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Combat Assist MQ2Ranger 2536

- We will now try and memorize our entire spellset at once instead of 1 and a time
- UseSow in the window
-- thought we had already published this, but no
- UseSow in the window
-- thought we had already published this, but no
- "paid" release goes live Today!
- Don't forget
-- The RG Launcher is unable to *delete* old files.
-- This means you will get an error box if you don't have a current plugin that matches the mq build
-- your options are:
--- a: purchase a license
--- b: delete the old .dll in your plugin folder, and/or
--- c: change your macroquest.ini to MQ2PluginName=0 under [Plugins]
Posted by: Sic
MQ2Ranger: |
- Corrected an issue with DoTManaMin and NukeManaMin not loading their saved values
Posted by: Sic
- "paid" release goes live Nov 15th, 2023
- Don't forget
-- The RG Launcher is unable to *delete* old files.
-- This means you will get an error box if you don't have a current plugin that matches the mq build
-- your options are:
--- a: purchase a license
--- b: delete the old .dll in your plugin folder, and/or
--- c: change your macroquest.ini to MQ2PluginName=0 under [Plugins]
- Target ourselves for self buffing
- sow defaulted to false
- did some cleanup to our memorize cure check
-- should no longer re-memorize battle itself
- Corrected issue where we would spam rotate autofire on and off if we were in pullerassist (and other) modes.
- Corrected issue that would make us not use abilities in pullerassist mode if useranged was on
- We now check stick again if you're greater than 30 from the mob.
-- some users were running into an issue where they may have ended up further than their stick 35 from the mob
--- and were not re-checking stick to ensure they're in range