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Will we ever See /Nodelay? (1 Viewer)


New member
Oct 1, 2006
Was just wondering Since u got a new site and alot of the active hacks back will we ever get /nodelay.
I seriously doubt you will ever see that here. I hope not. I have first hand seen it released on other sites and seen how people go absolutely crazy over it and do absolutely retarded things with it. I hope it never (and MB) is released publicly again.
Ya it does get out of hand but when u got guys in ur guild that have complete set of last blood augs. That some guy /nodelayed and charged $900 to do it. Isnt that out of hand?
Actually its very doubtful you will see it again at all. Monkbug on the other hand you can still use, but it is being watched serverside so you will get hit with the banhammer.
LOl ya don't really matter any how I've played this long without plug ins like that so don't really Nd it. Just thought i stir the pot a little see if anyone alive hehehe.::ripperjack:
Lol, honestly used ND for a little while when it was out there = BAD. It just gets too addicting. I now rarely play my original main toon anymore because there just isn;t much elft ot do. It starts out a lil here a lil there, then just a few AAs, then on emore piece of gear, then a run or 2 through AG, then OMFG I bet we could do some solteris, but just a few to see. Personally I don;t mi9ss it much... but just a few more and OMGz JK. GK with Monk bug from what I am hearing and seeing from old friends is pretty much 100 % ban now. Buddy was on for about an hr one day playing legit, decided to MB a mob , GM was there in under 3 minutes I guess for the ban. Wierd thing was there was no GM online detected when he started, or so he says, so GM was likely just watching for an alert of some sort and popped right in to him.
Yah, ND is definitely 200 times more fun than normal EQ but burns you out much faster. You just have so much fun with it, and build your character up so fast. I had cleared the entire zone of anguish in less than 1 minute during ND. Now that it's broken, MB is not as fast but still if a raid mob is soloable that's some crazy shit.

Look at it like this, I was 8k HP unbuffed monk with about 150 aa's. I had ND and in 1 month I was around 19k HP unbuffed, max AA's, keys to just about everywhere, clickies from all around the game, and tons of other crazy stuff. But after that month I just said.. what's the point anymore?

The definition of an environmentalist is a person who built their cabin on the lake last year and now says they should not allow any more cabins on the lake because it is ruining the lake.

Ok you got your char. 19k hp and max aa's and a couple of million k in the bank and now you say ".. what's the point anymore"???

So I guess you deleted the char and destroyed all the cash and went back to a char with an "O" robe and a cracked staff?


It is our job to cheat and it is Sony's job to catch us.
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No, that's not what I'm saying. I didn't delete it or anything, but just thought what's the point? OK So I spend a shit load of hours every day on this game and get everything I could ever want. Now what did that accomplish, I've given Sony a ton of money and I've got absolutely nothing except for some pixels. I actually enjoy making hacks, but actually playing got way too boring for me.

I loved nodelay i wont say i didnt, but i agree with unknown i GKed everything i could lol but once i had everything i wanted, the question was out there, whats the point now?
Then you say. Ok. I caught up to the point where the game can be fun again on a well geared toon and can experience new content with a great guild. No need to cheat anymore. =)
My guild confronted me about a couple of pieces of gear I had gotten that wasn't listed as being bought with dkp during regular raids... sucks, but what you gonna do. I was more or less caught red handed. Funny thing was, they asked me if what I did ever conflicted with our raiding and I was like "well... umm... not exactly... because I figured out how to completely avoid lockouts." <---- aka not the best answer to your GL.

I hid what I had done for quite a long time before someone got lucky and outted me. I hadn't used the plugin in almost 2 months when things went south. Meh, I know I should have been more careful with the gear, but no one was going to question the things I had because I was in a top-tier raiding guild.

Would I use ND again? Yes. It let me do things in a fraction of the time I normally would have had to sink into this game. Not only that, I don't care who you are, figuring out how to ND certain scripts via different macros was seriously fun for me... it was challenging on a level equal to raiding, but simply different because it was a personal challenge rather than me just standing there while a guild leader or officer made up a strat.

Honestly, it made the game fun for me again to not have to concern myself with the next 10hp upgrade... I'd use it again in a heartbeat probably.
Will we ever See /Nodelay?

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