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Yet another patch (2 Viewers)

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Sep 26, 2005
On Thursday, April 5, 2007 at 4:00 am PDT (5:00 am MDT, 6:00 am CDT, 7:00 am EDT, -7.00 GMT), the EverQuest Servers will be coming down for a Game Update. The estimated downtime is 10 hours.

I heard it was to "fix monks" but this is an unconfirmed rummor. Please someone with knowledge of this patch know what the reason for it is?

for a Game Update.
This part i know :P
One can only hope it is. I know that sounds stupid, but with monk GK'ing gone, MQ users can finally get the hell out of the spotlight that they are always in. People will be lulled into a sense of security, and Id imagine that GM presence will go down some as well.
Honestly at this point I hope it is to fix monks. Really all they need to do is remove technique of the wu and replace it with an aa that gives them comparable dps. If you take out that one aa, you take out the loophole that the monks are using. Yeah GK will still work, but you'd require several groups of rangers/rogues to do the same damage as half a monk on a laggy computer.

Hell ... I think later today I'll anonymously email the 'fix' idea to Sony myself.

I don't know about you but on my server it's gotten absolutely ridiculous. It was cute when I only knew of a half dozen using it on my server, but it's literally all over the place. It was a cute/fun trick while it lasted, but this kind of hack is the kind of thing that will kill a game if it becomes too widespread and used for too long. I'm not ready for eq to die yet ... I'm still too addicted.

(Banned by Redbot. I don't care if that's an empty threat or not, go troll the SOE forums.)
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So if you have been using monkbug for a while then shit yea fix it I had my fun screw the poor bastards that just got it. (selfish bastards)

But if you just got it(like me) and are having fun now I would have to say NO let me have some fun too please I just got it and try to use it carefully. I won't even get the really good stuff for a while yet unless I go hogwild and I won't do that.
If you're just now getting started with it then you're playing chicken with a speeding mac-truck. Your chances of getting caught are insane right now. Read Ninjal's post ... Sony is only ramping things up and in his case they banned any account logged in from his IP (all 10 of his) as well as several of his friend's accounts who pulled in some of the benefits.

If you're too blind to actually see what it's doing to the server population dynamics you need glasses. Pretty much nightly I see comments in my /gu from legit players who stumble across these DPoB/TSS tricked twinks and repeatedly state they're not sure why they even log in anymore to raid ... and yeah we've lost a good dozen or so dedicated raiders in the last month due to these frustrations. So no ... it's not about being a selfish bastard. The only selfish bastards here are the people who are too short-sighted and greedy to realize when something is too much. But for your sake I'd hope they found a way to break it, otherwise you'll eventually find all your accounts banned as well as anyone elses account you happened to log in from your IP address or piggy xp from.

But anyways, yeah if you're just starting I'd caution you to be careful with it and don't start raping the raid instances. As far as I know the xp instances are still fairly safe. No, the sky isn't falling but I don't think many people could disagree with me at this point ... even those who have been using it for a while now.
I agree some what with the above but like I said I am just starting and would hate to see it die. I would rather see all the greedy bastards get banned and keep the cheat alive. After all that is why I am here to find some good cheats to make the game a little more fun. Grinding for hours just to get a few AA's is over for me. Also anyone who has been using it for a while now prolly could care less if it was nerfed since they prolly have maxed AA's and some nice gear by now.

I only really use it to get exp and AA's atm but would love to get some gear since I did fork over some cash for this macro. I never used this in an open zone where someone else was in the zone either.

This site is advertised as a great place to find cheats to get many AA's per hour, Mega Plat and Great Loot. A good add prolly wouldn't be to kill cheats I think that would be a different website hehe.

Don't get me wrong I am not ignorant to what you are saying, it would just suck to pay for a cheat only to see it get nerfed before I got some benifit from it. If it were free like some of the macro's and such I use from here it would be alittle less painful. But it seems the best cheats you need to fork over some cash and I have no problem with that but I just hate to see nerfing for this expensive cheat encouraged is all.
You seem to be under the impression sony gives a shit about the comments made here.

'Sony Admin': Well shit! The guys over at redguides don't want the monk bug around anymore, go ahead and nerf it now.

If it was easy to get rid of without fubar-ing monks it would have been gone along time ago. I am a cheater and will continue to use this to rape shit till it is nerfed or I am banned, to hell with the crybaby 'raiders', 80% of them cheat as well. They just draw a line somewhere behind me and you, and try to act better because of it.
Ever try to monkbug with a monk without having Technique of the wu? It doesn't work, so yeah ... removing this one aa would destroy the ability of nodly to work. You give sony too much credit ... they'd have a hard time finding their own assholes if they didn't have to take a shit every day. If they just took out the aa altogether we'd see a minimal drop in legit monk effectiveness and the destruction of monkbug. It's incredibly easy to nerf ... sony's just too incompetent to actually investigate the problem.

The only reason this game exists is because the 'crybaby raiders' are around. The casuals are (on the whole) too fickle and are prone to hop from game to game. EQ continued as long as it did because it drew in a core of players that attacked the game with dedication and ferocity. New expansions only succeed if people are around go tackle it and link the mudflated loot. Then again, most people who get to this level of hacking aren't concerned with the survival of the game anyways ... so posts here generally fall on deaf ears.
Do you really think it is that easy? And the programmers at sony are so stupid they cant just /delete 3 aa's and all this shit would be gone. I would bet serious money that the code involved in these 3 aa are tied throughout the coding of most if not all monk combat aa. Snip out this line of code and not only are the wu aa's gone, but it breaks almost every other aa, and for some goddamn reason the doors in felwithe wont open anymore either!
It's actually quite simple ... and it doesn't involve immediate screwing around of the aa coding. Refund the aa's that flag a character for the line from all the monks that have purchased it ... then disable the ability to re-purchase the aa. They've done this many times in the past. You don't have to completely re-write the code immediately to discontinue the use ... and it would be a short-term fix while they work out the coding loopholes. I bet what hasn't happened yet are the Sony devs putting one and one together and realizing that it's this one aa that allows the whole process to actually work.

All this plugin does is basically trick the server into thinking that your monk pressed his kick button thus triggering an immediate extra attack proc from the 'technique of the master wu' line. If you can trick the server into thinking you pressed the kick button without actually pressing it ... then there's no reason that you can't trick it into thinking you're pressing it with a 0.0000001 second delay (which is exactly what the plugin does). Viola now you've got nodly. Toss in a ghetto included ghost coding and you've got a semi-super plugin. Toss in a macro which makes sure you cycle hitting north, south, east, west and you've got super-duper-uber monk for a pricetag of $100 on kenetix.

At the bottom of the entire domino stack is this one little aa, and without it the whole tower comes a crashin down. Disabling an aa and refunding 10aa is a simple thing. Don't kid yourself into thinking it's complicated ... and if that's too complicated for them to do, another relatively gimp fix is the alteration of the monk aura. It doesn't work if the mob ripostes back ... your monk would be dead in a matter of seconds.

2 months ago this wasn't such a big problem, but the acceleration of the process at this point is shocking. Abuse is rampant and the direct impact on server populations is pretty astounding. I invite you to check out the sever population charts just over the last month or 2 ... and if you read the eqlive forums you see that the rampant abuse of this one plugin is a fairly large driving force. Why else would Sony all the sudden wake up with massive crackdowns and banning ... we can tack down the exact day they started patrolling servers whacking with the ban stick, because punishment hasn't fallen on anyone that discontinued use prior to that day.

I hack. I used the program ... it was fun, but I also care about the continued existance of the game. There have been few hacks that put the future of EQ in more jeopardy than this one.
lmao! I can see this is going no where. You must be right, sony just wont fix this because they dont want to take 3 min out of their day to stop a major exploit that is in your words ruining there game. Makes sence to me. There are udoubtedly many different ways to fix the exploit, just like there are many ways to do the same thing in a macro.

Instead of thinking it is a 3 min fix, and they just dont care about fixing it, or are too stupid to figure it out, I am more of the opinion that the fix is either time consuming (costs alot), or anything easy would seriously damage the monk class.

When they do fix this particular exploit it will either take a long time (which it has), or they will chuck out a quick knee jerk fix when the masses bitch too much and hurt the monk class to stop it, gradually refixxing the monk class as they can.

I just cant believe it is a simple fix, and they are too stupid too see how to do it (the game does run after all so they must know what they are doing. I am more of the opinion that the game is just rigged together, constantly added to for what 8 years now? Just look at the specialized tradeskill aa's they added for tinkering and research. For whatever reason they couldnt just add them in, they had to give them to you via a quest (although you still need to spend the aa for them), they couldnt jsut add them to the list. I think your are underestimating the level at which this game is patched together now, and tasks that may seem simple from the outside are often times very very complex to implement in game.

Another example of this is when they change something very simple in the game, and all of a sudden some shit from 4 expansions ago breaks that is totally unrelated. Hell as far as we know removing those aa's wont even mess with monks, it may break the aa line of another class that shares code with the wu aa's. I could go on and on here, but the evidence just doesnt support a simple and easy fix that the programmers are just to stupid to see.
Also want to point out that I agree with you about the plugin hurting the game, and populations etc. I am just arguing the quick fix theory. Why would the money hungry sony spend so much on log searches and banning when they could jsut refund the aa, or break the monk aura (which by the way wouldnt stop anything, strikethrough gear and aa's maxxed is better than the 70 aura anyways). Of course they could add a massive ds to every mob in eq, take out the wu aa's, ruin the monks aura, and remove all strikethrough ability, and this would slow down the gk'ers a bit. that should take like what? 30 min tops.
Perhaps they knew how to fix it a while ago but instead of fixing it right away let it slide for another 2-3 week period so they could ban a massive slew of accounts. The problem isn't just that it was happening ... it was that it had happened. The more toons running around eq with GK'd loot, the pissier the eq server populations. If they can not only fix it but also ban most of the accounts with the ill-gotten gains with a massive crackdown ... that lets them save a lot more face than simply preventing it from happening in the future. As to why they would want to give up so much money in banning accounts, it finally came down to this hack costing them more revenue than the accounts in question were even worth.

Sony is willing to turn a blind eye to our hacks as long as we don't go overboard. In this case we went beyond overboard and the shockwaves going through the communities is pretty obvious. Estimations predict that in the last 2-3 months sony has lost more than a third of its revenues ... and the downward spiral is only going to get worse the longer this particular hack stays in.

which by the way wouldnt stop anything, strikethrough gear and aa's maxxed is better than the 70 aura anyways

Wrong ... my monk has maxed aa's and strikethrough gear, and you can tell very quickly when his aura unexplainably drops or hiccups for a second. Strikethrough aa's let you bypass their defenses and hit them ... but it doesn't stop the mob from riposting you back. The only aa's that will affect the survivability of your monk are the defensive and hp aas ... the rest will only increase it's dps.

Try to GK any raid mob without your aura ... if your machine is fast enough you'll be dead before your healer can heal (if you tote around another toon). If your machine/macro is slow enough that it won't kill you, your healer will be oom long before the target is anywhere near dead. Ubermnk doesn't work without your aura.

Hell ... I think later today I'll anonymously email the 'fix' idea to Sony myself.


Hell, dont be an ass to the people who use it wisly
Sony KNOWs how to fix it, they are not total morons, and im sure theres a " spy " that has bought the plugin and has figured out how it works, but seriously the stupid people get banned. I learned my lesson on when not to do it and do it, and there always will be a chance to Gk, hell just take out rogues backstabs and rangers bow while your at it too
Strikethrough aa's let you bypass their defenses and hit them ... but it doesn't stop the mob from riposting you back

Come back when you know how eq really works. Attack a mob that enrages (if you truly have strikethrough maxxed) and watch your screen go white with you strike through your opponents defenses. No aura needed. In fact I rarely bother to use mine anymore.
dobey said:
Come back when you know how eq really works. Attack a mob that enrages (if you truly have strikethrough maxxed) and watch your screen go white with you strike through your opponents defenses. No aura needed. In fact I rarely bother to use mine anymore.

What does screen going white with messages have to do with anything? Strikethrough does not stop riposte. It allows you to damage the mob even though it ripostes, however the mob will still successfully hit you back.
slyna said:
What does screen going white with messages have to do with anything? Strikethrough does not stop riposte. It allows you to damage the mob even though it ripostes, however the mob will still successfully hit you back.

Ummm actually no it won't. When you strikethrough it says "You manage to Strikethrough your opponents defenses" and if you look at your chat box with your damage dealt and taken... You will never see a riposte relating to that attack. I've eaten enrage before and when my toon strikes through I do not get a riposte back at all. But as far as the monkbug plugin goes... Who the fuck cares... Are they hurting me? NO are they KS'ing my raid mobs? NO Are they KS'ing my group's mobs? Again... no... So why the hell should I care?
Well not to be an ass but look who is talking. He already has everything he wants and now he wants it gone.

And I will say not all raid mobs are point and click and its dead. There is some skill to taking down some mobs. Its like you are your own raid.

And what of the peeps that cant get into a good guild? They have a chance to get some loot so they can get into the good guilds. A normal top end guild right now req at least 500aa lv 75 and alot to do with gear.

And this server population dropping by a 3rd has to be BS, because my guilds that im in are raiding at the same numbers that they usually have. All of them. All my toons are in top end guilds too. (cept one my monk hehe you know why)

And as for GKers not wanting to raid anymore doesn’t stand for me. I love raiding. It's a thrill to take down a mob and have half the raid dead all healers OOM and you just barely kill it. It’s a sense of accomplishment. I just don’t have the DKP to beat out some people. So I go get it myself.

I say leave the bug alone and let the morons thin themselves out. Let em get banned. This way there is less for us to worry about.

And do you think that taking out that aa would stop GKing? Nope. Just slow it down. GK has been around for a LONG time. Instead of 3 mins to kill something, it will take them 30. Does that matter to a GKer. Not really. So instead of 2 monks and a cleric. I log on 4 rangers. Or rouges. Or i use a mag and caster GK it!

There is always a post about how EQ is gonna die. I’ve heard it for 5 years. Go scan the eq forums board for "EQ is dieing threads" there are hundreds.

So in short i kind of agree with you just have a different solution. The morons are causing MQ trouble again. So nerf MQ? No. NERF THE MORANS LOL
have you seen the patch notes? 10 hours for like 2 bugs? I wouldn't doubt there are refunding technique of wu or fixing the bug.
Blueice22 said:
Ummm actually no it won't. When you strikethrough it says "You manage to Strikethrough your opponents defenses" and if you look at your chat box with your damage dealt and taken... You will never see a riposte relating to that attack. I've eaten enrage before and when my toon strikes through I do not get a riposte back at all. But as far as the monkbug plugin goes... Who the fuck cares... Are they hurting me? NO are they KS'ing my raid mobs? NO Are they KS'ing my group's mobs? Again... no... So why the hell should I care?

I will have to test this. However, the message is no indication one way or the other. The devs have stated that strikethrough is not in any way supposed to block riposte. Strikethrough mob riposte, the mob will take damage, but it will still hit you back, at least that's the way it is supposed to work according to the latest dev post on the subject I read. If it does not work that way, it's either bugged or they have changed it. Either way, strikethrough cap is afaik 65% so the last 35% you would still get hit by riposte. Monk aura is the only way to completely block all riposte, including enrage.
Hrm, I think you are all right about the gkill thing, on one hand I can see how it is causing people to not want to group with others because they are busy doing their own thing. On the other hand I can see how it is keeping people busy and happy and challenged. Also I know alot of people that dropped out of their guilds because why bother when you can box better than your guild raids? It is getting rediculous, nearly every zone I go to there is a monk sitting there waiting for me to leave so they can GK something lol.. Then again I think the reason people like it so much is because its so hard to keep up with all the flags and progression, most people took a huge hit on numbers in their guilds due to the release of Vanguard ~not GK~ (thats imo) I did read something a while back that strikes me as true though which gk eliminates.. "The servers that are thriving are the roleplay ones because it all goes back to the reason we started playing eq, what it is really about...Making friends and bonds" Winning eq or having the best gear means nothing if you have noone to share it with, may be fun for a while but eventually you will want to be around people again.....GL all us GK wisely and dont be a stuck up weeny that never helps others! YOUR UBER DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!
And do you think that taking out that aa would stop GKing? Nope. Just slow it down. GK has been around for a LONG time. Instead of 3 mins to kill something, it will take them 30. Does that matter to a GKer. Not really. So instead of 2 monks and a cleric. I log on 4 rangers. Or rouges. Or i use a mag and caster GK it!

Which isn't nearly as bad, considering it takes 4 rangers > 10x longer to drop a mob and that said rangers also can't piggy the xp for the kills. Ghost has been around for a long time ... so why is it only recently that we've seen the explosion? Because now instead of climbing a tree to get to the apple you can walk along the road and pick them up off the ground. Drop it back to casters/rangers/rogues and you'll see GK fall off the face of the map ... to next to nothing (where it was before mnkbug).

I could be wrong because it's been years since I've ranger/rogue GK'd, but iirc they also don't get xp for their kills. Even if they did, they certainly wouldn't be able to churn out 75-100aa per hour.

The devs have stated that strikethrough is not in any way supposed to block riposte. Strikethrough mob riposte, the mob will take damage, but it will still hit you back, at least that's the way it is supposed to work according to the latest dev post on the subject I read. If it does not work that way, it's either bugged or they have changed it. Either way, strikethrough cap is afaik 65% so the last 35% you would still get hit by riposte. Monk aura is the only way to completely block all riposte, including enrage

Precisely. If you want more information on the subject I invite you to go visit some of the various tanking communities and check the research. Seriously ... go look it up. While you're at it, feel free to rethink your "come back when you understand how eq works" comment. It's a purely offensive mod2/aa line.

I think this whole thing is kinda funny.

First thing I would like to say is some people act like Strikethrough is an attack that you can get riposted from. When you strikethrough your opponents defense you strike through; Block, parry, dodge, riposte and a bunch of other shit.

Now let me explain something . When you activate the Monk disc Whirlwind it "ripostes" every incoming attack. Have 2 monks test this if you dont believe me. Have one hit whirlwind and the other use a 2hander and attack each other. The whirlwind user WILL still get hit when a strikethough message appears and the person with the strikethrough message can get hit but only 30-55% of the time depending on AA's and parry skills and mods.

Effect: Whirlwind Discipline
1: Increase Chance to Riposte by 10000%

Riposte is a defensively triggered offensive attack (aka a counter)

While in fencing the riposte is an offensive attack which follow's a parry. However if a parry is missed then a riposte cannot be executed.

If you try and swing through enrage with out strikethrough you lose more health than if you have the strikethrough AA's this I have tested as well.

With all the mods out there for block, dodge, and parry im surprised their isnt more riposte mods. But I guess riposte could be tied to the parry mods if ya think about it.
Well I just did some searches, here's some cutouts from the many threads. These all came from thesteeelwarrior.org ... if you really want to delve deeper into it feel free to visit the sony boards and check up on the direct dev quotes. As to your comments of 'my monk has massive strikethrough and capped aa and I don't take a lot of riposte dmg" ... hogwash. Mine has capped strikethrough aa and near capped strikethrough gear and he takes plenty. I got mine for the real benefit though ... which is the ability to strike through their defenses and still hit them. It's a dps aa/mod2 exclusively.

Cutouts (all from different people in many different threads):

tm allows you to casue damage through a riposte. it will not however stop the riposte from hit/miss you.
Yes, you still take the riposte. Strikethrough just means you hit through the defensive part of the riposte but you still take the oncoming hit.
TM does not have anything to do with defense, it is just a minor dps increase. Even if you bypass riposte the mob can still hit you with that riposte
The bypass of Mob riposte just means that you will land your blow even if it's riposted. It does not mean that you won't take the damage of the riposte. So, as stated above, it's a dps increase and not a defensive aa.
The message is the same wether its dodge,parry,block or riposte that is bypassed. So riposte only accounts for 1/3rd of these messages, this is where the illusion that you don't get hit back may come into play. But if you look closely, every now and then there will be a message then a swing back at you. The confusing part here may be that it doesn't have a riposte message, (because it has been replaced by a 'strikethrough' message) but believe me it is there.
i can say for enrage it does not help, every
"You strike through your opponent's defenses!"
was followed by an immediate return attack, whether it hit or not
DB is correct, shielding reduces mob DB by the percentage of shiedling you wear, up to 35 %. Strikethrough it is important to note does not reduce the number of ripostes you take, you still get riposted, your just get to strike through it(hence the name).

I just hopped into a few of the threads ... there have been dozens of tests run on it. Regardless, we could go on and on all day. All I know is that my monk would bite the dust whenever the aura wasn't up (and quite quickly), even with capped aa and near capped strikethrough.
The aura would affect legit monks a lot, hence that's the least likely target for the nerf. The aa ... not so much. That's the relatively easy one. If you actually break down the numbers on how much dps it really adds ... the numbers are pretty low. It's as simple as thinking up some otherway to give them a moderate dps boost which isn't very difficult at all ... if you gave them an extended aa line that further increases the damage potential of their kicks, then you offset the dps loss from an extra 'proc' special attack. This aa is not s huge boost to a monks attack. Even if they removed it without offering monks something in its place, doubtful you'd really miss it.

As far as I see they've got 3 options at this point:

1. Add a dmg shield to all raid mobs (lots of coding and it affects raiding)
2. Break their aura (GK still possible with enough heal-bots and a large functional nerf to monks).
3. Remove this one aa and replace it with something comparable.

I really wish it were as simple as banning all the retards, but Sony let this get way too far out of control for that at this point. The amount of publicity this one hack has given the cheating community is pretty staggering. It would be best for all parties involved (sony, legit players, and hackers) if they just fixed the damn thing. The only other alternative is that more and more people find all their accounts banned while the retards PL more monks and continue to piss off the general playerbase. In the process, the smarter cheaters who have always flown under the radar will get smacked with the ban stick in Sony's heightened state of awareness and the malcontent of the general population will only grow.

We live in a delicate balance with Sony. They really don't give a damn what we do as long as we don't draw too much negative attention. When rampant abuse forces them into a corner on an issue, they've got no choice to come out with guns ablazin'.
Add a dmg shield to all raid mobs (lots of coding and it affects raiding)

Easy to get around this Cleric macro FTW

Break their aura (GK still possible and a large functional nerf to monks).

Yea this would really piss some peeps off

Remove this one aa and replace it with something comparable.

I still think monks would complain. Because there is gonna be some guys that say the dps went down. Then they raise it then the community get upset because the monks are overpowered.

No matter what you do you can NEVER please everyone. And that is fact
I will say keith i respect your position tho. You have valid points. Be careful when you do tell SOE how to break it. They are not stupid. You haveing such "behind the scenes" knowledge of how the monk plugin works may cause undue attention to you and your groupmates. Just be careful
i like how keith wants it gone so bad now that he has all his toons and friends toons decked out by useing it he talks alot of shit about something he used him self i say you send your email so they look into your accounts and other accounts that you have had logged onto your ip so i can laugh when your posting in the got banned forum ass
Thanks man.

I haven't told them yet ... though if I did it would be anonymously through a fresh email adress bounced off an IP based out of Cambodia or somesuch. I'm hoping this patch will fix it, and I'm not saying this because I want to spoil anyone's fun. Hopefully they'll figure out a good fix for it without me putting myself at risk.

When I participated this was relatively 'new' ... I actually obtained it from a friend in game who actually coded his own version. This was a while ago ... if I could give back the aas/loot on my trash accounts to make it go away I'd do it in a heartbeat. My true love in eq has always been my main, the friendships, and my guildmates. It destroys their fun to know they've spent the last 10 months flagging and working demiplane just to see anonymous monks/twinks pop up with tons of ill-gained loots. 4 months ago if twinked out characters just appeared out of nowhere nobody would have blinked an eye ... assumed it was just a server xfer and moved on. No harm no foul. Word leaked out and it's not a secret anymore ... the community knows exactly what's going on ... compound that with the fact that hundreds serverwide are now using it instead of a handful per server and it's just ... well ... a problem.

I don't want to ruin anyone's fun, but I'm also tired of seeing applicant after applicant to my guild with 900-1300 aa's, playtime of < 20 days, and a gearbase better than my average guildmate. That said, I do feel sorry for the people who are paying kenetix 100 dollars for a plugin that's now probably producing more banned accounts than illegitimate loots. The window of opportunity has already been closed by sony, so just lay the beast to rest and lets all move on to something fresh. At this point it's a choice between watching them fix it to make everyone happy or just continue banning accounts costing us money and them revenues.

i like how keith wants it gone so bad now that he has all his toons and friends toons decked out by useing it he talks alot of shit about something he used him self i say you send your email so they look into your accounts and other accounts that you have had logged onto your ip so i can laugh when your posting in the got banned forum ass

Can we buy some punctuation please? It's always the newest members who talk the most smack. Redguides has never supported making this plugin avaiable to the masses and for a good reason. Somewhere along the way someone started passing/selling their plugin to friends and it got out of control. All of the warnings and comments from coders (ala TP, cronic, etc) have come true. If you give a toddler a loaded pistol, people are gonna get shot. If this plugin hadn't been abused to the extent that it has been serverwide, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. :rolleyes:
im just pointing out the fact that you want something gone now that you used your self i never have used it and dont like the dumb people who use it in open zones killing advancement targets but its hard to talk shit about something you your self used and im sure someone you grouped with while doing it made a monk and did the same thing
If you are going to help break it can you break it for everyone but me please ) I DO not use it in open zones only instances for exp.

God I hate this thread and dread wasting my cash for such a good exploit. I paid for the plugin and this forum so I could access a exploit and gain Mega Cash, EXP, AA's fast and lots of loot and this is the first one I have acquired that gives me what I wanted. Without this Redguides and the like are really only BOT guides not sites to get EXPLOITS to speed up this dam game.

Keep the faith man let the loosers get banned if they are not going to use it descretely. If they break this can someone give me another hehe. My bank account will not alow me to BUY another for a long time.
its hard to talk shit about something you your self used and im sure someone you grouped with while doing it made a monk and did the same thing

Actually it's not hard at all. Progression mobs on my server in Sverag and Relic have been permanently dead for > 2 months. Monks are caught nightly trying to ghostkill feratha/chalaik and RSS royals. People are parading around guild lobby, PoKnowledge, and the arena with raid loot not even legitimately available to the top guild on the server. It's no longer a secret ... everyone knows about it and most of them are more than a little bit pissed. This hack has been around for many months now, but it wasn't until about 2 months ago that people even knew it existed mostly because all the wrong people got their hands on it. If everyone had conducted themselves the way I conducted myself then I could promise you this hack would still be a secret.

Ironically ... it's a pretty unfullfilling hack ... because the second you leave your house with your ill-gotten goods, you've pretty well painted a big red "H" (for "hacker") on your chest. I've been in groups where the leader invited a random lfg lv 75 ... who showed up guildless with full CoA, High Priest, and Porthio loot only to get jeered, booted from the group, and petitioned by the other 4 members of the xp group.
As far as the person who was invited to your group Keith, is it not possible they were in an uber guild? Who's to say they got everything they wanted from raiding with a guild, and decided they just wanted to play for the sake of playing. Unless you knew them and of their exploits, how can you assume they're GK'ing or useing ubermonk?
Yet another patch
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