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Combat Assist MQ2Bst 2536

- VelocityUnity is back for CombatSummon!
- Temporarily removed VelocityUnity from our CombatSummon
-- this *appears* to cause issues under certain circumstances that need further checking
- Will now check VelocityUnity during combatmem which prevents additional memorizations.
- fix spam memorization if usemending is on (new bug from 2/17/23)
- if you have usemending on and are not using alliance, you will put it in your gem13 slot if you have a 13th gem slot
- Made some adjustments to not check certain spells for rank stripping if you are silver/bronze/wood/dirt rank
-- this should help proof things like: Velocity Lines, Spirit of Siver, Symbiotic Alliance, etc which don't cast the correct spell if you drop rank
- added auspice of valia
Posted by: DoNotReply
- corrected spell names
Posted by: DoNotReply
- fixed combat mem issue
Posted by: DoNotReply
- NoS stuffs
Posted by: DoNotReply
- Will now check your bandolier sets for bandoswap viability when you add/delete bandolier sets.
- Corrected a combat memorization issue
Posted by: DoNotReply