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Poll - Are you going to try EverQuest Next? (1 Viewer)

Are you going to try EverQuest Next or Landmark?

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Oct 15, 2004

EQ Landmark is currently in alpha. Are you already playing it, or do you plan on it? What about EQ Next?
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Re: Are you going to try EverQuest Next Landmark?

hmm i haven't voted i plan on playing EQ next but not landmark.
Re: Are you going to try EverQuest Next Landmark?

Hah, didn't know they were different. Updating.
I've played around a bit in Landmark. It's neat if you enjoy building and gathering. I'm not spending more than 15 minutes here and there as it's truely in Alpha so there's a ton of things that haven't been implemented. I don't see myself ever playing it as a primary game over EQ though as I only enjoy the exploration aspects.

EQ Next... we'll see since it's not expected to be in Alpha for another year or two. The more they reveal, the more I'm leaning away from it. Pantheon sounds more interesting at this point.
I won't bother with Landmark, but if Next turns out to be very good I might give it a try. Played ESO in several beta weekends and it hasn't captured my interested like I hoped it would. Next game I'm hopeful for is Camelot Unchained.
While EQN looks good, from the video i have seen and the revealed info. That said, it feels like it will be a console game. each class will have 2 weapons (only) and 2 special moves per weapon... sounds consolish to me. I do like some of the 4 ideas they are trying to implement, but do not like console games.

I have a PC for a reason.
/what he said. I got my money back 30 minutes after installing DC heroes for the same reason. Console game ported to Pc
I think P99 will keep my attention for quite a while. I just cant get sucked into a game as hard as I did the first EQ...EQnext has that look. I do agree there is a console feeling to it.
EQ Next... we'll see since it's not expected to be in Alpha for another year or two. The more they reveal, the more I'm leaning away from it. Pantheon sounds more interesting at this point.

To mirror this: EQ Next looks worse and worse and Pantheon looks great, but in order for me to be able to actually play it, I'd need KA and some sort of MQ2-like system since there's no way I could invest the amount of time required for another hardcore MMO. That being said: I already pledged to the kickstarter for it because I want these kinds of games to see the light of day (they haven't made it to the halfway point yet with 12 days left... I hope they make it!).

Note to people who dont' know: Pantheon is being developed by Brad McQuaid, one of the original everquest creators. He wants to go back to that kind of playstyle with large time investment for progress and a sense of accomplishment.
To mirror this: EQ Next looks worse and worse and Pantheon looks great, but in order for me to be able to actually play it, I'd need KA and some sort of MQ2-like system since there's no way I could invest the amount of time required for another hardcore MMO. That being said: I already pledged to the kickstarter for it because I want these kinds of games to see the light of day (they haven't made it to the halfway point yet with 12 days left... I hope they make it!).

Note to people who dont' know: Pantheon is being developed by Brad McQuaid, one of the original everquest creators. He wants to go back to that kind of playstyle with large time investment for progress and a sense of accomplishment.

I looked into this and it looks promising but my question is, how are they going to handle deaths? If this is like original EQ where you have to do corpse runs COUNT ME IN... that literally made the game for me when I started playing.

EQN~ probably not going to play it, im still on the ropes and may try it
They are actually wanting to try and make it so that the game won't require the time sink EQ did by altering the ways you can level and how many levels there are. He's said they want people that can only hop in for an hour or two to be able to feel like they are still able to make progress. I asked him in a Q&A if they expected a great divide like EQ had between the hardcore crowd and the more casual and he said yes, that it'll be inevitable with a game like Pantheon.

I looked into this and it looks promising but my question is, how are they going to handle deaths? If this is like original EQ where you have to do corpse runs COUNT ME IN... that literally made the game for me when I started playing.

EQN~ probably not going to play it, im still on the ropes and may try it

They do plan to have corpse runs. Here's their response to death;

Death will sting. We want player to respect and sometimes fear their environment. A big part of this is a desire to avoid death. While the details of the system are not currently fully fleshed out we expect death to be something that players want to avoid at all costs.

Tons of info on the kickstarter page;
They are actually wanting to try and make it so that the game won't require the time sink EQ did by altering the ways you can level and how many levels there are. He's said they want people that can only hop in for an hour or two to be able to feel like they are still able to make progress. I asked him in a Q&A if they expected a great divide like EQ had between the hardcore crowd and the more casual and he said yes, that it'll be inevitable with a game like Pantheon.

They do plan to have corpse runs. Here's their response to death;

Tons of info on the kickstarter page;

ahh NICE! Thank you!
Note to people who dont' know: Pantheon is being developed by Brad McQuaid, one of the original everquest creators. He wants to go back to that kind of playstyle with large time investment for progress and a sense of accomplishment.

Is that the same Brad McQuaid that did Vanguard? Yes the one and the same. So NO i will not touch a BM game with a ten foot pole. I played Vanguard until they started changing the classes skills, spells, and the classes role/function EVERY week; sometimes almost daily. The landscape was huge but the Devs were morons. I know, I know tweaking...but it was horrible. Just Say No...To BM games.

There was a lot more to what happened to Vanguard than just devs going MIA or randomly changing everything on a whim. He explains it quite a few times in all the various interviews/Q&A's that he's done. I recommend getting the whole story before judging purely based off it being a Brad McQuaid game. But to each his/her own :)
All I know is from what I experienced. BM was touted as the creator and creative vision behind Vanguard.

It was said to be what old EQ1 was like, well it wasn't even close other than the my way or the highway attitude of the devs.

I guess they pissed off enough of their customer base to have it go F2P. I know there were mass defections two months after launch.

So yeah, BM was attached and the vision behind the game, so he gets the blame and my reticence from playing another of his games.


I got the landmark alpha, but haven't really done much other than take a few videos, I have high hopes for eqn, and even though landmark is like a mine craft meets second life, my hopes have gotten even higher.
If you are searching or waiting for a game that's like EQ1 used to be, stop it right now... it will never happen again.

Not holding my breath, but it would be nice if it happened. Though a lot of the reason EQ1 is the way it was is because of nostalgia. Just like other old video games. Even if EQ1 would be re-released right now, it still wouldn't feel the same since I've gained 15 years and stuff I do isn't nostalgic in the present (plus the content is no longer a mystery -- p99 proves that). However, there could possible be a game that comes out and captures my interest so well that 5-10 years down the line I get nostalgic for it like I do now for EQ1. It's not about being exactly like EQ1; it's about being really good.
Not holding my breath, but it would be nice if it happened. Though a lot of the reason EQ1 is the way it was is because of nostalgia. Just like other old video games. Even if EQ1 would be re-released right now, it still wouldn't feel the same since I've gained 15 years and stuff I do isn't nostalgic in the present (plus the content is no longer a mystery -- p99 proves that). However, there could possible be a game that comes out and captures my interest so well that 5-10 years down the line I get nostalgic for it like I do now for EQ1. It's not about being exactly like EQ1; it's about being really good.

This is pretty much how I've felt about EQ1 for the last 7+ years. Trying to create an EQ1 clone is impractical and wont ever live in today's MMO climate. I've played many MMOs, and while I always feel nostalgia for EQ1 more than any other game, I think newer games have a chance to at least bring new, better, ideas to the market. Frankly, I think its silly to even suggest that anyone tries to create a game like EQ1, how it used to be. No one would play it. The majority of people who play MMOs these days want instant satisfaction.

Look at World of Warcraft. The raid content has fake hardcore content that even terrible people who keyboard turn and click all their skills are able to eventually kill. They took out any reason for 'hardcore' raiding guilds to even want to play. Most of the higher end top players quit long long ago for this very reason. The game is not challenging, but that's what the 'masses', as witnessed by WOWs massive success, crave.

Huge amounts of the player base of WOW return every new expansion release, only to be let down, and quit again. Heck, I'd still play WOW if the community wasn't a bunch of e-girls, 20 something basement dwellers, and people who talk trash for no reason behind a keyboard. The game itself makes no sense, most people hate people in their own faction more than the opposite. (/rant)

I like EQ because most people are nice, and everyone else is 10 years old, and usually rage after 10 seconds of 'trying' to troll. I can handle that. I like EQ2 because its fun to play. I like the classes, and how they play. I like GW2 because I can jump in and do a quick SPVP round, jump into a fractal, or go do some WVW for a bit, then log. Zero obligation. All games have their merits. Just depends on if you want to take the time to figure out which parts of the game you like and enjoy. Stop treating every new game as a possible 'wow or eq1 replacement'.
Short and sweet........ ONLY if it is not another easy mode World of Warcraft hack. I am not saying World of Warcraft is bad in anyway, but I just played it many years and got burnt out.
I'm personally not trying to find another EQ as I know it doesn't exist. Part of why I feel it was so good, was that it was the first of it's kind. It's really no different from going to Disneyland as a child and thinking it was the coolest thing you'll ever see and then going again as an adult.

All I want is something that at least offers the challenge and risk vs. reward that EQ offered. Everything since WoW has been silver spoon and lacks any real risk. Do I miss spending 10hrs in a single camp? Nope. I miss the community aspect that it created though. Instanced queued dungeons are a very poor design because it's purely about self instant gratification.

That's primarily why I think Pantheon sounds good. A focus on community/grouping with a higher risk vs. reward than the standard run of the mill MMORPG? It's worth a shot.
Part of the reason a lot of us old EQ1 players get the nostalgic feeling, that we might not get from having played WoW for as long as we did EQ1, in my opinion, is also due to the fact that when we started playing EQ1, we had no better alternative. EQ1 was top of the line - some might dispute, but I can't think of anything that came close. This gave a lot of us a whole new angle to playing computer games, one we had never experience in such a scale before and it sucked us in, we got caught in the stories - lore, epic quests and what not.

We have a TON of MMO's today, all with different options and gameplay, but for a lot of us, EQ1 will always be a unique experience, one that can never be copied, cause we tried it all before, we're getting pummeled by new releases, some worse than others, some half-done. But when all is said and done, there's a reason so many of us keep returning to a game, harshly outdated in graphics. The bond and relationship we developed with EQ1 will be impossible to mirror, mostly because a lot of us put a lot more heart into it and also because for the majority of those of us who started playing when it came out, it was something completely new - new MMO's often offer something new and in many of them, it might actually be better, but the whole concept is still the same as it's been for the past 15 years. You log in to the game, you start as level 1, kill a ton of shit, complete quests, gain levels, reach max level, kill end-game content and complete dungeons and raids and get top notch gear...sound familiar? :)

So to answer whether or not I will try EQN. Yes, I will probably try it, just as I played WoW, Lotro, AoC, Rift, Warhammer, Aion etc etc.. Do I expect an EQ1 experience and feeling? Nope, because however much it might stand out from other MMO's on the market, it will still just be another MMO with the same concept.

The day we get virtual reality mmo's or sleep-engine mmo's that we can play while we're sleeping or during other downtime, that is when I might get 'sucked in' again ;)
I'm in the alpha. So far it's all about finding that piece of prime real estate. The creative element will entice the a Minecraft contingent and some of the things I've seen are amazing creations. And I'm only just hitting tier two/ three consumables. I will look at posting some pictures/ videos here if you want to hear a balding middle aged Brit with a hangover...
I'm going to try EQNext but no interest in Landmark. I am however looking more forward to Shroud of the Avatar and Pantheon as it seems like more of a true succesor to EQ then EQNext looks like

- - - Updated - - -

I would check the NDA before posting anything.

NDA was lifted for Landmark
Hmm of the two choices Pantheon or Shroud of the Avatar... One made by BM the other made by Lord British. I would choose neither quite frankly. UO was horrible and I have made my feelings known about BM's games in the past. So with the current nerffest going on with the Feb 19 patch in EQ1, I'm either back to EMUs or Steam.

But to each their own, if they screwed up EQ1 so bad that people are flocking to EQN then the Devs have done their job.

Have you looked at the character breakdown of Pantheon? Sounds very close to original EQ. I think if Brad was given a free hand to make a game it would turn out to be pretty good. He's just evil enough to make it challenging and with some of the designers of the early zones in EQ (still some of the best zones ever made).
Never could get into UO and Shroud of the Avatar looks like a remake of it.

Trivia: When I lived in Austin I worked on Richard Garriot's car (Lamborghini Diablo), visited his house/castle several times and remember one Halloween a guy was killed when he dove into the swimming pool and hit is head on the glass divider.. or so they say. All kinds of strange rumors about him and his parties.

What I've seen on the website of Pantheon does it for me.
ESO so far has been a cookie cutter copy of EQII, WoW and DAoC
EQNext will probably be EQII screwed Minecraft and the baby is called EQNext.
I'm sure they will all share that horrible combat model.
Poll - Are you going to try EverQuest Next?

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