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IRL - What is the general progression on live for a 6 box? (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 13, 2017
I had a lot of fun with Kiss Assist a couple years back on the Test server and I'd like to return to it, however EQ live is so complex with so many expansions it's hard to understand a path to success. From levels 1 to 115 (is that max?) what zones / what gear should I be aiming for? I remember using instances for gear and exp in Veil of Alaris into my 90s... but maybe that's not the best strategy anymore, no idea. Thanks in advance
Hi Rencall, I would suggest picking a server with a guild that has other returning players And isn't against boxing. Then do you have any resources to work with (i.e. any higher level toons)? Are you wanting to play the group from 1 to 115? Or, add into characters you have to make a 6 box?... I'm asking because the path will be different.

From the short time that I have been doing this: If you have a trinity (tank, heal, CC) then add in what you like, your 6 box will be strong enough. I'm sure others will comment, too (in case my way isn't the best). If you are playing all the way up. Hit as many achievements as you can along the way. When you get to Seed of Destruction (and beyond) you can hit the Mercanry and Partisan quest lines (in Achievements). Once you get to Underfoot those Merc and Part Quests put you in a good place to get General Achievements done - and those give you things that are useful, fun, and make you a badass. Keep an eye on your Achievement Rewards from then going forward and you can tailor what you do and where you go around the best rewards.

Past that hit content, you liked from before. If you didn't like some content go look and try the new stuff.

I don't think there is a wrong way to do it... because only a fraction of the game is under level 115 (based on AA's gained by 115 compared to maxing your AAs). Plus, back to the guild suggestion... if they raid (even once in a while) you can build up better gear once you reach 115. That makes the content easier and you can always go back and finish/do/redo lower-level content too.
I can only speak as someone who couldn’t care less about maxing levels/AAs ASAP.

1. Follow the hero’s Journey quest line. Easily take you into the 80s
2. Join an established guild that lets you box. Their bank should be able to supply you with defiant gear as you level. Just replace it as you loot it.
3. enjoy your time. At 70 I broke from HJ and 6 boxed epic 1.0 for all 6 toons. Because why not?
4. Anything past 75 I’m clueless atm. I’ll get there in a few months but I think my plan is old man Mackenzie for rez stick for the shaman I am eventually going to make.

have fun and welcome back!
I like live. I would recommend if you do not have any toons on a live server to 85 heroic boost 1 toon and preferably one that you can use to PL lobies up to 85 with. Once thats done I like to live in Frontier mountains in the EoK expansion and I stay there till 110. After that I move to ToV and stay there until I get to 115. Once i get to max level I start to go after the decent gear in CoV Missions T2 zones or the dragons in the caves of western wastes have a great restless ore drop rate and those are used to make trade skill gear which is better then the T2 gear. In a weeks time on my 6box team I have all toons geared up fully. Thats that fastest way to get to max level and gear. You could however make a full team at level 1 and do it the old school way which is rewarding in its own right and if you do that then I suggest following the heros journey line.
I like live. I would recommend if you do not have any toons on a live server to 85 heroic boost 1 toon and preferably one that you can use to PL lobies up to 85 with. Once thats done I like to live in Frontier mountains in the EoK expansion and I stay there till 110. After that I move to ToV and stay there until I get to 115. Once i get to max level I start to go after the decent gear in CoV Missions T2 zones or the dragons in the caves of western wastes have a great restless ore drop rate and those are used to make trade skill gear which is better then the T2 gear. In a weeks time on my 6box team I have all toons geared up fully. Thats that fastest way to get to max level and gear. You could however make a full team at level 1 and do it the old school way which is rewarding in its own right and if you do that then I suggest following the heros journey line.
You're taking a group of 85s to FM ? Or are you doing that with higher too s. The way it's written says get group to 85 then go FM. I'd say Gribble's for xp and gear etc(and I know rogues need discs) then FM at the right level
You're taking a group of 85s to FM ? Or are you doing that with higher too s. The way it's written says get group to 85 then go FM. I'd say Gribble's for xp and gear etc(and I know rogues need discs) then FM at the right level
yeah I am talking about having a higher level toon assisting it has been a long time since ive not had a high level toon to help me so im kinda on auto pilot on that. I am also a fan of friends dont let friends do gribbles. I would ammend my statement to this get a toon to 85 either by hand or heroiced and ask a guildie to join them and get one toon leveled up to at least 110 then PL your team. I can PL an 85 in FM to 100+ in about 10 hours with no potions. So a day or two of grouping with a guidie or anyone really and you should be high enough level to start PLing your own toons.
How would YOU like to play? take your time and level? the Hero Journey is the king, do the task from the dude in POK near the GL door.

Want to rush to higher levels? there are key areas that give exp bonus's for every 5 level range, going to those zones and grinding quests/kills in them will level you up fast. once you hit 85 do most of the missions in the new feerott and HOT zones. doing Gribbles atleast once a day for currency for your 100 gear. at 100 move into EoK and start grinding in FM till 106ish then hit Sathirs Tomb, or Gorowyn till 110, move into TOV. once at 110 would be worth it to go back to TBL+ and do merc and partisan tasks
How would YOU like to play? take your time and level? the Hero Journey is the king, do the task from the dude in POK near the GL door.

Want to rush to higher levels? there are key areas that give exp bonus's for every 5 level range, going to those zones and grinding quests/kills in them will level you up fast. once you hit 85 do most of the missions in the new feerott and HOT zones. doing Gribbles atleast once a day for currency for your 100 gear. at 100 move into EoK and start grinding in FM till 106ish then hit Sathirs Tomb, or Gorowyn till 110, move into TOV. once at 110 would be worth it to go back to TBL+ and do merc and partisan tasks
Forgive my ignorance....what is a gribble? lol
That's easy. Forget heroic toons and just go buy some ToV geared level 110 toons off of ectunnel and go from there :) You could take them to do some lower content like frontier mountains while you get used to them and get some aa's. You'll be ready to go in no time.
IRL - What is the general progression on live for a 6 box?

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