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Patch - And heres the start of the patches!! (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2018
All EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 9:00 AM PT* for an update to patch out some recent issues. Downtime is expected to last approximately 4 hours.

Shall we guess how many extra hours and how many more patches?
Ya, cause there is shit that isn't working right and they are trying to fix it. Cause people that are at that point are pissed shit isn't working right.

My guess, how ever long it takes.
I don't understand why people get so upset about these post release patches. It happens every expansion. You know you expected it. Then you get upset and complain about something you knew was going to happen. A few more hours from now you can play your game.
Yea its definitely the norm for sure, honestly .. its been pretty stable from what I have seen. However the reason for the patch seems skinny and I believe there are things broke that they are not disclosing, which is fine. As noted, the game will be up in a few hours so ...
I apologize for my earlier reply. Think I was at 6 rocks glass of Scotch at that point. Reading about the missions, sounds like they have a lot to change around. Most people that beta test and actually provide feedback, are raiders geared out to the max in a group of raiders geared out to the max. As well as a full group that knows how to play very well. No doubt they get through missions with little problems, that the average group player will find extremely difficult to impossible.

Personally, I am just running a 3 box of TBL expansion toons with mercs in EoK or RoS zones till I max out my warriors AA's. Hopefully by then, TBL will be retuned to be more group friendly.
Yea you are probably spot on...remember when ROS came out the Cactus mission was hard as hell..then easy as hell..then hard as hell..then raid level hard..then patch to be what it is now..still pretty hard for MOLOing. Bottomline, I think it will get nerfed the more people speak up to defend the casual players, people with less toons than you and on dead servers with no chance to group. However, even with a 3 box MOLO, its stil going to be a challenge, fun but challenging. Keep the Scotch close because I suspect you and all of us will need to bang some down here and there. I have some Irish Whiskey to lighten up the pain :)
Patch - And heres the start of the patches!!

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