now. You've been warned.
Last edited:
Personally I took a different route....
Decided to just go and cancel my accounts, the only things that held me to the game were my friends, and most of them have been gone for a while.

So anyway, the game has become retardedly inflated (what's in the next expansion, 750 hp/mana gear?), the population continues to fall and there's nothing to keep it interesting (at least imo).

Really, tell sony to take their exSPAMsions shove em up their arse and stop contributing to a company that destroyed what was once a great game.

just my 2cp best of luck to you all, either irl or in the game should ya continue "P AYing" it.
One of my accounts got suspended the other night for warping. Was my own fault i took my eye off the ball by going poddy and forgot to end the mac. GAH. Anyway hopefully it is only a 10 day suspension.
The quarter 4 final earnings for Sony in FY 2006:

$66.5 billion gross revenue
$1.5 billion net earnings
2.2% profit.

Sony is a huge international corporation. SOA is a subdivision of Sony and SOE yes is another subdivision of SOA. Just because the consumer electronics divisions, Columbia pictures, etc... might be making profits doesn't mean that the corporate execs are going to be any less pissed off that SOE isn't making its sales quotas and showing growth. Sony's global earnings has nothing to do with SOE.

The bottom line is that SOE is going to do whatever they think is going to maximize the profitibility of their operations. If they determine that the bitchy little fucks in EQPlayers are going to result in a greater decrease in revenue than banning MQ'ers, they're going to crack down. Due to the recent GK/monk exploits that are becomming ubiquitous and rampant exploit killing of high profile end-game raid mobs, the tide is shifting in favor of EQPlayers.

If SOE wanted to catch hackers they could easily do it. I gurantee I could easily write a Perl script to parse the logs and find nearly every GK'er in no time. It's like catching people speeding. If the police wanted to catch every speeder, they could easily put up photo radar everywhere and catch every speeder. However this would result in people driving a lot less and cut into oil and auto sales revenue. The compromise is to force the police to catch you in the act. In EQ it's the same thing. Hiring GM's to police the game was a happy medium to keep the hackers underground and make the EQPlayers community think they're doing something.

I really wouldn't want to be an SOE exec now. They have a real dilemma on their hands. Blizzard kicked the fuck out of them with WoW and they're struggling to recover. EQ2 was lackluster and Vanguard a total flop. EQ is still one of the major revenue generators for SOE and the hackers are really backing them into a corner. Add to that that the Sony bigwigs are already steaming mad over the PS3 disaster and don't want to see another division take a shit. Sure would be interesting to be a fly on the wall at SOE's quarterly earnings report to Sony corporate.
I aggree with 98% with what you said. I couldn't figure out why sony just don't ban us all. Warping for one.

It would be so easy to check log for certain factors, and just ban everyone :)
We KNOW they can if they look at the logs.

But if they do, they could lose alot money.

So the log is only check if gm/guide sees you, or you're /petitation'd

Thing I don't aggree with. Blizzard. They have record for sales for their expansion 8million + copies. It only behind halo and something else.
It has record for non console games anyway.

So Blizzard isn't losing for banning people.
I said Blizzard kicked the fuck out of SOE with the WoW vs EQ2 battle. Blizzard now has over 50% of the MMORPG market and is in the enviable position of being able to act like drunken gorillas and it doesn't matter.
BobOfEQ said:
Sony can't afford....thats an interesting sentence.

Without even getting into the fact that sony is worth quite a bit, how can they afford not to do something? Dont get me wrong I use MQ and do my own little experiments, but their reputation is worth a lot to them. Its a selling point that your game is secure, basically they can't afford not to do something.

If people lay low and don't bring much attention to themselves, Sony might ignore it. But the more attention MQ gets the more Sony can't afford to ignore it. It will affect business.

They can't afford it because they bombed on the PS3. (insert cheesy McDonald's theme song here).
Ban Centeral x2 No hand in cookie jar anymore, Its the Finger prints

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