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Games - So yea... darkfall? (1 Viewer)

Duno why, but it looks horrible.. it might be the movement of characters, might be the 2003 graphic.. :|
It is ugly and the videos they are putting out give the impression that a good portion of them are just shit scripted using the gameplay engine rather than actual players playing the game. I still signed up for the beta. I still want it to come out.

Of course chances are it will just be the second coming of Shadowbane. It will have all the promise PvP geeks jerk themselves off to on a regular basis... Yet the game play will suck so bad, it will look so bad, it will run so bad, that no one will play it based solely on general suckitude and it will do exactly what ShadowBane did for PvP games. It will make sure no developer worth a good goddamn will touch a PvP game with a 10 foot pole because look at how bad Shadowbane and Darkfall did. It must mean no one wants to play a PvP game right? Not that people don't want to play games that just suck period?
Based on what I have seen, a game cannot be called bad or good until its been out for a year.

Who cares about the graphics, its the gameplay that matters.

Its the company, and how much they care about their product that matters.
The graphics are semi-unimportant insofar as the game doesn't look like shadowbane. The actual functionality of those graphics is the important part. If like shadowbane it looks AND runs like complete shit that is a problem.

If this game is stable and looks about the same as it does in the videos with the majority of the promised functionality in working order it will be good fun. I just think that is unlikely.
Games - So yea... darkfall?

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