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Latest reviews

Downloaded, and had a little hiccup due to my own user error. Got it sorted, works like a charm and makes TS life so much more convenient.
Fantastic update. Thanks for the break down. Had one or two items that I kept missing and this filled in the gaps.
I was totally surprised when they said they made this lua from a request. It works like charm.
Love it, and the group visibility status is so helpful
Thank you! Just what I was looking for
With 12/3/23 version from Discussion post, lava issue appears to be fixed. Able to run all group missions today without issue.
This one is my favourite. My Ranger has been collecting dust for years and now its fighting for top with my rogues dps. Honestly I don't know what I would do without these plugins. EQ used to seem like a hard game, now it feels like a an RTS on easymode.
Just note that if you are using a non plug-in class (Bard) you may need to drive it yourself. This LUA will run a class like that but if you try and run KA at the same time you might end up like I did and they conflict when the char needs to move for the notes.

Excellent resource.
I can't live without this one - you've spoiled me! And thank you for the spoil =)
OMFG! Amazing. Fantastic. LOVE this LUA. Thank you for putting in the work to make all of our lives a little bit better.
One of my top 5 LUAs. I can't live without Buttonmaster. Amazing. Thank you for building. This is a MUST-have for all boxers. Just try it. It's like crack...and you will not be able to box without it.
Love this makes Quality of life so much better!
Amazing. Ran it for the first time with 125 group, flawless. No deaths. No mummies. Got 1 cheeve. Just started LEM in LS, sat back and drank a beer while it did its thing, finished, and opened the chest. Boom. Whistle & Falcon (had finished Partisan already). I Highly Recommend! Nice job. Thanks for putting in the work creating this tool.
Works well, at least as much as I've used it.
Wow. Just.. wow.

KA has always been incredible, but this range of class plugins is next level. The plugin adjusts to the level of your character and just goes bananas, and the menu options are so easy to use and understand.

I highly recommend MQ2 Necro, and all the other MQ2 class plugins - they are out of CONTROL!

Thanks Chat and Sic for such an amazing product!
Pretty much everything I needed including partial searches (eg: /dgga /status item memory)
This is perhaps a bit dated in that it required standing very close to the door and having the key in a main inventory slot (and not just any inventory slot, I had to move it around until it worked, and no, I do not have any extra inventory slots from perks). But it did the job with no effort from me and I was very impressed to find an easy working automation for such an old but still tedious task. Thanks for keeping this working!
I cant get my chanter to mez???
howdy droopy - please make sure to post in the discussion thread for the plugin so folks can help you
(Response by: Sic)
Excellent. Got all 3 achievements on first run. Thanks I can finally upgrade my necklace!