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Uberdrunk (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
Ok guys, here it is. It's not finished but provided you have VoA, then you'll be fine. It still has the following issues that I will address when I get time and have more knowledge of the code. Kudos goes to Maskoi for helping me fix some of the errors in my previous version.

Known Issues:
One: The macro isn't moving the stacks of ale from my bags to top level inventory (which in a few weeks or so won't matter) before clicking the crap out of it.
Two: You'll notice that the Fisherman's Companion and Brell's Fishin' Pole switch spots every time the macro summons the ale. (Doesn't affect performance)
Three: Due to not using docrack, it will spam the window telling you that you can't possibly become more intoxicated (or however it's worded). Could probably add an event or something to delay the macro upon getting this message.
Four: Does not automatically end macro once AT is capped.

Rich (BB code):
| Uberdrunk.mac by Dulak
| Usage /mac uberdrunk
| This is a completely self automated drinking macro. Will not stop until your
| alcohol tolerance.
| You will need 3 top level inventory slots open
| REQUIRES the clicky Fisherman's Companion

Sub main
/declare Clicky1 string outer Fisherman's Companion
/declare Clicky2 string outer Brell's Fishin' Pole
/declare Drink string outer Summoned: Ale
/goto :Clicky1
	/if (!${FindItem[${Clicky1}].InvSlot}) /goto :End2
	/if (!${FindItem[${Clicky1}].InvSlot}>30) /goto :MoveClicky1
	/if (!${InvSlot[Item.Name.Find[${Clicky1}]} && !${FindItem[${Clicky1}].Timer}) {
		/casting "Fisherman's Companion"|item
		/delay 12s
	/goto :Summon
	/keypress open_inv_bags
	/delay 2s 
	/itemnotify ${FindItem[${Clicky1}].InvSlot} leftmouseup
	/delay 2s ${Cursor.ID}
	/delay 2s !${Cursor.ID}
/goto :Clicky1
	/if (!${Item.Name.Find[${Clicky2}]} && !${FindItem[${Clicky2}].Timer}) {
		/casting "Brell's Fishin' Pole"|item
		/delay 3s
	/if (${FindItem[${Drink}].StackCount} < 2) {
	   /goto :Summon
	} else {
	   /goto :Loop
  /if (!${FindItem[=${Drink}].InvSlot}) /goto :Summon
  /if (!${FindItem[=${Drink}].InvSlot}>30) /goto :MoveStack
  /if (!${FindItem[=${Drink}].InvSlot}<33) /nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[=${Drink}].InvSlot} rightmouseup
  /if (!${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]} == ${Me.SkillCap[Alcohol Tolerance]}) {
      /echo Alcohol Tolerance is at MAX (${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]})
      /keypress close_inv_bags
/goto :Loop  
  /keypress open_inv_bags
  /nomodkey /shift /itemnotify !${Item.Name.Find[${Drink}].InvSlot} leftmouseup
  /delay 2s ${Cursor.ID}
  /delay 2s !${Cursor.ID}
  /if (${FindItem[${Drink}].InvSlot}>33) {
  	/echo You need another free primary Inventory Slot for this Macro to work.
/goto :Loop
/echo Skill maxed for now.
/keypress close_inv_bags
/echo Missing Fisherman's Companion...Ending Macro
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We don't have MQ2docrack in our compile some members have there own version going. It will get you banned. What crack does it use?
As long as you have a working docrack, use the unlimited drunk, and put the fishermans companion item in the top left inventory slot and have the 2 inventory slots below it open, change the number from 800 to something a lot smaller, it will work as intended. I'm currently working on getting it updated. It's been a long time since I've done any coding so it's taking a lot longer than expected. Once I get it updated, I'll update the initial post. If need be, I can change it so that it doesn't need docrack to work but it will take a lot longer to cap AT. Toss me some feedback and we'll go from there.
ok thanks i was worried about maskoi said it will get us banned so i didnt think it was safe to run as is. thanks for the responce
No worries. Not exactly sure as to the eta that I'll have the update out for the macro, but it'll be soon. It will have the option to use docrack or not just by commenting out a few lines of code.
A quick update: Have redone a few lines of the code and the macro will work as intended for the most part. There are still one or two bugs I'm trying to work out.

One: The macro isn't moving the stacks of ale from my bags to top level inventory (which in a few weeks or so won't matter) before clicking the crap out of it.
Two: You'll notice that the Fisherman's Companion and Brell's Fishin' Pole switch spots every time the macro summons the ale. (Doesn't affect performance)
Three: Due to not using docrack, it will spam the window telling you that you can't possibly become more intoxicated (or however it's worded). Could probably add an event or something to delay the macro upon getting this message.
Four: Does not automatically end macro once AT is capped.

As it is now, if you have VoA, it'll work just fine. For those who compile their own version of MQ2 and use docrack, you can un-comment out the lines allowing the docrack unlimited drunk to be used (which I've never been banned for using).

If the above bugs do not bother you and you would like me to post what I have so far, let me know here and I will update my initial post.
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Initial post has been updated with the current uberdrunk macro. It's still a work in progress.
Addressing the mq2docrack issue.

MQ2DoCrack does not add any detours on the memory locations it changes which means that when the eq client calls the crc32mem function (which is detoured to deal with this) it wont calculate the correct sum. This means people who use mq2docrack will be sending wrong checksums to the server, and most likely flagged as 3rd party tool users e.g. logged. The main tool SOE uses to catch people hacking is they send all their game logs every 3 months or so to a third party company to go through them. Any thing logged as suspicious is flagged then sent back to Sony. Then you are suspended banned, or whatever depending on the amount or severity of your hacking. The check sums do not carry the same weight as movement hacks e.g. warp and are probably a lower priority.

We DO NOT have MQ2DoCrack because we are not willing to jeopardize your account. Our competition does not care about your account getting banned as long as they get paid and still offer this plugin in their compile. They still actually post MQ2DoCrack is perfectly safe and you can't get banned because it is 100% client side.

This a recent post from MMOBugs main dev, htw.

htw said:
Originally Posted by Admin From Some Other Site

We don't have MQ2docrack in our compile some members have there own version going. It will get you banned. What crack does it use?

That's the kind of ignorant misinformation that causes this community to not be any better than it is.

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No worries they used to try to sell the vxed bard macro that I wrote as their own >< I don't even think I have account over there.

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