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Contest April Contest: 21 Years of Everquest, Whats your favourite memory? (3 Viewers)

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While not a happy memory, it is a favorite. Back when your guild would join up with another guild and go do epic stuff (cause it was so hard back then:)) we were doing the Ranger Epic and two items dropped that I needed. I was told I was first on the list so I ran in and looted both items. I didn't realize the way it worked was that I got the first drop but then another Ranger would get the second one:(.

The other ranger was in the top 5 players on our server at that time and I was so embarrassed and ashamed that I still feel it to this day, even though he assured me it was all ok.
I have always played a cleric. My first memories were being scared to death I would be attacked and killed because to med you had to stare at your open spellbook which took up your whole window so friends had to stand by and protect you while you meditated. I also remember buying and selling in the tunnel. "2nd Torch!" Corpse runs. Some very epic ones. Our guild was a mid-level family guild and we went to plane of hate? I believe and the whole zone trained and killed our raid. We pleaded with another guild to save us so we could loot our bodies. They agreed and we were SO grateful! It took hours to get our corpses back! Pretty much everyone back then had 2 sets of gear - a spare in the bank for those corpse runs!
  • hanging out with my now wife just chatting for hours
  • killing people 6on1 and 3on1 with zone line and mad iksar regen craziness during luclin and velious days when they jumped me
  • best-of-the-best tournament when all other top groups/players got moved onto same server and doing real well even with gear disadvantages
  • successfully fd flop dragging a dead gnome thru a fully pop'd ntov to get to plane of mischief
  • being one of less than 5 players to actually complete druid epic as originally designed
  • original original days of mq1 and mq2 (cams.mac!)
  • almost learning how to program
  • getting my account unbanned by randomly calling support over 2 weeks and finally getting a lazy/clueless enough phone representative to character transfer from a banned account to an unbanned account
  • paying rent and buying food after losing my job by farming PoP zones during PoP
  • finding a dupe bug
  • after finding dupe bug....while porting to a druid portal dieing because of the 1inch drop that occurs when you portal and your a million lbs over weight.... getting back to corpse to pickup a few hundred thousand plat before anyone looted my red corpse
  • seeing sneak peek of the gods/dragons at end of beta when they destroyed the world
  • the sheer unbelievableness of EQ1 when I first got into beta
  • actually getting into game on day 1 of release while no one else could
  • camping out at walmart to be the first to buy expansions during early expansions
  • singing (typing) horrible songs in guildchat to keep guilds awake during raids.... all via keyboard as fast as possible
  • making raid strategies for things that had never been killed
  • making solo pulls on raids for crazy encounters
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My favorite memory was returning back from the Legends server (main was and is still a Ranger), where I did acquire some pretty sick gear but missed my friends that played on the standard server and moved back. During the guild's first raid on Bertox during PoP all the guild tanks went down and they were calling a wipe but I jumped in and got aggro, weaponshielded and positioned him back into the corner we were able to recover and down him as my friend cleric spammed "all heals on the ranger!". Needless to say there were no ranger down jokes that night :) .
I once invited my level 51ish friend to join us on a clear of NToV... Things were going great, but at some point he died and at the same time, he had to log out. The next day, we all realized that his corpse was still there and we set out on a guild-wide expedition to retrieve his body (Guild was a family guild that enjoyed pranking each other and was well known on our server for engaging in a wide array of friendly shenanigans). We decided that we would join him in his attempt to retrieve his body with a few caveats: 1) We'd all be naked for posterity, 2) We wouldn't use summon corpse.

Needless to say, 2 hours in, and MANY deaths later we were finally able to recover his corpse from DEEP within the raid and enjoyed a no-pants Ale consuming party while everyone's bodies got rezzed. None of my memories raiding from then till I took a break in TBL will ever compare to that. I still to this day talk to a few people from that guild, and that's just my favorite memory out of a book full of great experiences with them.
Definitely remember those days and corpse recovery gear. Really stunk when you got in a death spiral trying to recover---kids have it easy nowadays :p
Back in the day I was a huge faction nut - so my favorite memories are being in places you wouldn't expect to see somebody. A dark elf walking through Cabilis unattacked, orcs loved me (Freeport guards not so much), Chardok thought of me as an ally. I think Cabilis is my favorite though - whenever I walked through there everybody that was just starting had only seen iksar, that's all that was in the city normally, and so many were so surprised to see me in their city - 'How are you in here?' 'Why are the guards not attacking you?'
Definitely remember those days and corpse recovery gear. Really stunk when you got in a death spiral trying to recover---kids have it easy nowadays :p

I remember corpse recovery - definitely wouldn't say it is a favorite memory though. (It's in the same category as remembering the time the servers went down for emergency maintenance, only to see the patch notes upon servers coming back up being '-fixed server stability issue -nerfed necromancer pets' as the only two patch notes - what? Every patch? Even the emergency, server stability fix ones have to nerf necromancers? Who said, wait on that server stability thing, I want to put a necro pet nerf in there too..:mystery:)
My first Plane of Fear when the max lvl was 50. I almost died RL, i was so nervous and it was the time pet could get aggro and pet were breaking mez. I was a necro and it was my first raid ever and not only it was my first raid, it was my first time in a group, always soloed. I had no idea what was the /assist function. I learned it fast :)
I worked nights and started eq as a way to occupy my time till wife got up(new baby was keeping her up all night) I made a necro but then a sk and soloed to 64 and was having a hard time getting any good xp. I had joined guild she was in but I had never even said much more than 2 words. I asked a simple question about where to go and before I knew it I had guildies taking me to Bot and spent the day leveling me. They got nothing for it but knew I had worked hard soloing and not asked for anything from anyone. As a loner and a guy who even in real life wants to do it alone it meant a lot to me and still does. Shows the good side of guilds and what eq can be. Still here years later.
The loading Music!
Never have it on nowadays, since I never load just one char. I remembering borrowing my neighbours account to try the game, and the music building up the momentum. Still gives me an amazing satisfaction. Sometimes, with a new install the music is still on and I get the same feeling I had 20 years ago, its amazing <3
Best memory would hve to be finally getting my cleric 1.0. I was running around looking for people to res I was so happy lol
One of my favorite memories in eq happened 19ish maybe 20 years ago. I started playing with friends, they got me hooked on evercrack, and I created a human mage ran outside the gates in North Qeynos
and hit my ae dd near the guards, not knowing what it would do. I died by the hands of the Qeynos guards, got laughed at by friends, and then I rerolled a Barbarian Shaman.
Monk epic back then was quite an adventure but honestly at level 17 monk fell in with drowned citizens in freeport tunnels... you HAD o get your corpse... I had a nice bp that dropped of worms in ice clad or somedam place and it was a prize... like 25 ac!!!!! i had so many corpses in that well it was crazy... a level 50 sk came and called my corpse and he became a hero in my eyes... the game had some real thrills then... you were not given anything... you worked for all of it... there was actual scary things... and happiness when ya won a battle for a long awaited item... different game then
It was wayyyy back in the beginning when EQ was still new and shiny and a mystery. The time when you still had to use true north and a set of handdrawn maps.
Was playing with friends (and new friends found ingame) when we decided to move from Greater Faydark to Butcherblock (which was a bit difficult to navigate if you didn't know about all the hills and that). Getting slaughtered by goblins became boring so one day we were like "Did you hear about this great zone to get exp in? they call it Unrest! Its really cool in there they say ..."

We all were like "yeah thats nice - lets go there".
The way there wasn't that thrilling (besides maybe the gobbo camp in dagnor's *cough* that someone ran into and after some rez and rescue maybe the occasional one trying to get after you while trying to run around the pond ...) so we finally arrived in unrest.
Had some fun in the yard outside and all was cool. We stood there for a couple of days until someone got bored and suggested to move on.
It was pretty late already - all of us tired - and most of us not with port abilities, lest a wizard or druid around.

So we were like "lets camp and run back together tomorrow in case we need to corpse run".
Guess what? The cleric was like "erm - no. I am bored. You will make it back tomorrow easily." and there he hit port *mumble*
Don't have to mention that the way back wasn't that chilled though ...
another good time the GMs were asking for people to join a raid for an event instance and they expected only a few people but I convinced my whole guild to stop raiding regular raids and show up with the GMs they summoned us all in we had 60+ people and a bunch of other GMs logged in and Guides and they made it more elaborate it was the shipwreck instance and we were all shrouded low levels, and we all got cool ornaments, Holy Swords and Dried Branches and they gave us a serverwide shout out and it was epic. Lots of screenshots, people got in trouble, we all got cool ornaments including the Whorl of Time Shield looking ornament from Quarm.
This sounds like you were playing on bristlebane back then :-)
Do you remember how long ago that happened? Inquisitive minds wish to know :-)
Can we have a favorite memory to hate? lol...

Besides nodelay, my actual favorite memory was being taken on a raid of plane of hate with the family guild I was part of when I first joined everquest. My RL buddy was in the guild, so he got me an invite. I remember being lvl 54 and getting so much agro because everyone else was 60 or something. It was a blast, and launched me into a series of "real" raiding guilds on a variety of toons.... but I'll never forget that first hate raid.
This is hard to say what my favorite would be.

I would say the day I made my account. Previously, I would only be able to play at a friend’s house. One day, however, I finally won the battle with my parents to start up an account.

My family had 56k JUNO internet service back then. When it came to installing and patching EverQuest, my friend handed me over a stack of CDs which contained the most recent game files.

The copy/paste job to move EverQuest off the CDs and onto the desktop probably took 4+ hours.

Long story short: I made a Half Elf Rogue named Kidan on Quellious. Never could’ve been happier in my whole life.

If anyone is Dopp, Ratlin, or Cores from Quellious — hit me up. Y’all started me down this crazy life of gaming.
I started playing Sept of 99, after both of my brothers started on launch day, one played a druid other played a cleric. I got hooked watching my brother who played a druid kiting all these mobs around and using his dots to just kill all these mobs, I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread, for real! My other brother was on a camp called Frenzy in Lower Guk, which I had no idea at the time what that was as I wasn't even playing yet, I was sitting next to him watching him just stand and complete heal every now and then on his cleric. I found it pretty boring, but the warrior they had was amazing, he was pulling 4 to 5 rooms at once. I ended up sitting there while my brother went out to a party, and did my very first 36 hour FBSS camp! I was so hooked and addicted at that time, I begged both my brothers to help me get an account and of course pay for it lol.

Once I started my best memory was leveling my mage in Crushbone, I bound myself in the zone at the zone line, I was playing for close to 30 hours straight, I ended up passing out at the keyboard. I was level 16 when I fell asleep, when I awoke, I was level 9! I had died so much! My brother with his cleric rezzed me which took hours and hours to do, but it taught me a great lesson that day! Never bind where trains come through! LOL!

Overall, I've had so many great memories and made so many friends, I wasn't big in the raid scene till EQ2 really, but EQ1 has always had my heart, there's something about this addiction I continue to comeback too!

Reading through everyone's stories, really just brings a smile to my face, cause I know us addicts are all here enjoying what we love in the game, and that's a great community with like minded individuals!
I started playing Sept of 99, after both of my brothers started on launch day, one played a druid other played a cleric. I got hooked watching my brother who played a druid kiting all these mobs around and using his dots to just kill all these mobs, I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread, for real! My other brother was on a camp called Frenzy in Lower Guk, which I had no idea at the time what that was as I wasn't even playing yet, I was sitting next to him watching him just stand and complete heal every now and then on his cleric. I found it pretty boring, but the warrior they had was amazing, he was pulling 4 to 5 rooms at once. I ended up sitting there while my brother went out to a party, and did my very first 36 hour FBSS camp! I was so hooked and addicted at that time, I begged both my brothers to help me get an account and of course pay for it lol.

Once I started my best memory was leveling my mage in Crushbone, I bound myself in the zone at the zone line, I was playing for close to 30 hours straight, I ended up passing out at the keyboard. I was level 16 when I fell asleep, when I awoke, I was level 9! I had died so much! My brother with his cleric rezzed me which took hours and hours to do, but it taught me a great lesson that day! Never bind where trains come through! LOL!

Overall, I've had so many great memories and made so many friends, I wasn't big in the raid scene till EQ2 really, but EQ1 has always had my heart, there's something about this addiction I continue to comeback too!

Reading through everyone's stories, really just brings a smile to my face, cause I know us addicts are all here enjoying what we love in the game, and that's a great community with like minded individuals!

lol, are we the same person??? I made that mistake on my baby Mage starting toon in CB, too!
Camping in BoT was really fun for me, by the time i discoreved Everquest, it was PoP time and for me, it was the best experience in everquest....

i was like 20 years old, had a lot of free time and that zone really scared me when i tried to go upstairs, the mobs had a lot of HP's and i really dreamed of it
It was wayyyy back in the beginning when EQ was still new and shiny and a mystery. The time when you still had to use true north and a set of handdrawn maps.

I had forgotten about those! I had a 3 ring binder FULL of maps of every zone and city. I bound the direction to my left and right keys to get the skill maxed as quickly as possible so I knew where I was going.
I had forgotten about those! I had a 3 ring binder FULL of maps of every zone and city. I bound the direction to my left and right keys to get the skill maxed as quickly as possible so I knew where I was going.
I think I still have that folder along with textual descriptions of zones and quests and what not ... Afair I couldn't justify throwing it away the last time we moved *lol*
And the Atlas of Myrist - oh my - what a gem. To be honest: I still love to look things up in it just because of the way it is made.
One of the best things to come from this game was all the friends I made. My first raiding guild, back during the Ruins of Kunark days, started a yearly bbq tradition. Everyone that could would fly out to the guild leader's home and have an amazing weekend. Unfortunately, I have since stopped going, but even today that bbq is still going every year. We definitely forged some lifelong relationships from that time.

The server I was on had so much drama that the server forums were always an excellent read.

In game, one of my favorite memories was being a bard and running my group out to Karnor's castle with the lev and speed song. Every single time someone would get too far behind they would fall to their death. I would always tell people it was going to happen, but they would always be okay with it. There are a ton of other memories, but that one always just pops into my head.

Overall, I have never found any mmo to have the same bonding that this game had when I first started raiding nearly 20 years ago.
Player with my RL friends for 5 years, a group of 6, we where really happy talking about everquest in every place! (restaurants.. places like that) and yeah that was something weird, sometimes other friends was looking at us really strange :P. Camped ragefire for a friend for 50h! that was epic! velious era was really good... dragons, giants and dwarfs,having the new helms meant you where ubber (top) i remember when we killed our first AoW with 80 real persons non boxing etc.. made lvl 60 in velkethor.. was dreaming with those spiders and kobolds and then we left the game in PoP era have been on and off in eq a lot of times, but this is our Evercrack :) and playing this game with a 56k modem was the real challenge!!
My favorite memory was creating a shiny new High Elf cleric. I miraculously got her to the EC tunnel after a couple of initial levels to try and level nearby. I kept screaming in says, "Help me! Help me!" as I would get pummeled by snakes or whatever I brought to the tunnel entrance. It was funny watching traders and other players rush to my rescue.
Ahh the good old days of the bazaar being in East Commons!!

I remember those days. It was fun to finally buy or sell something you've been wanting to for awhile, but I gotta say - I wouldn't go back to that voluntarily anymore. It was even crazier back then when you realize we didn't have tell windows - you just had to watch chat spam as a 100 people were spamming what they had to sell and hope you didn't miss a tell when someone bit on something you had to sell.

My brother and I grew up poor so we would share a friends account, waking up at 4AM just to play (3 hours a day 1.5 hours each) parent's couldn't obtain a credit card and our financial situation was never great. This was mid 1999, I was 13 years old my brother 10. This would only last about 3 months since my friend at the time decided to not share his account anymore. This was stuck in our minds while growing up, we never had a chance to experience the fantasy world of EverQuest.

My brother and I would take out a notebook and draw what we would remember in the world of Norrath. Sitting on the dinning table, young and desperate to play. I would say that was my favorite memory, sure it's not in game but it was the experience my brother and I had, we bonded and connected.

Come 2020, brother and I play on the same server, grouped every single day, we both have our own businesses / families. Reliving the experience we missed out on during our childhood.
I have so many good memories of playing Everquest. Those first incredibly intense weeks back in 2000 when I had no idea what was going on. I drowned fairly quickly in a pond and couldn't figure out how to get my body back. I consented someone else to loot my body and he did, giving me whatever gooding a friend had lent me (Polished Granite Tomahawk). They got rid of the ability to consent others to loot your corpse fairly quickly. A lot of favorite memories involve people helping me out of scrapes I got into.

Early raiding of Fear and Hate. Finally getting Fire flagged, doing Plane of Time. But I think my favorite memories are of playing hide and seek in POK with my pre-school daughter and letting her shroud into a pixie or fairy and fly around. Letting her take control of my enchanter in illusion and run around POK and POT. She didn't want to go to zones with monsters.

She's 23 now and those are precious memories. I also have a memory of me taking a break from camping an Aviak spawn with my friend Joe. Then Joe got attacked and my five or six year old son pushed my bard forward and attacked. Joe always claimed my son saved his life =) My favorite memories of Everquest all involved other people and the community that has grown over the twenty years I've been involved in the game.

And yeah, breaking back into fear after a wipe to do a late night CR with the help of other guilds. Some of my friendships have lasted twenty years. One of my friends recently passed away after a long battle with cancer. Over the years, i got to know his mother and sister. Logging on his account, which he gave me is emotional. EQ is more than a game and the MQ2 community has been a huge part of it for me.

Rambling, but so many great memories.
the great PoFear debacle of 1999, a few guilds died that day. I saw grown men break down in tears. I say rituals. I saw praying to God. I saw praying to the eq gods. I saw many people begging for gm assistance. I saw many /rage quits. I saw me laughing. every time I tried to zone the game crashed and kicked me out, not a single death
I drowned fairly quickly in a pond and couldn't figure out how to get my body back.

*cough* felwithe - pond - shiny coin at bottom - dead elf.
I can relate to what you describe.

As much as I can relate to all those stories about
kelethin - youngling - running - "i believe i can fl....*splat*"

Or the first time in Runnyeye - not knowing anything with only that handdrawn map with me. As long as nothing unexpected happened (like falling down) all was cool :-)
Factoring in the "ey guys you lost me - i am getting attacked *phonecall inc* no idea where i am - hope you guys can find me".
I had quite some fun with the crew i was around back then. Especially because I wasn't the only one being clumsy *lol*
Contest April Contest: 21 Years of Everquest, Whats your favourite memory?
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