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Ventrilo (1 Viewer)


New member
Jan 23, 2007
Just as a thought, it was mentioned earlier as a possibility in another post, if I were to host a vent server for members of this forum, where anyone could chat about whatever, would anyone be interested in that?
Not to shoot this option down at all. Yesterday almost 700 members visited this site and it wasn't even patch day. Ventrilo server bandwith is rather costly as you start upping the amount of users at the same time and the costs could skyrocket as more and more members decide to use it, and furthermore when friends of members start trickling in. I would definately log in if it were available though.
How about yahoo voice. thats what i use. this way you all can talk at the same time. now 700 peeps all talking at once would get a little um...hard

My guild tried teamspeak for a few months, it was for people who wanted to talk during raids, it was not allowed in ventrilo. I really liked the very low lag and bandwidth and the price was very right, free. Unlimited channels etc. The codec was a lower quality, 8-bit i think but I never saw the need for analog quality voice for game chatting anyway especially when a half dozen people chatting nonstop on vent can sometimes make me LD while zoning in EQ.

I do like teamspeak's ability to send links too. like if someone was looking for a post or a macro help and you were helping em out you'd send a hypertext link either publicly or privately.
I can host either of them, I will be doing it personally on my own internet connection until I found a need to do otherwise. My internet connection is pretty damn good.

Should I do ventrilo or teamspeak? Teamspeak seems to be less bandwidth usage so if people dont mind using that I can do that.
As much as I love the idea, there have been several people hosting a redguides Ventrilo (And I think someone tried teamspeak too) server in the past, and all of them died within a month. There are hardly any people in IRC, I seriously doubt there would ever be more than 15 people in Vent at one time.

If you'd like to try again, best of luck, but don't expect anything.
I've got a webserver in Dallas I would host one on but wouldn't be able to use because I also host my guilds teamspeak and it's pretty much expected by now that I'm in there, plus I like talking with my guildies during raids and grouping.

It's a linux server and has an uptime of 200+ days with no service interuption and it wouldn't cost me a dime more to put it up, but I couldn't admin over it.

If peeps want to use that server you can do so.

Server address:
No password on server

Cirean PM me with login / pw you want I'll make you Server admin.

thanks Ccomp, im in there now, I think the biggest problem with having a server like this is if information is only available in the forums as the post gets old people lose the info, is there any chance we could get a locked/stickied post with just the server info in it?

Just titled Redguides Teamspeak Server Info
or something like that?

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