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Discussion - What NOT to do on P99 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
For those people not aware, Project1999 has admin all over the place watching MQ2 sites, PlayerAuctions, Facebook groups and others. Don't openly post that you're looking to sell your account. I say this b/c I was just scrolling thru Facebook and some moron posted that he was wanting to sell/trade his account as well as some power leveling. You can power level for plat np. I don't know that the staff over at P99 would say anything about that. But when you openly post in a group where you don't know anyone that you're selling/trading your account, you're not a smart person. So please guys and gals, IF you're planning on doing something like that, at least make sure you post it somewhere that only people you know and trust browse and not on bloody Facebook!
I came here to answer the question/statement in this post's subject line (What NOT to do on P99) with:

"Play on P99"

Helpful, I know :)
I came here to answer the question/statement in this post's subject line (What NOT to do on P99) with:

"Play on P99"

Helpful, I know :)

Concur (with caveat). If you don't want to play by P99's rules, don't play there. They're trying to cultivate a certain community and there's more then enough opportunities to find other servers to box on that I would argue give you a close enough to 'traditional' EQ experience.

Not going to lie, would love to see them release a package so that someone COULD run an EMU server that was multi-box friendly, though.
Not going to lie, would love to see them release a package so that someone COULD run an EMU server that was multi-box friendly, though.
Erm ... pretty much everybody can host an EMU server - i even have one here ...
As far as I remember there are servers out there that specifically allow boxing, mq and some even have their own code so you can have your boxes auto-perform stuff.
Erm ... pretty much everybody can host an EMU server - i even have one here ...
As far as I remember there are servers out there that specifically allow boxing, mq and some even have their own code so you can have your boxes auto-perform stuff.

My main thought there wasn't so much the running the Emu part but tuning it the way P99 has for their Blue or Green servers in regards to the experience. I figure the EMU part is 'easy', it's getting the settings appropriately for mimicking the P99 feel that's hard.
My main thought there wasn't so much the running the Emu part but tuning it the way P99 has for their Blue or Green servers in regards to the experience. I figure the EMU part is 'easy', it's getting the settings appropriately for mimicking the P99 feel that's hard.
Yeah they did a massive amount of work to make p99 era accurate. You can do some stuff quickly like removing all Defiant gear etc. but there are a million other tweaks and it would take ages. Although the EQ Emu team are already working on this apparently. They are planning to release a multiple install option where you can install the game as classic, or kunark era, velious, era, etc. I don't know how accurate it will be (there are so many changes in each era), but it sounds promising.
Concur (with caveat). If you don't want to play by P99's rules, don't play there. They're trying to cultivate a certain community and there's more then enough opportunities to find other servers to box on that I would argue give you a close enough to 'traditional' EQ experience.

Not going to lie, would love to see them release a package so that someone COULD run an EMU server that was multi-box friendly, though.
There is raid addicts runs there own..
Project 1999 (P99) is an EQ Emu server that is essentially the Gold Standard for Classic -> Velious. Its a very accurate reproduction of that era. It has pretty strict rules about boxing, MQ2, and other ways of cheating. Single box only, nothing else to assist in playing.
P99 is a fun environment if you want to experience EQ as was, near two decades ago.

Yes I will be honest to say, I did box from time to time on P99. It was for rez and transport reasons mainly.
To help understand that recall in the Velious era there are no PoK stones and no soulbinders.
Corpse recovery ungeared and from a bind point several zones away or perhaps even a boat trip away could be described as a painful experience.

There is a generally nice, and helpful community on P99.
People to get together and group, review who is 'lfg' or randomly send tells to a class and level range they are looking for to invite them to play. Popular examples; pond camp in Mistmoor, Goblins basement in HHK, moat area of City of Mist etc.
They also talk to each other, with a social element and indeed friendships can form - just as they did near two decades ago.
There are a fair number of guilds that do content together. e.g. go raiding, giants in kael, dragons in tov, islands of sky etc.
People do quest for the epics.

It is a global community, dominated by the American time zone but a healthy portion from both the Australian and European time zones as well.

I can hand on heart say, I have thoroughly enjoyed my game time on P99 and recommend it to anyone who enjoys EQ to have a look.
I enjoyed p99 too, I got to level 54 and had a lot of groups along the way. Usually I just solo but on P99 I got regular groups which was a nice change. I only stopped playing because I kept getting told about the high end being so corrupt, unable to do epics etc, because some guild had everything locked down with people playing 24/7 in shifts. And the rumor was that they had GMs to help them and everyone had manastones and whatnot which could be bought with RMT. I figured it was exaggerated but not something I could be bothered dealing with. I mostly just enjoy leveling up anyway. I'm one of those alt-o-holics.
I'm going to take this thread in the other direction:

What can you do? Basically whatever you want. Their MQ2 detection is weak. Their MySEQ detection is weak. Their network protections are simple. They don't detect botting/vpn/vm/rc/etc. You can use KenetixQuest and other client-side hacks as you want. Heck, you can filter out/disable their detection checks completely if you want.

Roll a fresh account on a VM, try out hacks, if it doesn't get caught, keep doing it on main account. Rinse and repeat.

Plat/Items/Accounts are available on ectunnel.com and so many people swap/share accounts that I'm sure they have no detection for it unless you slip up your opsec.

Last I checked, the creation of all of these applications was against the ToS of EQ, so there's no reason to be sanctimonious around it.
I think P99 is a great server to just play and group and level from 1-60. After that, it's dead to me. Raiding/poopsocking/dealing with the lifers isn't enjoyable in the least. If you just play it for what it is, it really is a fun server and if you also ignore the forums/drama/personalities you can have a great time.
Discussion - What NOT to do on P99

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