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Question - New expansion launch plans (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2016
What are your plans for first things to do when a new expansion launches?

  • Do you rush to finish quests and missions?
  • Do you try to maximize plat gain by farming specific named or collections?
  • Are you going to immediately hop into personas if it's available at launch?
  • Do you hang back and wait for the initial rush to die down before you do anything?
I still have a lot of previous content left to do. I will continue to finish progressions and thus give time for everything to calm down a bit in the new expansion.
head there day after launch (holidays dont start till then), proceed to complete each zone has i go.. quests, hunters, collects etc.. finish in 6-7 days like ast couple of years.. proceed to then do the same with group 2-3-4 and then pretend im going to do 350ts and never even start, then start group 5 -6 -7 no doubt
Get to 125 and then finish older content I could not before. :b

15 saved Critical Success Research Overseer Quests, Lots of collections with one last click, ToL Merc and Partisans 90% complete etc.
Probably sit in a Grind for a week or so while patches happen, eventually get brave and venture to the new expansion just to walk around the zone in port area. Thats been the past..NoS made me braver to actually do things I never did previously.
I'm usually in no hurry to venture into buggy content. There's 2 sides to that though. Many of the mission achievements are bugged early and you can get them all by simply completing the mission. If you wait until they're fixed it can be painful to get them like Cut Off The Head in NOS.
I really don't know. On one hand, it seems like a good idea to wait and let things settle, make sure there's no bans, etc.
On the other hand, I've got a couple weeks off at christmas. I'm a 3rd shift worker, so up all night without a lot to do and EQ fills in nicely.
I've also got a number of max aa characters that I'd like to advance. I can't really raid to move forward, since there's not much going on at 3am on weekends :)

Whichever way I go, it'll be some very well thought out thing, not my usual knee jerk reaction I'm sure.
Only one of my 5 crews has completed merc/part for ToL. I am thinking that xp will be nice towards 125 without setting foot into the new xpac. I am the tortoise and I am in no rush. I do have a ton of collects to be used as well.
Might be awhile before I check it out.....abandoned my main team for now.
Went off into the dark end and started 48 raid group at level 60 to raid different eras....cleared VT the other night, was very fun!
I just go and check it out, so far the xp is not great, the personas are broken, other than that, I love the expansion thus far from the 2 zones I went to. I think iit's pretty interesting. The Inn reminds me of one of the inns in Lotro that I really enjoyed lol. Different than the usual, and good so far!
im usually a few expansions back with most of my accounts , My main is only one ive bought LS with so far .. so i'll prolly wait a week or 2 before i head in there with my main to get the T1 gear or do any progression , after that i focus on my other toons and hit up past expansions im behind on ..
I just go and check it out, so far the xp is not great, the personas are broken, other than that, I love the expansion thus far from the 2 zones I went to. I think iit's pretty interesting. The Inn reminds me of one of the inns in Lotro that I really enjoyed lol. Different than the usual, and good so far!
...do you play in first person view? Because in 3rd person, the inn is laggy with horrific camera angles, kinda like a shitty N64 game. It just seems so jarring from normal EQ design, like it was clearly created by someone who fancies the Sims instead of EQ. I know it's not realistic, but the inn should have been like 5x the size. At least then it would be pleasant to navigate.

Another gripe is that the inside isn't majestic at all...the grand main room has literally like a 7ft ceiling...it should have been a massive room with like 30ft ceilings, maybe a big ass tree growing in the atrium, artifacts on display, etc. Reminds of of a budget bar mitzvah venue. Honestly just a huge design failure.
I stay in old expansions and level and aa my group till max usually. I might sneak in with the rogues and explore the zones and scope out lonely camp spots. If all the zones are open and unlocked depending on the expansion I will take my group to the tier 2 or top zone and find a empty corner with lots of non quest mobs and no named and go to town while the player population is less. If zones are empty or low pop will try out some named and get some gear pieces here and there. Hardly do quests or kill in populated zones or first tier zones till expansion been out a bit and people have moved on to the higher zone levels. I figure I have a year so no hurry. In other words I avoid people at all costs. Not traditional way to go about it but it works for me. Once I decide to do quests or zones there are 100 write ups on how to do the missions and strats and I am usually max aa and level again or close so way easier for me to complete. I realise I could level way faster and gear faster if I did the quests and progression. I like going slow I am old. Once one grp maxed and geared I bring in the alts and redo till all the alts are maxed also. I usually start each expansion with the dps toons I hear are the best. Last year was mages this year probably rogues then mages then the zerks and monks and everything I have left.
What are your plans for first things to do when a new expansion launches?

  • Do you rush to finish quests and missions?
  • Do you try to maximize plat gain by farming specific named or collections?
  • Are you going to immediately hop into personas if it's available at launch?
  • Do you hang back and wait for the initial rush to die down before you do anything?
im going fishing,with a case of beer and gona sit back n watch everyone chasing thier tails
Question - New expansion launch plans

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