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Contest April Contest: 21 Years of Everquest, Whats your favourite memory? (2 Viewers)

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Jul 9, 2015
Redbot's edit: I'm hijacking vorpal's thread for our April contest!! Also it's spelled "favorite"


April is still cold. Stay inside and play EQ!
RedGuides would like to celebrate 21 years of EverQuest by asking you a question:

What's your favorite EverQuest memory?
To enter, answer the question above or have an on-topic discussion.

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  • 💎 ONE KRONO for two lucky winners
  • 💰 A paid plugin/macro of your choice! Options include MQ2Monk, MQ2EQWire, Tradeskill Recipes, Explore.mac, or any other paid plugin/macro (One winner)
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  • 📆 A Month of Redguides Level 2 access for you or a friend. Enjoy the Very Vanilla compile, the internet's largest collection of macros, private strategies, and a great community (One winner)

No purchase necessary. No more entries after April 30th, 11:59 PM PST.
Drawing will be held in-game on the Vox server, by use of /random. Time & location of the /random will be posted after contest ends, you are welcome to attend.
Multiple replies (and therefore multiple entries) are allowed so long as you are carrying on a normal on-topic conversation.
Shipping of physical items is to USA only, an alternate prize will be selected if we can't get it to you.
Posting with multiple accounts, or screwing with the contest will lead to certain doom.

@VorpalChicken's original thread:
Ah EQ turns sweet 21 today, doesn't feel or seem like I've been playing for 21 years, but jeez where the heck has the time gone.

Happy Birthday, EQ, I have an insane amount of memories, have made so many friends because of EQ and have met a number of very 'interesting' people over the years.

For 8 years me and my wife raided in EQ virtually every day, we were in one of the top guilds on Emarr back then, and we loved it, and still talk about it even now.

I think my favorite memory is back in the early days, I used to run a Shaman, a troll shaman, called Taka, and I managed to kill everyone in CT by accident, really!, we were part of a group down in the pools and I managed to fuck up and agro the steel golem, long story short, I was able to run out of CT, but this made the golem agro everything else, literally everywhere in the zone, and back then there were like 90-130 people in CT at any given time, and I wiped them all due to the way the pools would path back from the entrance... heheheheh good times.
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the tangrin on the island in field of bone, the earth elemental hack (amazing, just googled it and hadn't seen it) who here remembers when you went in the cave in field of bone the hidden wall cave and let the burnyaibane spider hit you several times, it would make you proc a level 35 mage pet as a level 1 iksar and you could go around killing everything in field of bone... all you had to do literally was aggro the spider and wait until it would proc on you and then boom you'd have a pet, it was epic..... also as a beastlord I summoned my pet and for some reason after a buff or shrink or something that happened I summoned another one and then I was able to summon another one... I was in Scorched Woods at the Giant Fort with 100 (it would stop at 100 pets) - I counted - and I had 100 tigers tearing up those giants..... another time I found on the rare item vendor a bone or tooth or something that right click it would summon a SK pet lvl 49 so I bought it for 3 million plat and then summoned it on my monk and decked the pet out with the coolest looking weapons and bought the pet amnesia potion, named him Pineapple, and yeah that was cool until he died...
another good time the GMs were asking for people to join a raid for an event instance and they expected only a few people but I convinced my whole guild to stop raiding regular raids and show up with the GMs they summoned us all in we had 60+ people and a bunch of other GMs logged in and Guides and they made it more elaborate it was the shipwreck instance and we were all shrouded low levels, and we all got cool ornaments, Holy Swords and Dried Branches and they gave us a serverwide shout out and it was epic. Lots of screenshots, people got in trouble, we all got cool ornaments including the Whorl of Time Shield looking ornament from Quarm.
For me it was mostly when the game was new. I played with some real life friends and we made some in game friends so had a group of 5. We traveled around just checking stuff out and it was amazing. My most exciting moment was when I joined a group of real badasses who I sort of knew but I was in a crappy guild and they were in an uber guild. Somehow I got into a group with them and we went to Sebilis when Kunark was new. We got into an insane battle that I think would have been a full wipe for most groups but everyone played out of their skin and we survived it. Never seen something so exciting in a game before, I was memming spells mid fight to save people etc. Intense.

Another amazing memory for me was trying out the PVP servers. I was running through EC tunnel and came out in N Ro, and 2 guys jumped down off the top of the tunnel to ambush me, but they injured themselves in the fall, and I was a Necro so... I ended up killing them both but it was a tough fight and my heart has never pounded so hard from a game!

Also got some great memories of joining a big guild on another server and we did some really good raid content and group content. I play lots of other games and have a big list of games I've really loved, but for me EQ stands above everything.
My best time was shortly after Velius came out. I was in a small guild and we planned our first rsid into Fear. Well I didn't know anything about it at the time. And a friend and I zoned in to check it out. That did not go well, the next thing I know the raid started early so we could get the corpses out. We definitely underestimated that and it took a good hour to rez and get to the safe spot. Good times!

Another memory was being a DE necro and being max faction with North Freeport.
Back in the early days everyone had to spam their stuff in a zone (Was it West Commonland) and it was impossible to find anything.
Nek Forest at night when you had died somewhere past the Newbie log as a level 2 or 3 and you had no clue how to find your corpse. It was like living in a horror film because you just knew you'd never find that corpse again and you'd lose what little gear you'd managed to accumulate. To this very day I have Chipped Bone Rods in my bank.
Nek Forest at night when you had died somewhere past the Newbie log as a level 2 or 3 and you had no clue how to find your corpse. It was like living in a horror film because you just knew you'd never find that corpse again and you'd lose what little gear you'd managed to accumulate. To this very day I have Chipped Bone Rods in my bank.
LOL my wife said thats why she still has Chipped Bone Rods on her cleric to LOL
The server I started on was Tallon Zek and since it was PVP people on the light side would gather outside the Kelethin bank. I just remember that platform was always super packed and there was always interesting conversations to be had.
1585214741274.pngI also remember one time there was a GM event in the Greater Faydark. The GMs played as pixies and asked random players to play hide and seek with them. If we found them, they gave us items. I found a pixie and they gave me a Glowing Black Stone! I had been camping it in Qeynos Hills for a while before giving up. I finally got one! So exciting. I was maybe 11 or 12 years old. Still haven't killed a Faydark pixie to this day.
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i took my toon to legends for a winter and it was amazing. wish they still had it. it was during the pop expansion and found a guild that was doing the progression. best eq times.
i took my toon to legends for a winter and it was amazing. wish they still had it. it was during the pop expansion and found a guild that was doing the progression. best eq times.
oh was that the like $35 a month "high roller" server?
I had a couple of friends that went there - lost touch with them afterwards
i took my toon to legends for a winter and it was amazing. wish they still had it. it was during the pop expansion and found a guild that was doing the progression. best eq times.

I spent about six months on Legends. Great server, fun time. I even got to lead one raid on my warrior. Was sorry when they shut it down.
So many great memories.

A stand out is very early in the game. I had like a level 20 max and was talking to my cousin on the phone about making some new characters to play together at times. He tells me about Kelethin being high in the trees and to be careful to not fall off. I thought that was super neat so I rolled a Wood Elf. Fell to my death within 20 seconds. Good times.
Higher levels saving us the little guys from Sand Giants, watching for the yell SAND GIANT!
The Gms used to be really nice, had one bring me an aug I accidently lost in person all the way out in the boonies.

First time I fell through the world! Had no idea what to do, saved by a nice GM.

The time we went into Skyshrine just to look around, far above our level and died, could not retrieve our corpses! We tried and tried and finally a great player named Fathersword, brought them out for us and a wonderful cleric volunteered to come rez us, when we had about given up! People who played clerics were generally caring people and we met a lot of kindness back when the need for a rez was by cleric wherever you may have died. If you could not loot your stuff you could not get it back!
Nice topic.. really made me reflect.

I remember back in the day there was a quest for "uber" armor. I was trying to suit up my ranger and had to camp for a mob in Ocean of Tears. I sat there for what I recall to be about 30+ hours straight to get that dude. While I was there I'd chat in /ooc with some great folks and I still remember one player was keeping me great company while he farmed diamonds. When I finally got the npc I remember how great I felt for my mission accomplished.

I also remember, when my ranger was really young, early 1999, people were on eBay selling whatever they could. I thought brass gear was the best gear for a ranger and bought a full suit. When I got it, I was pretty pissed that rangers can't use plate armor!

I ended up rolling a necro, and I got my Circlet of Shadow. That was another uber moment. I have a chanter friend who was farming them and giving me for my toons.

I think one of the saddest memories (i know its strange) when my necro buddy, Tomark, quite the game during PoP. It was hard for necrosis back then and even harder to have fun during raids. Anyhow, he quit playing and gave me his characters info. He told me to sac Tomark for Essence Emeralds. I did as he wished and actually felt bad every time i hit the gem.

EQ is a strange game isn't it? It wasn't supposed to reel me in ... still to this day.
Finally making it out of Kaladim and seeing Butcherblock Mountains. Heck, I spent the first day just trying to see if I could pick any of those gems out of the wall near where it dropped you initially in the game. (It was a new genre at the time and I had no idea what was or was not possible).
Ah EQ turns sweet 21 today, doesn't feel or seem like I've been playing for 21 years, but jeez where the heck has the time gone.

Happy Birthday, EQ, I have an insane amount of memories, have made so many friends because of EQ and have met a number of very 'interesting' people over the years.

For 8 years me and my wife raided in EQ virtually every day, we were in one of the top guilds on Emarr back then, and we loved it, and still talk about it even now.

I think my favorite memory is back in the early days, I used to run a Shaman, a troll shaman, called Taka, and I managed to kill everyone in CT by accident, really!, we were part of a group down in the pools and I managed to fuck up and agro the steel golem, long story short, I was able to run out of CT, but this made the golem agro everything else, literally everywhere in the zone, and back then there were like 90-130 people in CT at any given time, and I wiped them all due to the way the pools would path back from the entrance... heheheheh good times.
When I first started playing I had a barbarian shaman. It was on the newly opened Luclin server. I had made my own large rawhide armor, and made my way to Qeynos / Black burrow / Everfrost for Mammoth Calves. When I was around lvl15 I was ready for adventuring, but I needed new weapon and armor. In Qeynos ringmail was 2pp/AC and teleports were too expensive. So, I started my adventure that took three hours and a few corpse recoveries running through the Karanas, High Hold Keep, avoiding undead in Kithicor and briefly spending time with some halfling adventures, saw my first giant in West Commonlands, and finally made my way safely to Freeport to be bound before going to EC to trade.
My first char was a half elf Druid that came from surefall glade. There’s a stupid tunnel that leads from SFG to qeynos hills. I kept getting turn around in that stupid tunnel because it was so dark every time I went through it. not sure why that’s my fondest memory of EQ.
My first char was a half elf Druid that came from surefall glade. There’s a stupid tunnel that leads from SFG to qeynos hills. I kept getting turn around in that stupid tunnel because it was so dark every time I went through it. not sure why that’s my fondest memory of EQ.
LOL... I made a ranger and after i finally found my way out of the tunnel I remember my first kill and feeling pretty good. After a few more kills i got cocky and ended up dying. I died one more time, looted my gear and copper. I ended up running to that stupid stump and fell in it and couldn't get my gear. I deleted that character and made a wood eld ranger.... only to keep falling off those suspended bridges. :angel:
My family had 3 accounts and 3 computers lined up in 2000.... We would all sit in the EC tunnel and buy and sell bronze armor. It scrolled so fast my daughter even joined, so 4 of us would sit for hours making HUNDREDS of plat. Literally a rich dwarf rolling in money. My Son was a druid and had to port out chunks of money to the banks along with heavy gear. I would waddle from Torch to Torch. Made for a great way to spend a Saturday morning. Best EQ memories ever.

Banmer Silverheart
Dwarf Cleric, Long dead.
My fondest memory to this day:
Started out as a barbarian warrior and had a great time met friends and had fun in the surrounding zone, this was on FV with language restrictions and only 1 character slot. After a while I decided another account was called for and made a necro first time I zone out of Ak'aknon it was wow this game has more than 3 zone ! this is awesome. Ran that little necro all across the world for the next 15 years.
So I started EQ in May 1999, have played off and on ever since. My younger brother who was 11 at the time was living with us and I allowed him to make a toon on my account to play. This happened bout 8 months into EQ. I was in the living room watching TV with my wife when my brother comes up behind me cry his eyes out. Naturally I was concerned so I asked him what was wrong. He tells be he died and he can't get his corpse back. I felt so sorry for him so I decided to go see what was wrong. I go into the office and ask where he died and he tells me Crushbone. I have him narrow it down further and and find out he somehow managed to fall into a fountain of blood, swim down and get stuck under the ledge. Now the blood was dark enough that I could see how one could get disoriented and drown. Needless to say I became his hero that day when I was able to get his corpse for him.
Another great memory was with Monster Summoning. So shortly after they added Monster summoning spell I ran into, heck I don't recall if it was south ro or what it was back then, they merged zones since then, but it was south of Freeport and had sand giants. I went to the back of the zone and cast until I got a Sand Giant model pet and proceeded to enact my plan. I ran towards the area where a lot of lowbies were hunting and watched them all scatter like roaches. Oh yea I forgot to say I was /ooc ing "Help this giant is chasing me." As I am running around all over trying to stop laughing as I see the roaches disperse my eye catches that of a gnome necromancer so I turn and make a beeline straight to him. At first he just moves off in one direction a few feet, so I turn to follow and he moves more and I repeat and he tries to make a run for it all the while I keep following him. At this point I am laughing so hard that I think I need to go to the hospital. He finally stops and gates. A minute later I get this angry tell asking me why I was training sand giants onto him. I still can't help laughing every time I think of that story.
The moment I am most proud of is when I singlehandedly saved the raid. So we were raiding the T1 raid in Feerott the dream, the one where you had lizards on the pyramids and you had to tank them with multiple tanks, I think there were 3 of them. Anyhow we were doing the raid and one of the tanks died and somehow we ended up with two on our tank. I am the cleric on our pyramid so I'm thinking damn our tank is good (he was the the guild's main tank) but I knew he was going to die. So there we were keeping the tank alive by some miracle when of course everyone starts dying and as it custom they are all zoning back in and dying more until RL finally calls a wipe. As my group is wiping i finally get aggro and proc invuln. I am not the only one left alive and the raid is talking about rezzing up and restarting the event. After that Invuln wears off I proc again. At this point I tell the tank in my group to convince the RL to hold off on rezzes and buff up and get ready to reengage. I still have 2 click versions of DA avail +spell (although I know I cant get the spell off with 3 bosses hitting me). So as he is trying to convince the RL I proc another invuln. So far I have had 3 boss mobs totally attention for 3 minutes with the possibility to hold for at least 2 more minutes. RL agrees and everyone gets buffed up and to their places. Tanks are getting ready to pull aggro off me and I proc yet again. This proc bought enough time for the tanks to pull aggro back and get back to their pyramids and we ended up winning the raid. I am not sure how many people realized what happened, but I earned some pretty good status points with the MT and RL that day.
@Turaj Steelfist Nice stories.
One of the things that I liked about EQ was that you could do tons of stuff if you were creative that you should not be able to do, like your raid story.
Back in the early days (Velious or Luclin I think) My friend was telling me that a really well geared Necro friend of his Soloed Trakanon. He was charming mobs and throwing them at Trakanon, supposedly it was a very long fight (~1 hour). But you could do that stuff if you had the skill and creativity.
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Oh yea I forgot to mention the thing that made me quit EQ for 2 years. Yes you can never really quit, you always get sucked back. So my main has always been my Paladin, yes I know for the longest time Pallies were nearly useless, but hey I have always loved them in all thing role playing. So it was shortly after the first server mergers and I find myself on a new server and the Omens of War expansion. I am in nobles causeway looking for mobs to kill because it was now super crowded. So I find a spot and I pull a mob and struggle to solo it. By struggle I mean I was not sure I could beat it but I managed. My little brother has since made friends and was playing an SK of one of these friends who was taking an extended EQ break. Now mind you my brother has no experience playing an SK. He enters the zone and sees me struggling with a mob and he runs past without helping me. As he runs past I see he aggro's two mobs and I chuckle thinking "not going to help me, I might rez you" and then he tags a named mob. So at this point, he is 1 level higher than me, he has a named and 2 trash on him. I invis and get ready to rez him and I watch as he wins the fight. I got so mad at that moment I logged out for two years. I couldn't believe the class balance was so skewed. Yes I know he was better geared, but thinking about it to this day still makes me shake my head.
Contest April Contest: 21 Years of Everquest, Whats your favourite memory?
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