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Question - 2nd group? (1 Viewer)

Nov 11, 2020
Hey yall, So I want to get a second group rolling. The tank will be a warrior. What classes should I put with him. I want it to be a primarily Melee group please help
One of my guildies is a huge fan of melee and while he runs a SK as main, war, clr, brd, rog, bst, and zerk seems to work well for him. He always parses high and tears up content.
Since you are building around a War I would not recommend using a Shaman as healer and instead use a Cleric. If you were using a SK or Paladin then at higher levels a Shaman could do the trick. Warriors always need their hands held and rely on other classes for healing, unlike the SK and Pally. I would recommend a Bard instead of a Enchanter since they can provide more benefits to a melee group. Rogues are really really great DPS right now. Zerkers are another great option. My current Warrior group is War/Cleric/Bard/Rogue/Beast/Monk. I am really liking the Monk Masters Aura (10% chance to Riposte/Parry/Block) which seems to allow my War to continually Dual Wield and not have to use the Sword and Board. The Beast helps with endurance regen and pet is a off-tank.

Just have fun as the melee groups are really enjoyable.
Zerkers are getting brought back down to earth currently. While bards have alot of melee tools, and i agree with @wildwilewoods on the cleric, Ive also found ench arnt terrible even for a melee group (they have mez on lock, and they can throw so many runes your war will be bored). But many ways to make a cake, id say war + clr, and go from there with whatever you like.
My main crew is SK SHM BRD BST ZERK ZERK
IMO this is your main crew, then you want to make a 2nd crew which works well with it, but is not identical - start to mix it up so you get all your buff bases covered as you start your travels down into the rabbit hole that is box raiding


The key here is to look ahead at your end game. What will your raid be?
How many of each type do you need for alliances? Buffs? Utility?

It will be pretty boring if every group was a TNK/HEAL/CC/ADPS/MELEE/MELEE

Planning ahead is fun too -

Good Luck
i've been rolling with SK/CLR/ENC/BER/ROG/BST - I know I am missing out on the 2 rog or 2 zerk synergy thing, but I have been quite happy with this setup. I am using the chanter until more CWTN plugins are available in the future. I have not "needed" a BRD to be honest and I really like the cc abilities of the chanter. I am planning on rolling a 2nd group with WAR/CLR (or shm), BRD, BST, ROG, ROG to see how much farther I can get and how much faster. The main group got me to 110 no issues.
As a 2nd group, I was looking at Paladin (driver), enc, mage, wiz, cler, nec

Am I going to run into any issues? Should I swap Dru for anyone? My 1st group has a bard and I never had to worry about run speed, I'm assuming I can supplement with mounts with this group.
As a 2nd group, I was looking at Paladin (driver), enc, mage, wiz, cler, nec

Am I going to run into any issues? Should I swap Dru for anyone? My 1st group has a bard and I never had to worry about run speed, I'm assuming I can supplement with mounts with this group.
With pally driver, I'd suggest swapping to Shm for healer as you'll get those buffs. I run a very similar group pal shm bard nec mage wiz. I can tell you the nec mage wiz put out plenty of dps in all situations and with enc you'd have even stronger CC then I have with a bard. You could swap druid but they tend to be mana hogs when dpsing and they are the weakest priest when it comes to healing. Also paladin and shm together have a ton of healing potential for encounters that are AE dmg heavy.
With pally driver, I'd suggest swapping to Shm for healer as you'll get those buffs. I run a very similar group pal shm bard nec mage wiz. I can tell you the nec mage wiz put out plenty of dps in all situations and with enc you'd have even stronger CC then I have with a bard. You could swap druid but they tend to be mana hogs when dpsing and they are the weakest priest when it comes to healing. Also paladin and shm together have a ton of healing potential for encounters that are AE dmg heavy.

Thanks for the suggestion, I have Shm in first group. Wasn't going to play both groups at the same time, so thought I could have OOG shm for buffs for this group. Unless you think Cleric wouldn't really contribute much to this group, then I could just create a 2nd Shm.
As a 2nd group, I was looking at Paladin (driver), enc, mage, wiz, cler, nec

Am I going to run into any issues? Should I swap Dru for anyone? My 1st group has a bard and I never had to worry about run speed, I'm assuming I can supplement with mounts with this group.
Great 2nd group, but BST over WIZ IMHO. Then you have run speed, paragon, SHM buffs, another pet, etc.
Thanks for the suggestion, I have Shm in first group. Wasn't going to play both groups at the same time, so thought I could have OOG shm for buffs for this group. Unless you think Cleric wouldn't really contribute much to this group, then I could just create a 2nd Shm.
It's not that the cleric won't contribute to the group. In group content especially at end game, clerics are usually overkill for healing. I prefer sham over cleric for group content because they can also add 300k dps from dots, some adps for pets and melee classes from their aura and progressive ability all while healing. It's just a preference thing, either would be fine. I also tend to favor bards over enc for double invis and run speed but I also don't CC much with my group I tend to just pull groups and bard AE mezzes and I just tank whatever resists while we kill everything. As long as I don't get more than 12 things I usually have no issues, but that's with a raid geared pally tanking so everyone's mileage will vary depending on their own situation. If my tank wasn't as strong, I might lean more towards enc.
What does your first group consist of? Are you looking for just a different group play style, or to add utility for boxing two groups at once?
My 1st group is SK, Ranger, Bard, Shm, Zerk, Zerk. I don't plan to ever play both at the same time. I'm not trying to be a total farmer or anything, just want to experience all EQ has to offer from different play styles

Great 2nd group, but BST over WIZ IMHO. Then you have run speed, paragon, SHM buffs, another pet, etc.
I was debating BST as well, so I might do this.
It's not that the cleric won't contribute to the group. In group content especially at end game, clerics are usually overkill for healing. I prefer sham over cleric for group content because they can also add 300k dps from dots, some adps for pets and melee classes from their aura and progressive ability all while healing. It's just a preference thing, either would be fine. I also tend to favor bards over enc for double invis and run speed but I also don't CC much with my group I tend to just pull groups and bard AE mezzes and I just tank whatever resists while we kill everything. As long as I don't get more than 12 things I usually have no issues, but that's with a raid geared pally tanking so everyone's mileage will vary depending on their own situation. If my tank wasn't as strong, I might lean more towards enc.
I appreciate your insight and the explanation. This helps and makes sense. I freaking love my bard too.

My gear is going likely always be below average though.
Question - 2nd group?

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