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Baby AFK Necro mac (1 Viewer)


old and salty
Sep 28, 2005
I recently started playing my necro again. So I made a few adjustments in this to help with my agro since my Bard has been tanking.

FeignAfterDots variable will make the necro FD after he casts his 2 dots and after snare. Seems to be working for what I need it to do.

I was looking for a straight forward afk necro assist mac for my lev 57 necro to help him AA with my 75 Monk tanking. All the macs I saw were for lv 75 necros with 500 aas or had 15 million variables and 3 ini files. I wanted a macro based on 8 spell gems that could be used by a level 20 or 85 necro.

I found an older necro mac that I liked the ideas in but the coding was a mess. Anytime I changed a spell it would stop working because a bunch of spells were hard coded into the marco all over the place and I couldn't make any sense of what to edit i.e. etc

if (!${Me.Buff[Wunshi's Focusing].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Talisman of Kragg].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Shadow Guard].ID}) {
/call cast ${Shielding} gem1

So far it casts 2 dots and a nuke and snares at % of mob health you assign. It will keep pet and buffs up also if you want it to.

I still have to recode the following routines and hopefully will have them soon.

sit/med routines
add support for spell gems 9 & 10

I am using a lot of code structures I like from macros by Crytsane, Alatyami and The thez i think. If i missed anyone I am sorry.

The original macro had no author in it. I rewriting it over the original parts so it is very much a work in progress. Remember I have written this so far for a 57 necro with 4 AAs lol and its my first Macro. Please feel free to comment on improving bad coding or suggestions for it.

Rich (BB code):
| BabyNecro.mac 1.0
| Target the tank when you run it
| Necro will cast 2 dots and 1 nuke at % in mobs health you assign
| Snares once the mob is under % health you assign
| Auto Taps if under % health you assign

#turbo 20
#include Spell_routines.inc

#Event Fallen "#*#${Me.CleanName} has fallen to the ground.#*#"
#Event Exp "#*#You gain#*#experience!#*#"
#Event Enrage "#*#has become ENRAGED.#*#"
#Event Dot1Off "Your ${DotSpell1} has worn off #*#."
#Event Dot2Off "Your ${DotSpell2} has worn off #*#."
#Event SnareOff "Your ${SnareSpell} spell has worn off #*#."
#Event WornOff "#1# fades."
#Event WornOff "Your #1# spell has worn off of #2#."
#Event Feign "#*#hits you for#*#"
#Event Feign "#*#kicks you for#*#"
#Event Feign "#*#bites you for#*#"
#Event Feign "#*#bashes you for#*#"
#Event Feign "#*#slashes you for#*#"
#Event Feign "#*#pierces you for#*#"
#Event Feign "#*#crushes you for#*#"

Sub Main
/declare DotSpellOn int outer 1
/declare Dot1MobHealth int outer 93
/declare Dot2MobHealth int outer 85
/declare DotSpell1 string outer Pyre of the Lifeless
/declare DotSpell2 string outer Venonscale Venom

/declare NukeSpellOn int outer 1
/declare NukeMobHealth int outer 40
/declare NukeMyMana int outer 40
/declare NukeSpell string outer Ruinous Venin Rk. II

/declare TapLifeOn int outer 1
/declare TapManaOn int outer 0
/declare TapMyHeath int outer 70
/declare TapSpellLife string outer Siphon Essence Rk. II
/declare TapSpellMana string outer Mind Wrack

/declare FeignOn int outer 1
/declare FeignAA int outer 1
/declare FeignSpell string outer Death Peace
/declare FeignMessages int outer 1
/declare FeignAfterDots int outer 1

/declare SnareOn int outer 1
/declare SnareAttempts int outer 2
/declare SnareSpell string outer Auroral Darkness
/declare SnareMobHealth int outer 70
/declare SnareMessages int outer 0

| Your Buffs to keep up! EDIT YOUR BUFF SPELLS HERE !
/declare MyBuffsOn int outer 1
/declare MyBuffLev string outer Dead Man Floating
/declare MyBuffRune string outer Shadowskin Rk. II
/declare MyBuffShield string outer Shield of Maelin
/declare MyBuffLich string outer Spectralside

/declare MyPetOn int outer 1
/declare MyPet string outer Relamar's Shade
/declare PetHasteOn int outer 1
/declare PetHaste string outer Sigil of the Aberrant Rk. II
/declare PetShrinkOn int outer 1
/declare MyPetShrink string outer Tiny Companion

| Variables you don't need to worry about.
/declare Target_Mob_Dead int outer  0
/declare Target_Mob string outer
/declare SitOn int outer 1
/declare Snared int outer 0
/declare Combat int outer 0
/declare Dotted1 int outer 0
/declare Dotted2 int outer 0
/declare Nuked int outer 0
/declare ManaTapped int outer 0
/declare SnareCounter int outer 1
/declare SpellGem9AA int outer 0
/declare M_Assist string outer
/declare Feigned int outer 0

/call ChecKAssist
/call MemSpells
/call CheckMyBuffs
/call CheckPetBuffs
/call GetTarget
/call Combat
/call MedTime
/goto :Main_Loop

|SUB: CheckAssist
Sub CheckAssisT
/if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[PC]} && ${Group.Member[${Target.CleanName}]} && ${Target.ID}!=${Me.ID}) {
/varset M_Assist ${Target.CleanName}
/echo Assist set to ${M_Assist}
/squelch /assist off
} else {
/echo Your target is NOT a player, make sure its a player character!

|SUB: MemSpells
Sub MemSpells
/echo Memming spells. Hang on.
/book 1
/if ( !${Me.Gem[${SnareSpell}]} ) {
/memspell 1 "${SnareSpell}"
/delay 30
/if ( !${Me.Gem[${DotSpell1}]} ) {
/memspell 2 "${DotSpell1}"
/delay 30
/if ( !${Me.Gem[${DotSpell2}]} ) {
/memspell 3 "${DotSpell2}"
/delay 30
/if ( !${Me.Gem[${TapSpellLife}]} ) {
/memspell 4 "${TapSpellLife}"
/delay 30
/if ( !${Me.Gem[${NukeSpell}]} ) {
/memspell 5 "${NukeSpell}"
/delay 30
/if ( !${Me.Gem[${FeignSpell}]} ) {
/memspell 6 "${FeignSpell}"
/delay 30
/if ( !${Me.Gem[${MyBuffLich}]} ) {
/memspell 7 "${MyBuffLich}"
/delay 30
/if ( !${Me.Gem[${TapSpellMana}]} ) {
/memspell 8 "${TapSpellMana}"
/delay 35
|/if ( !${Me.Gem[${PetHaste}]} ) {
|/memspell 9 "${PetHaste}"
|/delay 30
/if (${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open}) /cleanup
/echo Spells are memmed.

|SUB: CheckMyBuffs
Sub CheckMyBuffs
/if (${Combat}) /return
/if (${MyBuffsOn}) {
/Echo Checking my buffs real quick.
/if (!${Me.Buff[${MyBuffLich}].ID}) /call cast "${MyBuffLich}" gem7 5s
/if (!${Me.Buff[${MyBuffRune}].ID}) /call cast "${MyBuffRune}" gem7 5s
/if (!${Me.Buff[${MyBuffShield}].ID} && ${Spell[${MyBuffShield}].Stacks}) /call cast "${MyBuffShield}" gem7 5s
/if (!${Me.Buff[${MyBuffLev}].ID}) {
/target myself
/call cast "${MyBuffLev}" gem7 5s

|SUB: CheckPetBuffs
Sub CheckPetBuffs
/if (${Combat}) /return
/if (${MyPetOn}) {
/Echo Checking my pet's buffs real quick.
/if (!${Me.Pet.ID}) /call SummonPet
/if (!${Me.PetBuff[${PetHaste}]}) /call cast "${PetHaste}" gem8 5s

|SUB: GetTarget
Sub GetTarget
/assist ${M_Assist}
/if (!${Target.ID}) /return
/varset Target_Mob ${Target.ID}
/if (${Target.Name.Equal[${Me.Name}]}) {
/squelch /target clear
/goto :Acquire

/if (${Target.Name.Equal[${Me.Pet.Name}]}) {
/squelch /target clear
/goto :Acquire
/delay 1s

|SUB: Combat
Sub Combat
/if (${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Distance}<125 && ${Target.PctHPs}<98) {
/if (!${Combat}) {
/pet attack
/varset Combat 1
/varset Target_Mob ${Target.CleanName}
/echo Killing ${Target.CleanName}.
/if (!${Target.ID}) /return
/if (${Combat} && ${Target.CleanName.Equal[${Target_Mob}]}) {
/call AttackSpells
/call Snare
/goto :combat_loop

|SUB: Attack Spells
sub AttackSpells

/if (${Me.Speed} > 0) /goto :AmIRunning

/if (${Me.PctHPs}<${TapMyHeath} && ${Target.PctHPs}<95) { {
/call cast "${TapSpellLife}" gem4 3s
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_INTERRUPTED"]}) /goto :LifeTap
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESISTED"]}) /goto :LifeTap

/if (${DotSpellOn} && !${Dotted1} && ${Target.PctHPs}<${Dot1MobHealth}) {
/call cast "${DotSpell1}" gem2 4s
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_INTERRUPTED"]}) /goto :Dot1
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESISTED"]}) /goto :Dot1
/varset Dotted1 1

/if (${DotSpellOn} && !${Dotted2} && ${Target.PctHPs}>${Dot2MobHealth}) {
/call cast "${DotSpell2}" gem3 3s
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_INTERRUPTED"]}) /goto :Dot2
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESISTED"]}) /goto :Dot2
/varset Dotted2 1

/if (${NukeSpellOn} && !${Nuked} && ${Target.PctHPs}<${NukeMobHealth}) {
/call cast "${NukeSpell}" gem5 3s
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_INTERRUPTED"]}) /goto :Nuke
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESISTED"]}) /goto :Nuke
/varset Nuked 1

/if (${TapManaOn} && !${ManaTapped} && ${Target.PctHPs} > 40) {
/call cast "${TapSpellMana}" gem7 3s
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_INTERRUPTED"]}) /goto :ManaTap
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESISTED"]}) /varset ManaTapped 1
/varset ManaTapped 1

/if (${FeignAfterDots} && ${Dotted1} && ${Dotted2}) {
/Call Event_Feign


|SUB: Feign Death
sub Event_Feign
/if (${FeignOn} && !${Me.State.Equal["FEIGN"]}) {
/if (${FeignAA} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady["428"]}) {
/call Cast "Death Peace" alt
} else {
/if (${Me.SpellReady["${FeignSpell}"]}) {
/call cast "${FeignSpell}" gem6 5s
/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_INTERRUPTED"]}) /goto :FeignFailed
/if (!${Me.State.Equal["FEIGN"]}) /goto :FeignFailed
/varset Feigned 1
/doevents flush
/delay 8s

|SUB: Snare - Handles snaring
Sub Snare
/if (${Target.PctHPs}<=${SnareMobHealth} && ${SnareOn} && !${Snared} && ${Target.CleanName.Equal[${Target_Mob}]}) {
/call cast "${SnareSpell}" gem1

/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESISTED"]}) {
/if (${SnareMessages}) /g ${Target.CleanName} RESISTED SNARE! Trying again.
/varcalc SnareCounter ${SnareCounter}+1
/if (${SnareCounter} > ${SnareAttempts}) /varset Snared 1
/goto :snare_Loop

/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_INTERRUPTED"]}) /goto :snare_Loop

/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_IMMUNE"]}) {
/if (${SnareMessages}) /g ${Target.CleanName} IMMUNE to SNARE.
/varset Snared 1
/goto :QuitSnareLoop

/if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_SUCCESS"]}) {
/if (${SnareMessages}) /g ${Target.CleanName} has been SNARED!!
/varset Snared 1
/goto :QuitSnareLoop

} Else /goto :QuitSnareLoop

|SUB: Event Dot1Off
Sub Event_Dot1Off
/varset Dotted1 0

|SUB: Event Dot2Off
Sub Event_Dot2Off
/varset Dotted2 0

|SUB: Event SnareOff
Sub Event_SnareOff
/varset Snared 0

|SUB: Event Exp

Sub Event_Exp
/echo ${Target_Mob} dead.
/varset Combat 0
/varset Dotted1 0
/varset Dotted2 0
/varset Snared 0
/varset Nuked 0
/varset ManaTapped 0
/varset Feigned 0
/varset SnareCounter 1
/varset Feigned 0
/varset Target_Mob
/call CheckMyBuffs
/call CheckPetBuffs
/Assist ${M_Assist}
/call StandUp

Sub Event_Enrage
/pet back off

|SUB: Event Haste Pet - Listen for pet haste wearing off
Sub Event_HastePet
/call CheckPetBuffs

|SUB: MedTime
Sub MedTime
/if (${SitOn} && ${Me.PctMana}!=100 && !${Me.Casting.ID} && ${Me.Standing} && !${NearestSpawn[NPC].Distance}<=150 && !${Me.Moving}) {
|/if (${SitOn} && ${Me.PctMana}<=40 && !${Me.Casting.ID} && ${Me.Standing} && !${NearestSpawn[NPC].Distance}<=60 && !${Me.Moving}) {
|/g Medding a Sec
|/Echo Mana ${Me.PctMana}% Medding to 95%
/delay 10s
/echo Medding - Mana ${Me.PctMana}%
/if (${Me.PctMana} >=95) /goto :medloopend
/if (${NearestSpawn[NPC].Distance}<=150) /goto :medloopend
/if (${Combat}) /goto :medloopend
/goto :medloop

|SUB: SummonPet
Sub SummonPet
/if (${MyPetOn} && ${Spell[${MyPet}].Mana}<=${Me.CurrentMana}) {
/if (!${Me.Pet.ID}) /call cast "${MyPet}" gem7 5s
/call PetPark
/if (${PetShrink} && ${Spell[${PetShrink}].Mana}<=${Me.CurrentMana}) {
/call cast "${MyPetShrink}" gem7 5s

|SUB: PetPark
Sub PetPark
/pet taunt off
/pet follow
/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady["Pet Discipline"]}) /pet hold

|SUB: Event_WornOff Listens for your buffs fading
Sub Event_WornOff
/call CheckMyBuffs

|SUB: SitDown - Sit down if standing
Sub SitDown
/if (${SitOn} && !${Me.Sitting} && ${Me.PctHPs}>${TapMyHeath}) /sit

|SUB: StandUp - Stand up if sitting
Sub StandUp
/if ( ${Me.Sitting} ) /stand
Last edited:
thez said:
Because the boards are bugged.

What was wrong with my necro macro?

Actually the macro I found was not yours. It just happen to have the same name. I will change the name so they aren't confused. I just saw yours on MQ2 VIP boards. I like some the ideas in it. Will try it later it but looks a little much for my my 57 necro with 4 aas.

I was looking for something a little easier since my necro has 4 aas no curses etc. The macro I am writing is for duoing the necro with my monk as the main tank when i am playing..
I hadn't seen his until after I looked harder on mq2 forums and I had already started recoding this one. I am almost done with this one now so just going to finish it in order to learn more about macro scripting.
Baby AFK Necro mac

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