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How To Box (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 7, 2006
I have been playing with MQII for a few months now and have become "sort of" familiar with Macros and Plugins. My question is that I have not seen anything on "How To set up Boxing of Toons". What plugins do you use and how do you use them. For example, I have played with Autobot (Raiddruid) and have been playing with EQBC but what are the macros and commands that others have used to get these to talk to each other. how do you set it up? What works and what doesn't. Thanks in advance.
I typically like to run a macro for each toon. This way I can set them up the way I like and it doesnt rely on a toon calling commands like some us. The puller macro pulls mobs to the group and assists in killing it, the tank picks up agro and does the tanking thing, and the healer monitors group members health and heals them as needed.

It is pointless to post mine because they are custom made for my group with hardcoded delays that work for the place I am fighting and the gear level of the toons. Best thing about doing your own thing is noone else is doing it, so low risk vrs using a mass used macro that may be posted here or at other similar sites.

Your best bet is to either post up what you want to box and where and hope someone makes one for you, learn to do it yourself, or try to use/mod one of the settups you see here.
I personally used ModBot for all my Alts and played my SK. EQBC is a godsend for that setup. ModBot is very easy to setup imo. Just configure the INI file and you're set to go.
I myself love EQBC I usually take a macro someone has allready worked on (Alatyami's Healer mac is a wonderfull one for cleric) and modify it a little according toi the level of my toon and maybe to utilize Eqbc commands inside the macro. I use a 3 box setup (only have 3 accounts) one healer one tank and a rogue so i use the healer mac on one toon and the rogue helper on the rogue and run the tank with eqbc running on them so I can hit a hot key and give directions to the other toons as far as moving them around as a group or maybe sitting gateing assisting or whatever. EQBC is a good place to start and a real good program. I cant speak for the autobot set up but there are lots of good resources out there and EQBC is in every precomp I see out there it seems.
How To Box

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