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News - Community Resource Council (1 Viewer)

Oct 19, 2020
https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/community-resource-council-f-a-q.280526/ - FAQ
https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq...ty-resource-council-mission-statement.280525/ -Mission Statement

Seems destined to fail based on the "you have to be sycophant to be approved" clause. I get it. I understand they only want friends on the council. They might as well expect it to fail like every other council they've had.

Everyone knows there has never been a significant contribution to the game by the council nor a single game decision influenced in the slightest by the council, ever. In fact, people who don't play EQ are still on the council. Take that in. The devs get advice from people that haven't even seen TOV. COV, or TOL content. So yes, several of your council members don't even play the game anymore.

As I understand it the devs rarely if ever communicate with the council, and when they do, it's with individuals of the council and not the entire council. Even then the devs rarely if ever take feedback from the council member.
just be warned, they do not want known mq users or members from our community

also it is unfair to say there is no contribution ever made

rizlona existing AND rizlona "allowing" mq was literally voted on by a focus group (and strangely which i still don't understand, FV loot rules didn't pass the vote) --- again this is holly/DW era so it doesn't matter now, but this WAS something they asked for input on and was voted on.
just be warned, they do not want known mq users or members from our community

also it is unfair to say there is no contribution ever made

rizlona existing AND rizlona "allowing" mq was literally voted on by a focus group (and strangely which i still don't understand, FV loot rules didn't pass the vote) --- again this is holly/DW era so it doesn't matter now, but this WAS something they asked for input on and was voted on.

Yes, I know. I'm speaking to the last three expansions. or year and a half-ish. I still don't know exactly why the council has a spot(s) open as generally even if players quit playing that doesn't remove them from the council. If, they don't tell the devs they stopped playing, the dev's don't even know a member isn't playing anymore. Plus, they communicate so infrequently with members, this council opening may be a "surprise we are short members" moment. Rumor's abound but it's been said its three members disappeared, who knows really.
I had no idea Rizlona was suppose to "Allow" MQ. I would of transferred there and lived a happy life. Glad I didn't due to recent events.
well as i said this was what was voted on by a "council" of people that DW/Holly got together. there were various people from various communities on what a "Multibox tlp would look like"

one of the many things we voted on was if mq should be allowed, and this one "passed"

this is holly/DW era - which basically means it doesn't matter and does not apply. (even then it never made it into ToS, so even more so it does not matter) which i already said.

my point was that they HAVE taken council advice before as to what things people want.

if you're reading into this "mq is ok on rizlona" you are incorrect.
my point was 2 parts

1. good things can come from community input, and has done
2. they have told me directly they're not interested this time around

I don't think this should stop people from trying to participate, just know the part about mq usage.
Can we do what @william12 said to at least bring them back to the bargaining table with more leverage? Isn’t that how the first tentative “truce” came about?
Waaay back when I was on it during cotf beta, we at least had a direct line via private discord(at least I think it was discord, so long ago) about stuff, at least to bring up specific issues as they arose and get it fixed for the beta, but generic game design stuff wasn't really part of that.
News - Community Resource Council

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