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Combat Assist MQ2Eskay 2536

Very nice
The best.
This is what I was looking for the whole time.
This has completely changed my play, and helped me better understand my SK. Easy to use, fun and makes it much easier to just get in and play. Thanks!
Great plug in. For someone like me, who isn't great with .ini's, etc. It is out of the box, a better SK than your average player. Well worth $20 for a years worth of tanking.
I absolutely love this plug-in. My sk is freaking bonkers now . I'm having so much fun I made 3 more toons to play with him . Works great for pl or groups.
honestly, bummed I waited this long, I've played an SK so long, just felt like I don't need it, but it's so badass
Hi paigne, sorry to hear it took the community this long to convince you to try it out. In the future you can always try all the class plugins on the test server for free so you'll have a better idea if you'd like to use one of the plugins without waiting for so long!
This has made me an CWTN addict. Easy set up and outstanding customer service.
Just started using VV the last week, downloaded this plugin and it is very easy and simple to use.
Absurdly good. I've played SK since 2020, a lot o it raiding, and this tool strips out the cruft abilities and uses the important ones so well. Some stuff it obviously doesn't do (HA splitting, and I don't think swarming exists in a realistic way) but solid, powerful tool - I compared DPS with my playing alert, not tired doing my best - I could almost, not quite, match what the tool does. Thanks for writing these and sharing them - worth the cost for sure, and more!
Glad to hear you're enjoying it!
This pretty much realizes the maximum potential of the class at all times.
It's awesome.
My first CWTN buy and it is amazing. Works on install, easy to use UI, simple and quick!
Yep, it's me again. I fell down the CWTN rabbit hole and bought another CWTN plugin for my SK who pretty much sucked with the custom Kissassist profiles. With a couple of clicks, my SK is a total beast now! He tanks things I did not think were possible. I've also discovered a whole bunch of spells he is missing. I just wish CWTN didn't shame me everytime for not yet having my Epic completed ;) Seriously, if you are at all interested in running a box team with minimal fuss, THIS is the way.
I own every CWTN that ChatsWithThisName has put out and I have to say I have made more money since having them then ever before best stuff ever
Loving this.
great program doing things with sk i didnt think i could handle , so easy to use in game
Definitely recommend this. Super well done!
MQ2ESKAY made my Knight a beast, Farming content I never would have thought possible, more than happy with this purchase
Great program – everyone should get this!

Works out of the box and then allows for customization later, if wanted. It is helping me learn to play a SK while I level a 6 box. I have used the program for a few weeks and tried several of the modes. I’m having the most fun with Sic Mode. I’ve just barely scratched the surface of what can be done with this plugin.

The FAQs should be renamed “Read this Fool”, so fools like me will read it before they run into stuff they don’t understand. Lots of good info there.

@CWTN – your plugins have allowed me to play boxes with toons that I have never tried before. And they worked flawlessly from the first time I loaded the plugin. I’m spoiled now and want one for my Mage and Bard! The same goes for toons that I kinda know, but would rather put my brain power somewhere else.

My only request/suggestion is to consider compiling a big repository of how everything works and link it to each plugin of yours. Because, Sic’s videos are awesome and helpful. But, as I learn things / want to try things / have questions, I don’t want to watch them over and over to find an answer. Sic covered things that I don’t understand when first watching / using. Then weeks later I come back because I remember it being on the video, but I have to rewatch to find what I need, and as I understand more.
Patch not working have to Manually download
Sounds like you need to restart the launcher and hit refresh on the plugin tab. Downloads through the launcher have nothing to do with the plugin itself.