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Utility DialogDB v0.23

[0.23] - 2024-05-28​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Crash Group Delay
Check that party member is present before issuing command, if not move to next in line.

tweaked the line parse to make sure we don't pull time stamps as text.
(daff0b2) ~grimmier378

[0.22] - 2024-05-24​

Bug Fixes🐛

- InGame Checks
Check for ingame status at startup and exit if not ingame.

Exit script on camping
(503e556) ~grimmier378

[0.21] - 2024-05-24​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Add character name to window settings for fixing docking issues
Add the character name to the window settings, which should resolve any issues with old docked information.
(0a69ef9) ~grimmier378
- Bad docked
Added char name to the tak when saving window settings. should fix any bad old docked info.
(01c5596) ~grimmier378


- Moved some stuff into functions
Moved window draw's into separate functions, this way we can early escape and not break things.
(e238ace) ~grimmier378

[0.20] - 2024-05-23​


- Docking issues
Fix for some docking issues when you changed focus.
(fc2096b) ~grimmier378

[0.19] - 2024-05-18​


- Themez support
Added ThemeZ support because of course it needs it.
(187ac7c) ~grimmier378

[0.18] - 2024-05-16​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Hotfix forgot un commited changtes
This time the bug should be squashed
(cf6019d) ~grimmier378

[0.17] - 2024-05-16​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Should fix some bad catches causing errors
Should eliminate the errors when a script or macro uses a lot of brackets.

We are double checking if cur or last target are the originators of the message.
(efaa2c5) ~grimmier378

[0.16] - 2024-05-15​


- Better checking for bracketed text
Should now pick up emotes
(df116c5) ~grimmier378


- Toggle command buttons
Added toggle button to show or hide commands on main window.
(3bb484d) ~grimmier378

[0.15] - 2024-05-15​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Autoadd missing /say
(0a65575) ~grimmier378

[0.14] - 2024-05-15​


- Auto add dialog
Added ability to auto add any dialog if able.
currently this will look for npc says and npc whispers
and look for triggers in brackets [ ]

Togglable on the main /dialogdb config
(bae7ffe) ~grimmier378

[0.13] - 2024-05-15​


- Commands now store / command data
Tweaked the command and trigger storage
default all trigger strings will append /say to the beginning. ONLY if the string does not start with a /
this makes piecing together eqbc and dannet strings easier.

This also allows you to store other commands.
say i target a merchant and want to set a string to execute /lootutils sellstuff

adds a little more versatility

this will auto update your existing tables. but shouldn't impact any usage. Recommend testing with debug on to see the outputs.
(93525ed) ~grimmier378


- Default Dialogs update
Updated Default Dialogs with some Live server data.
I ran around tutorial for the basic training quest and retrieved dialog triggers from most of the npc's before heading to PoK and grabbing some of those as well.
(0a00fe1) ~grimmier378
- Sort config window table
The config window now has its table sorted.

loading will insert new defaults into the table if they do not exist, this way as i build out some entries they can be shared properly.
(fb6efa6) ~grimmier378