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Problem - ResetDevice failed! (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2016
ive been getting this error ever since I updated the client and MQ to the most recent patch. Anybody else having this issue?


That box generally means one of the toons has crashed. Ive had a few times where there were more than 1 at the same time. Is it an EQ / MQ thing or possibly a driver thing?
TLDR: Not MQ related.

This is a common EQ and Windows bug. It has been a thing for many many many years. It is less in Win11 (that i have seen), but anything getting a I/O change can causes EQ to poop itself. No promises, no "this will always do it", it happens. There is a bug report on the EQ forums from.. 2013? but its been happening before even then.
ive been getting this error ever since I updated the client and MQ to the most recent patch. Anybody else having this issue?

View attachment 50551

That box generally means one of the toons has crashed. Ive had a few times where there were more than 1 at the same time. Is it an EQ / MQ thing or possibly a driver thing?
are you having any devices go to sleep? or things like usb headset getting unplugged?
or playing another game that goes full screen and changes your resolution? I get this if I have a windowed toon logged in and try to open a game that takes over full screen. EQ does not play nicely with resolution changes
Hmmm....Monitors will go to sleep after an hour, but this last time it happened the monitor didnt go to sleep just the screen saver kicked. Nothing getting unplugged or what not.

or playing another game that goes full screen and changes your resolution? I get this if I have a windowed toon logged in and try to open a game that takes over full screen. EQ does not play nicely with resolution changes
Just a few minutes, my toons are in guild lobby, and I went and took a shower. Came back the screen saver was on, and I went to look at my main, and I had that box. His EQ instance was still open, but once you click the OK on that windows it will close. The toon was still showing logged in as well until I hit the ok button. he would then be kicked when I tried to log back in.

Updated video driver and rebooted. Gonna leave my guys in guild hall over night and see if any crash
I would bet redcents it's your screen saver if it crashed right after it turned on. Try turning that off and see if it still happens, or manually trigger it and see if it crashes your game.
ive been getting this error ever since I updated the client and MQ to the most recent patch. Anybody else having this issue?

View attachment 50551

That box generally means one of the toons has crashed. Ive had a few times where there were more than 1 at the same time. Is it an EQ / MQ thing or possibly a driver thing?
I've had the same issue happen intermittently. No idea what causes it. Sometimes it's with 1 toon and sometimes it's with all of them.
TLDR: Not MQ related.

This is a common EQ and Windows bug. It has been a thing for many many many years. It is less in Win11 (that i have seen), but anything getting a I/O change can causes EQ to poop itself. No promises, no "this will always do it", it happens. There is a bug report on the EQ forums from.. 2013? but its been happening before even then.
TLDR: Not MQ related.

This is a common EQ and Windows bug. It has been a thing for many many many years. It is less in Win11 (that i have seen), but anything getting a I/O change can causes EQ to poop itself. No promises, no "this will always do it", it happens. There is a bug report on the EQ forums from.. 2013? but its been happening before even then.
yep. almost always a device going to sleep, or getting unplugged / power savings etc.

I would also double check you don't have anything in your Compat Layers (registry) for shits - some searching shows several years ago there were some issues with that.

Check these locations in your registry for anything eq/mq related and delete.
yep. almost always a device going to sleep, or getting unplugged / power savings etc.

I would also double check you don't have anything in your Compat Layers (registry) for shits - some searching shows several years ago there were some issues with that.

Check these locations in your registry for anything eq/mq related and delete.
Yeah nothing MQ / EQ related in there. And literally as I was going to regedit, I had 2 boxes die on me with this error. First time since reboot. Grrr
I've only had this happen when I try to switch from Full Screen to Window Mode or I try running another game while EQ is running in the background.
As Durango stated this has been going on since early 2000's. Back then they would tell you to make sure Direct X and Video Card Drivers were updated. Now the error seems less frequent and I have not seen it popup on Win11.
I've only had this happen when I try to switch from Full Screen to Window Mode or I try running another game while EQ is running in the background.
As Durango stated this has been going on since early 2000's. Back then they would tell you to make sure Direct X and Video Card Drivers were updated. Now the error seems less frequent and I have not seen it popup on Win11.
I'm running windows 10 with them all windowed. I didn't have this problem until the small patch they had the other day.
Update your audio and video drivers. Make sure you don't have audio drivers fighting over output. Meaning disable all audio devices you do not use such as if you have main speakers, you want to disable say the monitor speakers if you have a video card with audio over HDMI connections.
Seems like there may be many causes of this problem. I had some recent experience with this error that appears to have gone away since I added some more RAM.
For context, this would happen periodically when I tried to run more than about 7 clients on 8G ram. Since updating to 32, I haven't seen it happen again (correlation or causation unknown;) )
ok not sure if this will help anyone , but I had a very similar issue never had this reset device failed before DB went and screwed something up with that patch they had back in july or august.. then i would get at least 1 to 2 of my EQ instances with that failure and crash sometimes would be all 5 instances but was just usually 2 or 3.. anyways was reading up here about what a few of you said .. about how EQ doesnt like having to resize the graphics and what not .. I used to use Isboxr and mq together cause i liked how i could set up the windows of my other toons so i could see them all .. well every time i would alt tab to different windows the game had to resize also my screen saver would come on when i would be afk and when i re-activated the pc it would have to resize also .. so what ive done these last 2 days is im not using isboxr just MQ and window mode one on top of the other so i cant see all my other toons only from the toon im driving from .. sense ive done that ive been able to alt-tab to the different windows , browsers , stream tv my screen saver has been on mulitple times and not one reset device failed error so far (knock on wood) i'm gonna try to re-incorporate isboxr some how maybe but use the windows like im using them in MQ window'd but 1 on top of the other so i can have access to the 12 button hot bar but IF i cant im not worried ive been figureing out how to make more macro's social hotkeys in EQ for MQ commands .

I also learned how to auto login all my accounts (which makes login in now a breeze) and I have 5 hot keys in game on my mains hotbar that I can log in 5 other accounts individually anytime i want .. just hit the hot button and viola soandso is automatically already loggin in and on way in game . :P

hope this helps ..

UPDATE:: just wanted to let ya all know its been over 10 days sense ive stopped using isboxr I am strictly and MQ player now I also do not use multiple desktops on windows 10 anymore.. I have not had any i repeat ANY reset device failed errors and no EQ instances have crashed due to the reset device crashed errors .

I used to run 3 other windows desktops had 1 desktop for my EQ instances and stuff another desktop for browsing and another one for streaming .. switching back and forth between them plus alt tabbing once on the EQ desktop using isboxr was causing a bunch of RDF errors (reset device failed) .. no longer

I still have a mult-monitor setup (my tv) and my screen saver does come on after about an hour but when i move my mouse to wake the screen its fine .. I told myself i would try isboxr in full windowed mode where each window is on top of the other , but I have not needed to do that .. so this was just a quick update that if your using isboxr or some type of display size change when switching between EQ instances that is most likely the cause of your reset device failed error .. like I said been almost 2 weeks now for me and not 1 error crash and thats with having 6 accounts online almost 24/7 alt-tabbing back and forth having screen saver come on and the waking it up , streaming tv on my other monitor(tv) and browsing webpages ..

hope this update is helpful to someone ..
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Problem - ResetDevice failed!

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