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Fabulous - It clicked… (1 Viewer)


Active member
Dec 26, 2021
I’ve played EQ on and off for years now but never managed to get myself past the 30s sadly. I was introduced to the game back in the late 90s when my dad played a Druid on The Tribunal and started my MMORPG journey (I think I was about 6 years old).

Since then I’ve been on and off grouping and playing multiple classes on TLP’s up to Unrest / Mistmoore and then rerolling alts. But I’ve wanted to push it further and actually explore the game.

I had the itch again, so I did some research. And I’ve always wanted to try out multi boxing but thought ‘it’ll cost too much money having to pay for 6 subscriptions’ until it clicked. EQ is F2P. I’d only need one subscription… right?!

Anyway I’ve spent the past two days theorycrafting the 6 box I’m going to create when I get back from the holidays and I am beyond excited. Looked into Kiss Assist, thinking about what to pilot, what to give auto AAs too first (probably the tank, right?) and I’m super excited to return to EQ but in a completely different way.

Just thought I’d pop in and say thanks to all of the contributors to these threads I’ve been lurking over because you’ve all got be psyched to min max my little dungeon crawler team and see what there is to explore beyond level 30!
I’ve played EQ on and off for years now but never managed to get myself past the 30s sadly. I was introduced to the game back in the late 90s when my dad played a Druid on The Tribunal and started my MMORPG journey (I think I was about 6 years old).

Since then I’ve been on and off grouping and playing multiple classes on TLP’s up to Unrest / Mistmoore and then rerolling alts. But I’ve wanted to push it further and actually explore the game.

I had the itch again, so I did some research. And I’ve always wanted to try out multi boxing but thought ‘it’ll cost too much money having to pay for 6 subscriptions’ until it clicked. EQ is F2P. I’d only need one subscription… right?!

Anyway I’ve spent the past two days theorycrafting the 6 box I’m going to create when I get back from the holidays and I am beyond excited. Looked into Kiss Assist, thinking about what to pilot, what to give auto AAs too first (probably the tank, right?) and I’m super excited to return to EQ but in a completely different way.

Just thought I’d pop in and say thanks to all of the contributors to these threads I’ve been lurking over because you’ve all got be psyched to min max my little dungeon crawler team and see what there is to explore beyond level 30!
Hail and well met! The only subscription you “need” is redguides. You don’t have to sub any of your EQ accounts early on. If you want to go past 250 AA then you will need to sub. If you just want to putter around old world stuff to enjoy it then you can do the ftp portion of EQ. My team is 85 and I’ve been bouncing around this stretch for over a year now and still haven’t subbed any of my group. If you don’t mind taking it slow, there is a ton of content to enjoy before plopping down the credit card. Good luck!
Hail and well met! The only subscription you “need” is redguides. You don’t have to sub any of your EQ accounts early on. If you want to go past 250 AA then you will need to sub. If you just want to putter around old world stuff to enjoy it then you can do the ftp portion of EQ. My team is 85 and I’ve been bouncing around this stretch for over a year now and still haven’t subbed any of my group. If you don’t mind taking it slow, there is a ton of content to enjoy before plopping down the credit card. Good luck!
Hey! Thanks I think I’ll likely sub when I get home
tomorrow and start to figure everything out.

Yeah I’m a bit of a completionist so would really like to explore all of the older content in a progression style with my little team I’ll create and likely swap people classes in and out with dependant on the encounters I face.

I know there’s a few bosses apparently that aren’t doable with boxes based on mechanics etc but I’ve never raided so have absolutely no idea where or what they are - but I’m hoping to keep it that way so everything feels really fresh.

Feel like the game has gone from being a one character journey into a roguelike finding out about this multibox stuff - it’s exciting.
Hey! Thanks I think I’ll likely sub when I get home
tomorrow and start to figure everything out.

Yeah I’m a bit of a completionist so would really like to explore all of the older content in a progression style with my little team I’ll create and likely swap people classes in and out with dependant on the encounters I face.

I know there’s a few bosses apparently that aren’t doable with boxes based on mechanics etc but I’ve never raided so have absolutely no idea where or what they are - but I’m hoping to keep it that way so everything feels really fresh.

Feel like the game has gone from being a one character journey into a roguelike finding out about this multibox stuff - it’s exciting.
Welcome! You can get all the way up into the 70's or 80's until it becomes essential to sub a tank (as long as you have a cleric and enchanter running behind ya).
Welcome! You can get all the way up into the 70's or 80's until it becomes essential to sub a tank (as long as you have a cleric and enchanter running behind ya).
Ahhh good to know - my current ‘set’ is going to be a Warrior / Bard / Druid +3. I’m not one for being super optimised from the start as I think part of the fun will be playing with different compositions.

SK has never been appealing to me even though I hear it trumps the warrior in groups.

The bard for the mezzing and auras and Bards are awesome anyway!

And then the Druid because ports - but I’ll find out how behind they are on Clerics as I level i guess!
welcome, Kae!

EQ is super complicated with TONS of stuff since back in the day. make sure you give yourself some breathing room if this feels overwhelming. stuff takes a bit of time JUST from eq side, let alone adding in macroquest
welcome, Kae!

EQ is super complicated with TONS of stuff since back in the day. make sure you give yourself some breathing room if this feels overwhelming. stuff takes a bit of time JUST from eq side, let alone adding in macroquest
Great advice thank you :) it’s probably good to think about when it comes to what to expect as I don’t think I’ve played Live since PoP. And I never played TLP’s at a high enough level even at PoP. There’s going to be some surprises that’s for sure. :D
Fabulous - It clicked…

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