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Old School EQ Now on P1999 Needs help Compiling (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 15, 2011
My father used to Compile onto Redguides, he beta tested Everquest and continued to play until 2008. He told me about it, and I'm currently installing Windows 7 VS 2010.

Can I get a basic goal and suggested way to achieve it? I'd love to be creating scripts for EQ, because P1999 is nerfing the characters I play, and I'm almost tempted to call it quits. Before the nerf, I leveled a Druid to 29 in less than 5 days. Now my bard has been stuck on level 11 for 28 hours of gameplay. It's horrid.

Where should I begin? Can someone explain how to start making basic scripts? I have MQ2 up and running.

Much thanks,
Old School EQ Now on P1999 Needs help Compiling

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