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Question - 6th? (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 28, 2021
I'm running WAR, SHM, BRD, BST, Zerk. Any suggestions on a 6th? Should I just throw in another zerker or possibly a ranger for headshot later? Open to suggestions!

Another Zerk would add a fairly significant amount of DPS, and is a going to great a great group overall.

But also depends on what you want out of the group. I would argue these days travel is less of an issue in regards to ports. So I wouldn't concern myself with a wizard/druid.
Bard easily makes is less reasonable to have an enchanter.
You have a tank, and healer so with the war/shm/brd you have the nessesary trio, which leaves it down to DPS as a requirement.
You honestly could add anything you like in the last slot, hard to go wrong at this point.
Another Zerk would add a fairly significant amount of DPS, and is a going to great a great group overall.

But also depends on what you want out of the group. I would argue these days travel is less of an issue in regards to ports. So I wouldn't concern myself with a wizard/druid.
Bard easily makes is less reasonable to have an enchanter.
You have a tank, and healer so with the war/shm/brd you have the nessesary trio, which leaves it down to DPS as a requirement.
You honestly could add anything you like in the last slot, hard to go wrong at this point.
lvl 1 pok vendor - bad choice
an out of tune guitar with 3 broken strings - bad choice
4 day old bagel that's been sitting out in the sun with lox on it - bad choice
Interesting. Assuming "forcealliance" is turned on for your 2x zerks?
using mq2berzerker, yes, i have usealliance and force allianced turned on. the force allliance makes it skip the 3 matching class check.

the same way you can use forcealliance with your rogue if you're using poisons on the rest of your team
Hey Sum1, I'm new to this so sorry if this is a simple question because I'm new. Is the sub/no sub because zerks are more gear dependant and need prestige gear? Or is it an AA amount needed, or both?

I am building out a similar group after returning and I think I've settled on SK, shaman, bard, beastlord, berserker, and ranger.
that is great insight for the epic. Why is that may i ask?

There's a fight in Old Seb for the 1.5 where you can very easily kill the mob you're supposed to be testing your axes on (read: waiting for emotes and need the mob alive for) if you're overlevelled.

My redcents would be zerk, rogue, or ranger as well. My group is the same as yours, but with SK instead of WAR, and rogue as the 6th. I enjoy the diversity, but that's a personal preference. SoS also helps make the rare corpse runs and collectible farming a ton easier. My first eq main was a ranger though so I always have a soft spot for them though. I don't think you can go wrong with any of the 3, it just depends on your motivation:
Zerk = optimized dps
rogue = close to optimal dps, SoS utility, fulmination from poisons (but I'm too lazy to do this and stuff dies quick enough anyway)
ranger = buffs your melees, more utility than rogue, HS (a teensy bit situational for me. I don't think a ton in the last two expansions are headshottable but someone can correct me)
Hey Sum1, I'm new to this so sorry if this is a simple question because I'm new. Is the sub/no sub because zerks are more gear dependant and need prestige gear? Or is it an AA amount needed, or both?

I am building out a similar group after returning and I think I've settled on SK, shaman, bard, beastlord, berserker, and ranger.

i agree with @Saffron … for what it’s worth. I keep my zerker subbed because I scored him a raid weapon and some rotting raid gear.

if you run the group you described you’d basically be running exactly what I do (at least part of the time … that’s my “oh shit I need AA’s before raids” group.
There's a fight in Old Seb for the 1.5 where you can very easily kill the mob you're supposed to be testing your axes on (read: waiting for emotes and need the mob alive for) if you're overlevelled.

My redcents would be zerk, rogue, or ranger as well. My group is the same as yours, but with SK instead of WAR, and rogue as the 6th. I enjoy the diversity, but that's a personal preference. SoS also helps make the rare corpse runs and collectible farming a ton easier. My first eq main was a ranger though so I always have a soft spot for them though. I don't think you can go wrong with any of the 3, it just depends on your motivation:
Zerk = optimized dps
rogue = close to optimal dps, SoS utility, fulmination from poisons (but I'm too lazy to do this and stuff dies quick enough anyway)
ranger = buffs your melees, more utility than rogue, HS (a teensy bit situational for me. I don't think a ton in the last two expansions are headshottable but someone can correct me)
You can remove damage shields and just face away from the mob in old seb. You just have to be swinging the axes, don’t have to hit.
Until something like decap fires off. Facing away and crouching generally works but you have to aggro it without 1 shotting it. Way easier if you are a lower level. I have 3 zerks with epics and it took a few tries to get it right with the hours of waiting in between tries.
There was some really good info on this in the knowledge section, it seems like he doesn't even need to be hitting you I don't think just below 75% regardless it seems like this would be easier to just do around lvl 70-80 rather than 115 for sure

I haven't started making my box group quite yet, family life gets in the way but I'm traveling for work the week after next so I can stay up late a few nights to play, might try to make and lvl the group then
I'm running WAR, SHM, BRD, BST, Zerk. Any suggestions on a 6th? Wiz might be good. When played by some one who knows what there doing they are a power house, but i have a theory that top players would to keep there WAKFU a secret.
I'm running WAR, SHM, BRD, BST, Zerk. Any suggestions on a 6th? Wiz might be good. When played by some one who knows what there doing they are a power house, but i have a theory that top players would to keep there WAKFU a secret.
Hey Dinner,

I don't have enough experience boxing to say this is a great recommendation but from the little I've read as I look to dip my toe in your group is very melee heavy so you should maybe lean into that? Bard and shaman epic means adps goodness all around. I think in the hands of a player that knows their class any class is better even if not as well equipped as some fully decked out that doesn't really know what they are doing.
Fun factor is the most important thing for your group. Everyone has there favorite class to play. The question is more towards what do YOU like to play and what are you trying to do. What is the end goal? Are you wanting to just kill everything in sight, are you wanting to do as many quests as possible, or do you want to explore the different places that EQ provides? That is what you want to decide on. Just have fun.

side note: I am currently running a group with 4 necros, a cleric, and an SK just for the fun of it.

OP, you have a great set of 5, so essentially you can't go wrong with anything for your 6th. Another melee DPS if you feel like you want some more DPS. Or throw in abother healer if you feel you want to do even tougher things. Or just throw something in you never played previously and experience a new class.

Fun factor is the most important thing for your group. Everyone has there favorite class to play. The question is more towards what do YOU like to play and what are you trying to do. What is the end goal? Are you wanting to just kill everything in sight, are you wanting to do as many quests as possible, or do you want to explore the different places that EQ provides? That is what you want to decide on. Just have fun.

side note: I am currently running a group with 4 necros, a cleric, and an SK just for the fun of it.


That actually sounds like a fun group! How's it working out? Mist be fun to see all those dots getting thrown out and then to see the big ticks melt things. :)
Fun factor is the most important thing for your group. Everyone has there favorite class to play. The question is more towards what do YOU like to play and what are you trying to do. What is the end goal? Are you wanting to just kill everything in sight, are you wanting to do as many quests as possible, or do you want to explore the different places that EQ provides? That is what you want to decide on. Just have fun.

side note: I am currently running a group with 4 necros, a cleric, and an SK just for the fun of it.

Are you using dot Aura?
Hey Dinner,

I don't have enough experience boxing to say this is a great recommendation but from the little I've read as I look to dip my toe in your group is very melee heavy so you should maybe lean into that? Bard and shaman epic means adps goodness all around. I think in the hands of a player that knows their class any class is better even if not as well equipped as some fully decked out that doesn't really know what they are doing.
Being straight one or the other can cause hiccups. There are times when a mob will use spells and skills to severely mess with your abilities to do spell or melee damage for one reason or another. There are two reason i suggested wiz. First Is the group make up fits him. The group will have a large +to spell damage, a resist debuff and lots of mana. Second and the only reason i have one=transportation, Playing favorites i would same monk. However, that group also looks like a rangers dream come true.
Being straight one or the other can cause hiccups. There are times when a mob will use spells and skills to severely mess with your abilities to do spell or melee damage for one reason or another. There are two reason i suggested wiz. First Is the group make up fits him. The group will have a large +to spell damage, a resist debuff and lots of mana. Second and the only reason i have one=transportation, Playing favorites i would same monk. However, that group also looks like a rangers dream come true.
Thanks dinner didn't think about it like that, I'm just getting back into the swing of EQ, really hoping to start up my boxing group maybe next weekend when I can get some time, dang real life!
Question - 6th?

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