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Best MMORPG (1 Viewer)

Best mmorpg

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Everquest because its the only one that has been able to hold my attention. And it has done it for 7 years.

I can't play mmorpg games.. I think they're all completely boring and terrible. The only one that I like is EQ and I love EQ so definitely the best.
EQ1, it's the only one that has merit. Market is over saturated now and the only game that can keep me playing for more than a few hours is still EQ. MMORPG is long dead as an innovative genre. I used to be excited about new mmorpgs coming out now I couldn't care less.
Well you shouldn't really vote on your FAVORITE mmorpg if it's the only one you've played.. I'm sure 95% of the voters did that anyway though.

SandLOL said:

It's the only one I play.
EQ ... Why? Well .. I have been playing for many years and I still have not done what I set out to do .. in 1999 ... there is still that quest ... still that Item I want (even old worlds ... Sash from Guk for my level 10 monk) .. stiff from VT ... I am missing a few keys ... the list goes on and on ... no more comments ... EQ hands down
I chose world of warcraft.

Reason: Out of the games i have playd, eq1, diablo, diablo 2, wow.

world of warcraft is the easiest to play, it has some very awsome sceanery, i think it was cool to have books abou the game i could read, and see the places in game that the book mentions.

the ease of use in using mods, addons forthe game and the ability to re change the ui.

the fact they dont try to push out expansion after expansion, but rather work on a project and really take the time to make it the best it can be and before release time.

The people i run into and have the oppertuninty to get to know in game, and the ammount of people i find around the world through conversations with frieinds in real life that know others who are playing the game, its just down right cool in my book.

Also the pvp set up. Whether you are on a pvp server, or enjoy a non pvp themed server you can still enjoy the hunt... Bgs, Arena ( new) world pvp etc. its awsome,
F#$% WOW and warden. Too easy.

EQ1 because the content and the almost infinte things to do. You can play for years and still have plenty to do (Im still trying to get fully flagged for everything, and my gear still needs some tweaking) I played Wow for 6 months and was maxed for my level at the time. I need challenge. Oh and way too many 7 year olds
I would say EQ1 due to how long it kept my attention, but seeing the same stats for 7+ years bored me to death. You can only have +30 to all stats, +300hp/mana/end on so many slots before the game just ceases to feel rewarding. Fuck focus effects, that's what we call a bandaid that was never removed and has since turned gangrenous. Oh yeah, fuck the Time+ effects too, those are also what we like to call bandaids on a problem that's existed in EQ for ages; I will give them some merit on these though, since the implementation went through smoothly and helped fix the problems they were created for in the first place, but now as every item has 3+ of these effects, most with 10+ to them, it's pretty redundant.

I voted WoW. I've been playing since FnF Alpha, and it's only lost my attention a few short times, and only because of drama ingame and not the game itself.
only reason i ask is i am bored of wow and i have limited time. i want a mmo that i can play for a few hours a day and still have fun
What is the goal of any mmorpg to get the best and be the best. But thats just it in wow its just to easy. I played the game for like 4 months and at the time I was level 60 in full bloodfang. It was just to easy and not enuff content to keep me busy. Now eq1 on the other hand I have been playing for 5 years now and it keeps pulling me back. So many classes to play. Even tradeskills in wow vs eq are better. In wow its always no fail combines. In everquest you have to get to the trival skill just so an item wont fail. Does that stink yes but atleast its more fun. So yea I picked EQ1
I kinda find it sad that theres only 3 MMOs on the list....theres a quite a few others out there...

I quit WoW due to its lack of actual skill to play and more of a gear rush. someone in tier 2>tier 1.

Anyways, I play Guild Wars now. The storyline is more enjoyable, and my guildmates don't fight over gear because gear doesn't matter, its all the same. So...I vote 'Other' =/
What is the goal of any mmorpg to get the best and be the best. But thats just it in wow its just to easy. I played the game for like 4 months and at the time I was level 60 in full bloodfang.

Bloodfang is not. really.. that great.. for a rogue. Honest.
Ok i say EQ. Why you ask?
Well ill tell you why.

Everuqest (1 of course) has the best content that you play to get through you get to know and be apart of the story. For other games its more like reading the story more than it is playing a part in it. Also, You have so much to do so many quests so many classes and races more than any other game. There are thousands of items. EQ used to have the best PVP ever (till the faking nerf bats came out). But still EQ PVP is the funnest, you can set goals for any class that plays in PVP on Normal non PVP worlds. Such as not dieing until the other guy dies lol or runs. Have a team against a high end gamer try to beat him with it. All kindsa stuff there. It's so much fun so much activity and interaction with other people. WOW isnt so great, nore is RS though RS has more to do than WOW but not nearly as fun. I think there are certain things that could be taken out of all the major MMORPG's and used to make one super MMORPG that everyone would love because it pwned. But anyways. Everquest 1, You get mounts and pets and duel weilding, AA's critical hits (others get some of these to i know) and
better spells with more of them per class. So much scenery and great graphics such as sunset/rise and the seasons and so on. Also where else can you fight gods for Cryin out load. I rest my case for now.

Ferlan of KB AKA Speedkiller
I really like the feel and look of WoW. And the little things they add that relate to the real world, like the quest You, Robot (possible refering to the I, Robot film, staring Will Smith ) and some of the jokes Blood Elfs say .And that there are many different types of people that play it, which makes it very interesting.

And Running in Circles, what is that picture that you use for your sig off? :p
WOW, I choose you!

Simply because I love the elves in there and there will be so much more to come.
EQ all the way. simply because we are talking about MMORPG's. Massive multiplayer. the thing about wow when i played it was that i got level 60 in 10 days and never had to talk to anyone else. not real multiplayer if you ask me. i killed quite a few people course but i didnt really talk to them. as for gameplay in everquest, groups are a must for the most part. its going to take you a hellish long time to level and aa(minus hacking) to get to reasonable a reasonable point. then you'll need gear which will always be subpar unless you have alot of money or will group/raid for the items... which then takes more time. mmorpgs arent really ment to be played for just an hour or 2 a couple days a week. if thats what your looking for there are plenty of other games like final fantasy(non-online) and so on. you want a challenge and something that stays true to the name Massive Multiplayer Role Playing Game then eq takes it hands down.

now for pvp, eq pvp used to rock. not so much anymore sadly. there was a time when skill was required in pvp. when being a rogue halfling in highpass hold meant you could dodge the tall races by jumping through the bank window, then when they come around the corner you land a 100 dmg backstab. not an instant 7000 dmg backstab crit one hit kill. with wow, the pvp is face eachother, do whatever and someone dies. sure theres alittle bit of jumping around but basically current eq=wow in pvp.

i got many more reasons why eq>over all other "mmorpg's" but here are just a couple that stand out.
Yea in wow there is alot of jumping around and alot of 3 second kills. Thats not fun in my book. And you cant talk trash after either cause they dont understand you. EQ takes some time to kill someone. And skill is involved (not as much as before)

Ive seen countless videos of rogues on wow just destroying someone before they even know they are behind them. My friend plays WOW and is a rogue. He says its real easy to take someone down. Thats not even fun. All of a suden BAM your dead. I will say that the armor sets in wow do rock, but you cant even change the color to personalize them.
I vote for WoW.
1.Wish to have character to be as stronger as he can be.
2.Wish to get to most level,to get best equipment.
3.To test your skills at PvP.
4.To be part of some fellowship,guild,raid etc.
5.Nice questing system.
6.Lots of possibilites.
7.You can easy learn money as gold seller.

And to cut the crap,WoW is more popular. :D
Dark Ages of Camelot, before Trials of Atlantis ruined it, was the best one out there. Best Pvp still and rich content and graphics.
And to cut the crap,WoW is more popular.

popular doesnt mean good by any means lol. take for instance trends... beanie babies, being an emo, shopping at abercrombie and fitch, tamagachi's, and so on... hopefully these are self explained...

people dont like quality as much anymore. look at fastfood. you can pay the same for a meal at mcdonalds as you can at a chilis these days.
I've played almost every MMORPG and EQ is by far the best. It takes skill, it takes being part of a social structure to get far in the game and the mid-top end guild structure and raiding concepts are better than anything ever. Only in EQ will a guild use different strategies and add their own flair to strategies in such a way that there really needs to have a guild leader, EVE is the only other game I've seen where the combat command is important but damn that game is boring. WoW does have a few concepts that are intriguing, being able to solo everything is nice but I'm only 45 right now, I don't know how long that will last. I've recently left EQ for WoW because WoW is easier to log on, do a little bit for 10-30 minutes and then log off without regret. Try ever doing that in EQ as a Rogue...
EQ1. I enjoy MMORPG that require a mass multi-player team of people to do things. In WOW, I was able to level too quickly and independantly. I didn't need other people to group / gain XP, so I didn't form or join groups.

I did enjoy SWG, but they just kept ripping the foundation out of the game mechanics every 6 months, making the game impossible to adapt to or enjoy.

The crafting system / housing system in Ultima Online remains the best of any MMO I've seen. It's amazing to me that no game has been able to come close to it's simplicity and usefulness.

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