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Redquest read plz and those crashing (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Redquest, the problem with eq wasnt related to wineq or mq2, your compile was just fine.

The problem is eq changed some file in the UI and any custom ui will make crash eq, we just tough it was related to wineq and mq2 which isnt.

For those crashing, simply delete your custom ui from your eqfile and you will fall on the default one and you wont crash anymore and this using wineq or mq2.

You can also simply update your UI, dont ask me how i got totaly no clue.

So redquest sorry for the confusion about your compile, you can put it back available for everyone and add this info i gave under your compile, so poeple stop to think its related to your compile.

I hope i didnt kill a kitty ! if so i am sorry P

I couldnt load in with either wineq or mq2 earlier so i trashed mq2....., i went on soe board and saw in forum that they made some ui change, so i removed my default_old custom ui and retryed wineq and had no trouble.....

But since i trashed mq2 , i couldnt retest it coz i cant download it anymore , redquest took it off, so no test possible from me, but i fixed at least my problem with wineq 2.0 crashing me....

But it seem to be related to the UI so far, make sure to remove all the custom you have, so the game will load in default ( make sure default_old is removed )

can someone email me the mq2 version 10.0 at [email protected] plz, so i can do the test, and find what is wrong.

The first to email me it plz post you did so i dont get 1000 email with it .


WinEQ was most likely patched.

I just removed all my ini files and all my UI files and tried the RedQuest 10.0 MQ Pre-compile and it is a no go, still CTD right before Character Select is done loading. I can play fine without MQ2 loaded, and could before I deleted the above mentioned files.
Wineq wasnt patched coz i didnt remove the custom ui default_old from another comp and i just crashed using wineq.....so the UI seem to crash some, while some doesnt, might be depending of the UI used i would guess.

So pershap we face multiple problem at same time....
Hmm ok i just tested the 10.0 mq2 version, first i crashed whatever i loaded on eq, deleting the custom ui fixed my problem related to wineq 2.0 and the normal eq.

With the new mq2 10,0 i am like everyone else it seem , i crash.

So if you crash from having nothing loaded wineq2.0, mq2 etc... a lots seem to have that problem as i had, simply delete your custom UI or get them updated , this info is also now available on soe forum somewhere.

From this you should be able to also load wineq 2.0 without crash, i tested it on my 4 comp and fixed my 4 comp one after the others with retesting if eqplaynice was repatched, the UI seemed to affect my wineq 2.0, now its fixed in my case at least. I hope this can solve some problem poeple having.

Those crashing from loading mq2 10.0 , i am not able to find out what make us crash, it doesnt seem to be a plugin ... so someone more experienced than me on that stuff, test out what make us crash from using mq2 plz P

Hi I just downloaded the rdquest 10.1 file, after deleting my whole defualt UI file and re-downloading it mq2 works with plugins mostly but docracks dont work for me as yet, but i had no CTD this time.
Not much but this AM I downloaded the newest compile and I do run WinEq and loaded my custom Lodi UI logged as usual and was fine ran through about 5 zones to check .. used 2 accounts .. basically saying I ran as usual and did not crash with my old macroquest.ini loaded which is about 18 plugins don't have the list at work sorry .... I also copied all my .ini files over from 9.3 except docrack.

Warping is crashing you because it is being tracked currently, sony implemented some traps since the 4/20 patch. Might ALSO be crashing because you are using an old DLL.

This has been talked about for the last month though I'm hard up to find any obvious postings in the redquest (Where you probably got your compile) thread beyond Redquest saying he highly recommends against it right now.

In the Q/A forum would have given you an idea though.
Still crash when i try to use piggyzone. only use piggyzone and exactspeed so dont know if i crash with the rest

If you refuse to read, or pay attention, then this is the last time that I will answer a question from you. Dangerous plugins have been removed because the safeguards that we used to have no longer work.
Redquest read plz and those crashing

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