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Combat Assist MQ2Eskay 2536

MQ2Eskay -
- Now checking we have a shield when we go to use Shield Flash or Deflection.
- Commented out PetOffensive, it wasn't used anyway. (pet explosion line)
- Added use Disarm toggle.
- Corrected an issue where the memorized spell "Voice of Thule" would cause issues.
- VoiceOfThule option now only does the AA again.
- Resist/Endure Cold/Disease lines now don't require you have a target before they try to cast if memorized.
-- It is still only being used on yourself. This is by design.
Uploaded an overview video for >> MQ2Eskay <<
Releasing a version for live so that more people can get a chance to try it in it's early stages. Again, this features the new mode "Tank" /shd mode tank or /shd mode 4.