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Transfer No-Drop items (1 Viewer)

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Oct 15, 2004
This has been nerfed. It no longer works. For a working version of this strat, please see this thread:

People have been suspended for using this. It is not currently known how a GM finds this out, though we believe they are monitoring the PoK potion merchant. I now advise for everyone to buy potions and use banks that aren't in Plane of Knowledge. Use North Freeport or Neriak instead.

Transfers a no-drop item between characters on the same account. This is only for characters on the same account. Trying it with characters on different accounts hasn't worked for me... yet.

When ingesting a Crimson Potion from inventory you can place a no-drop item in the same slot and it will gain the tradeable status of the potion.

1)Put both of your characters near a banker.
2)On the character with the no-drop item, purchase 2 crimson potions from a potion vendor. They cost about 15p each.
3)Put one potion in a bagless inventory slot #8. Put the other potion in a bag in your shared bank account.
4)Put the no-drop item on your cursor.
5)Right-click the potion in your inventory, and quickly left-click to place the no-drop item in the same spot. If you did it fast enough, the no-drop item should now look like a potion.
6)Put the no-drop item (that looks like a potion) into the shared bank slot that holds your other crimson potion, and put the normal crimson potion where the no-drop item was.

7)Log on your other character, look in the shared bank slot and pick up your no-drop item.
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Yep, I can confirm it works too. Also can't do it to another account the way I've tried. It instantly crashes me when I try to put the "crimson potion" in the trade window.
Ok it goes ok till I get on my alt. and theres just the Crimson Potion in the shared bank..any ideas??
You need to put the no-drop item in your shared bank when it's in crimson potion form. Sounds like you're getting your potions confused.
Ok I hear it switch spots in shared bank and all I get is a Crimson Potion on alt....then I tried to put it in a slot by it self and I got disconected..
Ok, you have to take the no-drop item (which looks like a crimson potion) and put it in the shared bank.

You then have to take a NORMAL crimson potion and put it in the exact same slot (clear inventory slot #8 if you followed instructions) that you did the little trick with your no-drop item in.
Ok I did it exactly as you say, it seems to work till I log on alt. an theres just a Crimson Potion there.. (I have a Crimson Potion in the shared bank at the time I do the right click swich in the slot #8 the no-drop item turns into a Crimson Potion I put it in the shared bank slot where the other one was, I take the one that I swiched out of bank and put it in slot #8 then I log out and on the alt. takes only a few sec. to do that and there in the spot where the no-drop should be is a Crimson Potion). One more thing I can only do the drink and swich out of bank is that right?? And sorry for being a pain=)
So if your bank only has a crimson potion, where does the no-drop item go?

And don't worry about it! I'll make sure we get it working for you before they nerf it. If you still can't get it, I'll post some pictures to help ya.
When I log back on my main it takes the spot where the crimson potion from the bank was..And maybe some screen shots might help thanks...
Just tried it and it works!! Works best if you not in a laggy place....took me bout 3 tries to get it to work.
Not sure if this is just me, but once I figured it out, I couldn't get enough of it since I'm a pack rat with old no drop gear...

After the first 5 or 6 items, i got a message saying drinking any more potions would be toxic and I couldn't use them anymore. That takes a long time to wear off, so my recommendation is to pace yourself a little more than I did :p
Dying resets the 5 minute timer, so if you're on a PvE server take an arena death real quick in the bazaar, or if you're on a PvP server drown yourself in PoK.
works well thanks

i always looted all the good sk armor on raids because our guild had like no sks... hahaha now i have the best twink in the world
Ok I got it to work now I was doing it a little backwords, thanks for all the help it works great..


  • maskoi-ban-hammers.jpg
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yes it works!!! jippieh
even on kael
since i cant get macroquest to work with german client i am really happy
thanks alot!!!
has anyone gotten this to work in the last day? i was able to before but now it won't work for me. it could be lag/crowd issues since i've only tried in pok, but it also works from any location where there is a bank. i'll try a less crowded zone. just wondering if anyone else is having the same problem who was successful before.
still works, maybe kael is on a later patch or you have to close the bank, if banker is open it doesnt work
greetz mr.smith
There is an offset for this so you don't have to mess with the potions. I thought this site was suppose to list "leet" offsets??? I have looked but I cannot find any.
Here's the scoop,

1)Put both of your characters near a banker.
2)On the character with the no-drop item, purchase a crimson potion
3)Put potion in bagless inventory slot number 8 (bottom right)
4)Put the no-drop item on your cursor.
5)Right-click the potion in your inventory, and quickly left-click to place the no-drop item in the same spot. If you did it fast enough, the no-drop item should now look like a potion.
6)*NOTE*put the item/potion BACK into slot #8 BEFORE you go to next step.
7)Put the no-drop item (that looks like a potion) in your shared bank slot
8)Log on your other character, look in the shared bank slot and pick up your no-drop item.


1)This ONLY works with the same account. If you try to trade item/potion to another account, you will crash but not lose item.
2)You CANNOT drop the item/potion on the ground. If you do it WILL disappear forever.
3)This DOES work with attuned items that are already used.
4)This DOES work with no drop items that are auged. The augs will transfer along with the item.
5)This does NOT work with no drop containers.
6)You CAN transfer several item/potions at the same time. But MUST follow step 6 above.
7)You CAN transfer GIANT size items. But your bag in your shared bank slot must be able to hold giant size items. Example: OT Hammer

Final notes:

Some people have been banned on my server for this exploit because they either show off, such as lvl 1 toons with epic graphics; or they brag and get reported by others. Don't be an idiot.

I am currently working on trading no drop keys such as SEB, VT etc... to see if not only will they transfer but if it will also allow access. Will post when i get results.

Having problems transferring OT hammer to my SK (who is like mega KOS). Anywho, other items transferred with no problems, but OT hammer doesnt seem to like to transfer.

1) Potion in slot 8, backpack capable of 'giant' items in shared. Potion in shared backpack.

2) Do the left click+right click thing. Hammer graphic changes to potion graphic.

3) Place potion/hammer in large backpack (in the place of other potion).

4) log off

When i log in with other toon, slot is empty. Very strange.

I think i might be having GUI problems tho, I am going to attempt it again with the default GUI to see if my XML interface is buggy. Might be a good thing to know as I spent like 100+ plat trying different things to work.

Will post later...
Actually I did, and it still didnt work.

I did load the default Graphical User Interface and it worked fine. So those of you out there who are unable to make it work, try doing that and you should be fine...
Transfer NO DROP items

This exploit is now flagged. You can be suspended (DOH) for doing this regardless of how careful you are...
Re: Transfer NO DROP items

Hrm, where did you hear about that?

I know people are getting suspended for doing dumb, obvious stuff like twink out a level 1 with epic1.5, but haven't heard anything about them being able to tell automatically.

I haven't been suspended, and neither has anyone I know, but we're definetly not showing off. How is everyone else doing?
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Only way they can tell is if you are sloppy. As long as it is reasonable that the character has the item they can't tell.
Transfer was in no way obvious, and I think difficult to prove by SoE as the item(s) are attainable by any class. You just have to fork plat for the MQ.

Take my word for it, I was VERY careful. The reason I say its flagged is because a friend of mine transferred a single item (drogmore drum) and got suspended also (he is the one that told me of this site btw). His main is a 67 druid on that account (ouch). Mine was an Alt account (annoying, but not devestating).

My guess is they are monitoring sales from the PoK vendor.
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Tried this a few times. Each time I try to put the 'replaced' potion in the bank, it crashes to server select screen. When I log on alt, still have a crimson potion in bank. Log on the original ND alt, and the ND item is on cursor. Think they fixed this already? I'm afraid to keep trying at any given time, so will wait a day or 2 b4 I try again.
Confirmed to be working today. I did it 8 times, on 3 different characters, on 2 different accounts, on 2 different servers. I bought the crimson potions in PoTranquility and used the bazaar bank. GM-Admin's were online while I did it over and over and never sent a tell or came into the zone.
Yeah im kind of having a problem to i can't get the no drop to look like a potion lol all i here is a drinking sound and thats it and i quickly switch it and still does not work any ideas what im doing wrong?
My account was suspended for a week. The items I transferred were common , easy to get no drop, questable to any class and MQable from lvl 1 (as I was testing the transfer).

Only thing I could figure is that I must have been petitioned for another exploit I was using (as it did not say what I was suspended for). The other exploit is one that is not listed here that allows a bard to still kite using PB AoE ;-). The suspension coinsided with the transfer that I did the day prior. I have not inquired to SOE, "er.. which exploit am I being suspended for, as I use so many?" lol

My Druid buddy was doing the same exploit also (hehe, he was doing it with me). Therefore, it must of been that that we were suspended for and not the transfer per se.

If no one else has been suspended for the no-drop, It must still be viable exploit. It works, thats for sure...
daman, after you drink the potion you click and your nodrop item gets put in the #8 slot....immediately following that click again and the potion will take the place of the nodrop item in the slot and your nodrop item will seem to have disappeared. Put the crimson potion in your shared bank bag....get on the char you want to transfer the nodrop item to and check shared bank bag...bam there's your item and it no longer appears to be a crimson potion.
Still works as of today, 1/24..
I got a trade with a friend to work with this also that turned into something quite interesting, too..
Testing this out I decided to see if I could trade a friend a earring of solstice as I had no use for it.. After I got it to work I put the potion into the trade window. In my screen the potion was there, but in my friends screen it was just an empty trade screen. After hitting trade he claimed he did not recieve a thing, and nor did I.... After that I attempted another trade and crashed!!! When I got back on my earring was in my inventory, and my friend who had just relogged had the same earring in his inventory as well...

Fluke or not?
I'm pretty sure I know how GM's r finding out if u r using this exploit.

The information is sent via bug report if u crash on a SUCESSFUL transfer. If u have MQ2 up and running, it blocks automatic bug reports. If u do not, it will send an incriminating bug report.

Use the default GUI and not a third party one when using this exploit. This minimizes ur chance of crashing.

As stated before, DO NOT USE THE BANKS IN POK TO TRANSFER. This is a precaution, but a good one to observe.
Transfer No-Drop items
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