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Combat Assist MQ2Enchanter 2536

- Will no longer try and "Boon of the Garou" on XTarget when useXTargetBuffing is turned on.
-- This is the only spell in the line that does not allow out of group.
-- TY Searlas and eqplayer for the report.
- Will now do DPS in huntertank mode.
- Added missing CheckBuffsTimer.
- made the iMiscGemSlot for easier buff changing/editing.
- Added the Spell Guard lines of spells.
-- Also added options
- Added Missing useshieldoffate command.
- Updated showsettings.
- Updated listcommands.
- Updated missing spell from MeleeAuspice line.
- Updated missing spell from DotDSMitigation line.
- Will now single haste pets.
- Will no longer do auras in safe zones.
- Will now check stacking for Veil of Mindshadow.
- Added Tranquility to our GroupManaRegen.
- Corrected issue where you wouldn't do your combat dps in manual mode.
-- the manual/vs assist modes are more intended for when usemelee is on.
-- we *should* have been doing stuff in manual mode, and will now.
- The Eradicate Magic check will now skip buffs that are "No Dispell".
- Corrected issue where you could potentially try casting "Mana Replication" when you were trying to cast "Mana Replication Aura"
- Removed SwitchWithMa as casters are going to re-aquire target from the MA if they swapped to do something like a buff/mez/etc.
- UseEradicate option.
- Options output typo correction.
Added missing "Tranquility" from GroupManaRegen
- moved our "This is a pet, and their idle animation is 110..." to debug
-- thanks for the report, Drac, sorry for the spam.
- Added AutoMezImmune toggle.
-- Turning this off will no longer try and automatically add mobs to mez immune.
- Enchanter should no longer interrupt Tash spells/AAs when InterruptForMez and TashThenMez is both on.
- Fixed not remembering which aura's we had selected previously.
- Updated UseSanguineAt message to reflect it us used at a health value and not a mana value.
- UseTashAoE addition which uses Bite of Tashani AA.
-- This means you can toggle off single Tash and only use the AoE Tash AA if you like.
- UseSlowAoE addition which uses Envoloping Helix AA.
-- This means you can toggle off single Slow and only use the AoE Slow AA if you like.
- Spellgem adjustments.
-- If UseTash is off (the single target), we will memorize ChromaNuke in gem1.
- Fixed an Issue where you didn't have Slowing Helix AA, but were high enough level to need/want to memorize multiple of your Synergy line spells.
-- This fixes the Mindslash/Mindsunder swapping spam at 110 if you don't have your Slowing Helix AA.
- Added Constriction for when we don't have anything else and we're already using the chromanuke.
- Will pull with your Tash Spell.
- Will only turn off attack for our mez if we're actually going to cast our mez.
- Added option to use Shield Of Fate self buff line.
- You will now also get forcibly removed from your spell book in manual mode.
-- If you want to do stuff in your spell book be in byos mode, or pause the plugin.
- Added ChromaNuke usage (mainly important for lower lvl).
- Added option to broadcast mez.
-- autodetection of eqbc or dannet.
--- defaults to eqbc if both are loaded.
-- dannet uses dgtell all.
-- eqbc will use /bcg.
-- it is defaulted to off.
-- /enc broadcastmez.
- Slow logic adjustments.
- InterruptForMez toggle added. Will interrupt non-mez spells to cast a mez spell
- Fixed the crash with non-aa slow.
- Azure/Sanguine crystals now get used during combat.