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Turk called it! Read and be warned. (1 Viewer)

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New member
Nov 15, 2005
Turk warned us, and shortly after bannings started occuring. My guild mates did not use afk macros but they did warp and zone on occasion. Many of them, and I mean over 10 were banned yesterday alone. I can only assume many more are to come. If you value your accounts read Turks words of advice on using active hacks at the moment.
And as a retort to anything that anyone might say about me not including active hacks at this time. Just a few things to you:
1. I have information that not all are privy to.
2. Because of #1, the subscribers of the RedGuides community are who I support and I consider RedGuides my home and you guys part of my EQ1/MQ2 family. I'm not going to hand you something that I know will get you banned from just using it once or twice.
3. With the above said, I've stated that when the time comes and I know that there are changes and modifications made to these plugins so that they are safer for you, then I will be happy to provide them to you. But, with #1 and #2 in mind, please note that instant gratification is going to kill your EQ Accounts and all the years you used it with. They have new methods of detection and are continuing to implement MORE methods of detection that I am not at leisure to disclose nor will I disclose to anyone but the correct people. This attack on the CharInfo was just the beginning and its not as nasty as its going to get. Please, if anything, heed my warning as I've called SSeru and many other things before mass bannings occured and I think you'll see that the information that I provided was accurate and things did happen after that.


*This post is not a scare tactic by any stretch of the imagination. I just wanted to help warn you guys that things are happening at the moment with bans and suspensions. For those that pm'd me, the bans happened on 9/26.
Just some info for those that use RG. These threads are worth reading. Shows how much incorrect information is out there. Play smart is the only rule here. Use active hacks? Do so with caution, they have always been dangerous. Always. Nothing new here.

Using the search tool: warp detection



This thread (about halfway down) has the most accurate description of what's going on/happened during the last year:


I dont understand why people get so defensive, he's doing a service to this community...other people can precompile, true...when I first started coming here, there were 4-5 people doing it, now...there's turk. He says he won't include a warp, fine no biggie its available everywhere, he gives reasons why not to use it, cool, I value my account ill take his word and let others get banned until they KNOW what is going on. Nothing he has done or said deserves flaming or mocking.
Believe the guy who says he has information, so take it or leave it....or the guy who is trying to prove himself to the death? Hmmm
yeah i mean he came and siad dont do it, it may get you banned because of info I have...Nothing else about it until he started getting flamed....and lately by guys from other sites....I'm gonna go with turk.
I've been searching the forums for the rules; But to no avail find them.

Anyways, My point of this post is, "Take it as you wish".

He, COULD have information we all don't have... or he DOESN'T have information we all don't have.

Take what he says as you wish. Stop flaming him.

If you do not believe him, fine, keep doing what you're doing and don't post.
If you do believe him, fine, you MAY be saving yourself from a ban.
The message is simple....if you don't like what Turk said leave. Turk is looking out for everyone's best interest and that is all. Why flame the guy that allows all of us to do what we enjoy. I don't see anyone else stepping up to the plate to provide us the tools that we so desire to make this game more enjoyable. Turk keep up the good work and thanks for looking out for us.
I look at it this way if you're going to hack expect to get caught at one point or another. If you get your account back you were lucky. If you warp and zone and such at one point you'll get caught.
Just a little note. My friends and gulidmates toons that were banned have been using macroquest for a very long time now and have never been hit with the ban stick. They havent changed their usage of it lately and were now hit. Thats the reason for the warning.
Just because all has been well for you so far, does not mean it will or can not happen in the future. What was considered safe before may not be as safe now. No, the sky is not falling. Just be carefull. Was just letting you know that some bans are happening at the moment and its not just from dumb new users of MQ, thats all. Do what you like with the information.
Thank you turk for all your precompiles and info. Sorry this post caused you any grief. It was just meant to thank you for your warnings and info.
I want to do a lemming dance. None of you except Devlin came close to understanding what I'm saying. Oh well.

Listen to Turk, behind the veil, there is truth, just don't blindly follow his advice. His statements are only partially true. Did I ever say otherwise? No. And that's no flame.

Listen to the people that make the software you are using. Listen to the programmers, not the compilers. And I mean the real programmers. The one's creating new content and updating more than just offsets. Those are the guys that know what's truly going on. Odessa, JCasper, those are the guys who get MQ2 working before the devs do.

And then make up your own minds.

think hes just pissed because he cant get warp hehe =)

That's funny. =) Thanks I needed that. rofl
I know who cobalt is, i have seen the shit he can do, I also know i prolly havent seen half of what he has done. Doesn't give him the right to come here and flame the ONLY guy doing precompiles.
That we are subject to being banned for warping is not news. That they have been tightening their net on warpers is not news.

However, if someone, like Turk, who has a lot more knowledge about how MQ and EQ work, both together and stand alone, says he has info that points to an even tighter security, then I for one will take heed.

He gains nothing by posting the compiled hacks. And he gains even less by not posting them. All he gets in return is flames for stating what to many is the obvious, with a twist: he has some additional info he is not at liberty to make public. That is his right.

He doesn't need Cobalt to get the hacks. Cobalt doesn't need Turk to get them. You have 2 compiles out there. One with, one without. The choice is yours. Take what you will from either or both at your own discretion.

I for one appreciate someone going out on a limb and thinking about the consequences of what he puts out under his name.
Turk called it! Read and be warned.
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