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Alive? (1 Viewer)

RedBema said:
Anyone still actively play this? I would be interested in the progression of the game if so.

I am still playing. Now have a decent 3.4k hp Lore-master, and currently working on my 47 Guardian. Will probably work on a Minstrel next, as they seem to be in demand in the guild I am in now.

Book 11 was the last update and Lore-masters and Minstrels got major boosts. The Lynx my lore-master carts around does some major damage, hits around 500-800 on even con mobs, and 1100+ on greens or lower. The new areas are geared for people in the mid to upper 40's (Tal Bruinen in Trollshaws, and High Pass/Goblintown in Misty Mountains). The Rift is for 50, and has some major challenges and nice upgrades to armor (as opposed to simply going all crafted).

Seems to have gotten better getting groups, but that's because the guild I am in hangs out together a lot. I found a "young" guild that I am helping a bit level. I would say I am one of about 5 people that are 50. They will be Rank 7 in January so no Guild House till then, but most have bought up a neighborhood. Nice being able to go back and do the quests I skipped.

The "working as intended" changes they put through on fear soured me a bit on the Hunter class, but I am enjoying learning the others. In fact now that I am a tank I can see how hard it is to maintain aggro with Hunters shooting like nuts. I refuse to chase mobs, if a Hunter steals my aggro I let him tank it.

Looking forward to Book 12 updates to Guardians, and Burglars but not holding my breath. Hopefully Book 12 is in Mid-January? No word yet as to any "real" changes they are doing, except that Angmar is getting a revamp (quests and all).
So no Gondor yet. Wonder if there is anything in the works for a raid on Mordor.

I stopped playing because of the lack of groups and content. I had a blast, some of the most fun ever playing then it just kinda stopped.

Graphics were stunning, game-play was great, I just hated having to find a group for every single quest that I had left so I stopped. Think I got to level 41 or so on my Champ.

To me, if they really wanted the game to succeed, they would implement "evil" classes like wizards, orcs (of all shapes and sizes), and whatever else they can think of. Make some world pvp and such, and up the content as far as expanding the map into Rohan and Gondor. I hated that those places were not up yet.

Plus the end game content seemed to be... well, none.
RedBema said:
So no Gondor yet. Wonder if there is anything in the works for a raid on Mordor.

I stopped playing because of the lack of groups and content. I had a blast, some of the most fun ever playing then it just kinda stopped.

Graphics were stunning, game-play was great, I just hated having to find a group for every single quest that I had left so I stopped. Think I got to level 41 or so on my Champ.

To me, if they really wanted the game to succeed, they would implement "evil" classes like wizards, orcs (of all shapes and sizes), and whatever else they can think of. Make some world pvp and such, and up the content as far as expanding the map into Rohan and Gondor. I hated that those places were not up yet.

Plus the end game content seemed to be... well, none.

Well yeah, you are right. As I made the leap and bought life-time accounts (2), I am making the best of it. Sometimes I 2 box things, but have learned that finding the right guild is VERY key in LOTRO.

Ok End game is currently The Rift, and there are some very tough encounters there, it is a 12 man raid actually. There are like you said some great sights, and the game play is top notch, but end game as of now needs a boost, I agree. Have heard a rumor that Rohan will be openning after book 12, but not holding my breath.

The major qualm I have is that it takes them too long to fix things. They will admit something is not working as intended but instead of fixing it next patch, they wait till the next book comes out, and that is sometimes 1 month. Example is housing. They made it so that if you own a house you can port there, and use the mailbox, etc. Now they are saying that since ONLY 1 character on an account can own a house, they will make it so the other characters (on the same account) can also share this port ability. But this has been discussed since Book 11 came over a month ago.

I am still having fun, though. I now have 3 of the 7 Classes at 50 (Burglar, Hunter, Lore-master), and am working on my 47 Guardian.
They have released in Dev chats that Rohan and Gondor will be in the game at some point. They are following a story line as well as determining when to release new areas. I'm sure at some point, lvl cap will be increased. I am happy that they actually put in player housing so early in the life of the game.

I've been playing since beta and I still love to play it. I have a toon for each class and I 2 box alot.
I'm still playing (though not as much lately)...working on websites and such...

Have my 50 mins and a few alts...still in the White Council Bema...I have fun from time to time then take a break...

content is good that they are adding...but I haven't been playing super full time since a little before book 10...so can't throw in much info on the progression of things.
If I had a free sub card I would come back for a while. But, doubtful on that...

One thing I liked so much about LoTRO is that is seemed to progess so quickly. They had alot of what it took WoW two years to get. But, since the game has not progessed too much, it kinda hurts em because it breeds more glitches and such.

They are really seeming to shoot themselves in their own foot. They really just need to be patient, the game was in the works for years, it should be more advanced than this with less glitches.
Yeah same thing happend to me on LOTRO. Burned out because of no high end content. Also another big player in me quitting was the fact once I was level 50 I STILL had problems getting a group and that is just sickening to me. I spent more time LFG or boxing than I did actually playing with others. The whole point of MMORPG's are to play with other people and having interaction with people around the world.

As far as graphics, and over all game play, I loved it. I would only come back if they put in more content (ALOT) because I burn through content way to fast. They could also server merge so the population isn't so spread out.

Ya, I just wanted to go finish what I started. I just need to get a gamecard is all. I am selling my PS2 on ebay here soon to get some extra gaming cash.

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