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Combat Assist MQ2War 2536

- On demand WarCry
-- /War Warcry
- No more "UseAlliance" in the CWTN window
-- if dbg adds a warrior alliance, we'll add it back :p
- Corrected glyph issue if not using usefortitude
- CulmStand is now "StandDisc"
- if you are tanking and useglyph is on, you will now not pair glyph with StandDisc or with fort
- Will no longer use throat jab under 86
- we will now make sure to check current active disc before trying to use fort
- future proof progressive discready checks
Posted by: DoNotReply
- we will now make sure to check current active disc before trying to use fort
Posted by: DoNotReply
- NoS stuffs
Posted by: DoNotReply
- If you have useFort turned on, we will now use fort as the first defensive burn in addition to previous usage
-- previously it would only get used as a last "oh shit" if you didn't have anything else up
--- but that usually means you died and got brought back in while you didn't have other defensive burns available.
-- you can still turn off usefort if you don't want to use it
Posted by: DoNotReply
- Cleaned up some AA usage to ensure we have buff slots if it is going to give us a buff
-- this helps prevent a situation when in raid and you start spamming an AA to try fire it, but can't because your buffs are full
--- looking at you "shadow of buffslot taking"
- Rage of rallos zek now fires during burns for dps or for tanking
- War's sheol's now fires during burns for dps or for tanking
- Imperator's command now fires for dps or for tanking
Posted by: DoNotReply