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New To MQ2 and Using Macro"s (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 17, 2005
I'm sorry if I sound so stupid, but I have been using MQ2 for about 2 years., during that time I have never used downloaded Macro' or plugins but have only used the stuff that was included in the updated and new code compiles. The questuion is: How do you run the plugins, how do you run the macros and what is the procedure for installing them and where to install them.. Like I said, I'm sorry to sound this stupid, but all of this is new to me and I am very program dumb-ass when it comes to all this. Please someone explain in detail what we dumb-asses don't know how to do...I donate to MQ2 because I like your stuff and all the help I have gotten from several guys who actual care about this stuff.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Totenkomp :confused:
"/plugin mq2pluginname" will load the selected plugin....open the release folder, whatever is in there is the plugins that come with turks compile. To add macros, make a new text file, rename it..."macroname.mac" "macroname" being whatever macro it is...copy the macro to the file and save it. put it in the macros folder. "/mac macroname" will run it in game.
Well to be honest with ya Thez...I looked for about an hour trying to find how to do it, without having to ask and could not find it... If I didnt have to wade throught the erronious trash and flames that are posted maybe it would have been simple, but unfortunately it wasnt that simple... SOME of us really dont know this shit like yall, and Require others like Turk and soultaker to handle it and sometime baby sit us dumb-asses..
I'm normally easy with people trying to learn, but you can't have looked very hard if you missed the 5th post down in the "Guides" section, especially since it's titled "Read Me First (or: How to MQ)".
My appology Thez... I did not look far enough down the list to see the post, but as Turk said IT SHOULD BE STICKIED and in big ass red letters if it was possible....You explained everything I wanted to know... Again I truely appologize for the confusion.

New To MQ2 and Using Macro"s

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