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News - Hardcore Heritige has begun! (1 Viewer)

Aug 12, 2018
Hardcore Heritage started today - Wednesday June 3 for the first leg which includes Blackburrow, Cazic Thule, The Ruins of Old Guk and The Estate of Unrest. These are mostly level 80 ish zones and no collection drops. The glowing armor for those levels does drop.
I saw that, and have no idea what that is.
What are the best things that drop in this event?

The zones get repopulated with higher level mobs and phat lewt. Some of it is really nice for that level range (best group gear). There are also armour drops that are very decent- see the link below for more information.

Some of these are when 2nd part of hardcore starts:

Crushbone raid: Random chance to get the tank dodge aura or healing boost aura:

Old Seb: Mainly 105 lvl stuff, but can get a 40 slot bag (hard camp to claim) and some toy proc weapons or clicky items for certain classes.

Mistmore: Clicky bard lute that makes swarm pets, bard drum. Clicky chest for Warrior that buffs you to proc 500 dmg/stun for free aggro.

Chat's post of some other items.
Where are these HH zones? Meaning are they raid zones or do I just zone into the old world zone. 6 box 98-103
They are the same old zones they used to be only the mobs have been elevated to higher level. They have a staggered release so right now its in Blackburrow, Cazic Thule, The Ruins of Old Guk and State of Unrest. The other zones will happen in a week or so

So if you went to Blackburrow right now the gnolls would not be the normal gnolls but higher level. No raid needed ....yet. There are some that are raidable and those are listed in the info
Note that when HH seb starts it is 2 weeks not the 4 we had the previous 2 years and it is intentional (dev post on db forum)
Patch notes now say back to 4 weeks.
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How difficult is HH Seb? I'm 6 boxing 4 106 and 2 103, but super undergeared. Is the other set of HH zones relavent at all for that level range?
How difficult is HH Seb? I'm 6 boxing 4 106 and 2 103, but super undergeared. Is the other set of HH zones relavent at all for that level range?
HH Seb. Still 3 nice augs (prestige) that drop there. Visibles is equal to selrachs only non-prestige so f2p can wear. 105 required.
Others I do not bother with them as you outlevel the gear so quickly.
You should be fine, if you have a bard/enchanter it will be easy.
News - Hardcore Heritige has begun!

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