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Need Help with a very simple caster assist macro please =) (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 6, 2010
Hello all. I have been able to take some existing mac's and modify for healers and my monk but am having trouble with the easiest of them all, the nuker. I am looking to make a very simple macro that simply looks at the main tank, waits for the target to go lower and 80%, and then use two dots. Thats all, and then rinse and repeat. Can anyone assist please?

Thank you very much in advance!
This works for me. Just change the minimum HP to 80 and it will also not cast if the target is below 25. It has some other bells and whistles but I've used it for days on end. I take the parts in and out frequently. The DOT is currently remarked out but it is easy to change to your class.

Rich (BB code):
| ChantAssist.mac revised from MyChant by DragonFire 20-March-2008

| MyChant.mac    
| Last Updated: 17-May-2004 by Chill 
| A Simple chanter macro to: Tash, Slow, and Nuke single pulls, then check basic buff and boggle when agro. 
| Usage: /mac MyChant [Main Assist] [Nukes] 
|   [Main Assist] will default to the last tank used and stored in the ini file 
|   [Nukes] can be 0 for none, 1 for Insanity only, or 2 to chain Insanity and Dementing Visions 

#Include spellcast.inc 

#event MABuffs "#*#Buff me#*#"
#event Zoned "LOADING, PLEASE WAIT..."

Sub Main 
| counter variable 
/declare c int outer 
| hp percentage at which to stop nuking 
/declare MinHP int outer 25 
| Actual mana at which to stop nuking 
/declare NukeMana int outer 2000 
| Buff duration under which to recast them 
/declare BuffTime int outer 20
| Main Assist 
/declare MA string outer  
/declare IniFile String outer 
/declare Nukes int outer 2 

/varset IniFile "ChantAssist.ini" 

| INI setup variables 555
/if (${Defined[Param0]}) { 
  /ini "${IniFile}" Settings MA ${Param0} 
  /varset MA ${Param0} 
} else { 
  /varset MA ${Ini[${IniFile},Settings,MA,NOTFOUND]}      
  /if (${MA.Equal["NOTFOUND"]}) { 
  /echo You need to start the macro with /mac MyChant [Main Assist] and generate your .INI file. 
  } else { 
  /echo Assisting ${MA} 

/if (${Defined[Param1]}) { 
  /ini "${IniFile}" Settings Nukes ${Param1} 
  /varset Nukes ${Param1} 
} else { 
  /varset Nukes ${Ini[${IniFile},Settings,Nukes,2]}      

/if (!${Me.Pet.ID}) /call MakePet 
/echo Let's get us some ${MA}.


/call GMCheck 
   /if (!${Me.Mount.ID}) {
		/call cast "Giant White Drum" item 4s
/call cast "Learner's Aura Rk. II" gem10 4s
/delay 1s

/if (!${Me.Pet.ID}) /call MakePet 
/assist ${MA} 

|/delay 2s ${target.ID} 
/delay 2s

/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<100 && ${Target.PctHPs}>${MinHP}) { 
  /call TashSlow 
/delay 5s
|	/call cast "Smother Rk.II" 
  /call Nuke 
|  /echo Next please... 
} else { 
  /if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) /echo ${Target.Name} not yet engaged 
  /delay 2s (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<100) 
  /call CheckBuffs 

/goto :MainLoop 

Sub TashSlow 
	/echo Engaged ${Target.Name} at ${Target.PctHPs}% 
|  /call Enchant 
	/call Slow 
	/call Disempower
	/pet attack 
	/call cast "Mind Twist Rk. II" nodismount
|  /call Boggle 
|  /call Rune 


Sub MakePet 
	/echo Casting Yozan's Animation Rk.II. 
	/call cast "Yozan's Animation Rk. II" nodismount
	/delay 5s 
	/pet taunt off 

Sub Slow 
  /call cast "Desolate Deeds" nodismount
  /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]}) { 
    /echo Slowed ${Target.Name} at ${Target.PctHPs}% 
  } else /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_IMMUNESLOW"]}) { 
    /echo ${Target.Name} Immune to slow 
  } else /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESISTED"]}) { 
    /echo Misfired Slow spell on ${Target.Name}  
    /goto :slowmiss 
  } else {
    /echo check slow logic - Probably out of range
    /goto :slowmiss
    /return slowerror

Sub Disempower
  /call cast "Fragmented Consciousness Rk. II" nodismount
|  /echo ${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]}
  /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]}) { 
    /echo Disempowered ${Target.Name} at ${Target.PctHPs}% 
    /return SLOWED 
  } else /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_IMMUNESLOW"]}) { 
    /echo ${Target.Name} Immune to disempower 
    /return IMMUNE 
  } else /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESISTED"]}) { 
    /echo Misfired disempower spell on  ${Target.Name} 
    /goto :dismiss 
  } else {
    /echo check disempower logic - Probably out of range
    /goto :dismiss
    /return disempowererror
Sub Enchant
  /call cast "Visions of Kirathas Rk. II" nodismount
  /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]}) { 
    /echo Enchanted ${Target.Name} at ${Target.PctHPs}% 
    /return ENCHANTED 
  } else /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_IMMUNE"]}) { 
    /echo ${Target.Name} Immune to enchant 
    /return IMMUNE 
  } else /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESISTED"]}) { 
    /echo Resisted Enchanted spell on  ${Target.Name} 
    /goto :enchant 
  } else {
    /echo check disempower logic - Probably out of range
    /goto :enchant
    /return enchanterror
Sub Boggle 
    /echo Boggling ${Target.Name} at ${Target.PctHPs}% 
    /call cast "Boggle" 
	/echo Agro
    /return AGRO 

/return NOAGRO 

Sub Tash 
  /call cast "Echo of Tashan Rk. II" nodismount
  /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]}) { 
    /echo Tashed ${Target.Name} at ${Target.PctHPs}% 
    /return SLOWED 
  } else /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_IMMUNESLOW"]}) { 
    /echo ${Target.Name} Immune to tash
    /return IMMUNE 
  } else /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESISTED"]}) { 
    /echo Misfired tash spell on  ${Target.Name} 
    /goto :tashmiss 
  } else {
    /echo check tash logic - Probably out of range
    /goto :tashmiss
    /return tasherror


Sub Rune 

  /if (!${Me.Buff["Arcane Rune"].Duration}) /call cast "Arcane Rune" 


Sub Nuke 

  /echo Nuking ${Target.Name} at ${Target.PctHPs}% 
  /delay 15s ${Me.SpellReady["Polychaotic Assault Rk. II"]} 
|  /call Boggle 
  /if (${Me.SpellReady["Polychaotic Assault Rk. II"]} && ${Target.PctHPs} >= ${MinHP} && ${Me.CurrentMana} >= ${NukeMana} && ${Nukes} > 0) /call cast "Polychaotic Assault Rk. II" nodismount 
|  /call Boggle 
|  /if (${Me.SpellReady["Madness of Ikkibi"]} && ${Target.PctHPs} >= ${MinHP} && ${Me.CurrentMana} >= ${NukeMana} && ${Nukes} > 1) /call cast "Madness of Ikkibi" nodismount 
  /if (${Target.PctHPs} >= ${MinHP}) /goto :nuke 


Sub CheckBuffs 

|  /echo Checking Buffs... 
|  /if (${Me.Buff["Arcane Rune"].Duration} < ${BuffTime}) /call cast "Arcane Rune" 

  /if (${Me.Buff["Hastening of Erradien"].Duration} < ${BuffTime}) /call cast "Hastening of Erradien" nodismount 
  /if (${Me.Buff["Guard of Druzzil"].Duration} < ${BuffTime}) /call cast "Guard of Druzzil" nodismount 
  /if (${Me.Buff["Voice of Prescience Rk. II"].Duration} < ${BuffTime}) /call cast "Voice of Prescience Rk. II" 
|  /if (${Me.Buff["Legion of Xadrith Rk. II"].Duration} < ${BuffTime}) /call cast "Legion of Xadrith Rk. II"
/return TRUE 

Sub Event_MABuffs 

  /echo Buffs incoming... 

  /target PC ${MA}
 /call cast "Hastening of Erradien" nodismount 
 /call cast "Guard of Druzzil" nodismount 
 /call cast "Voice of Prescience Rk.II" 
| /call cast "Legion of Qandieal Rk. II"


Sub GMCheck 
   /if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) { 
      /echo Blasted GMs but ending macro... 

      /keypress forward 
      /keypress back 


sub event_Damage 
  /call Boggle 

Sub Event_Zoned
	/echo Zoned
	/delay 120s
Last edited:
Need Help with a very simple caster assist macro please =)

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